The Prince

Love on the Rocks


Also this is a dream that Imani is having. The chaper is gonna be short, but it has a lot to do with the story. I promise 


The air around me was a hazy blueish-grey color.  I walked through it until it started to clear. The sky held the beautiful colors of a sunrise. The world begin to light up as the sun slowly got higher in the sky. A giant castle sat in the distance. I imagined that a beautiful princess or a handsome prince lived there. My curiosity got the best of me and I ran to it. The wind was against my back and it helped me go faster. The castle was getting bigger and bigger as I got closer. A moat of beautifully clear water stood between me and this castle. I dipped my hand in it and quickly pulled it out when a huge pair of eyes opened underwater.

They were a shocking violet color and they held my attention while the rest of the body emerged from the water. It was a mermaid. She smiled evilly at me, I took a step back and stared at her. She was terrifingly beautiful. She opened and screeched. It peirced my ears and made me grimace.

Suddenly many more mermaids surfaced. Each of them with eyes that were an unusual color. Silver, yellow, red, purple, and then the most interesting of all was orange. They were all beautiful and they made me feel as if I were the ugliest thing to grace the planet.

I heard a soft tapping sound that seemed to echo across everything that was around us. The mermaids all begin to squeal and flutter about. A window above us opened and a pale hand was the first thing we all saw. The girls begin to cheer and call for the person. 

A handsome man stuck his head out and smiled. I felt my heart sink when I saw that smile. Everyone here was just so beautiful.

He climbed out the window and sat on the ledge, still smiling that carefree smile. He looked at me and his smile disappeared and his mouth hung open as he stared at me. 

Was I really that ugly? I stood to walk away when I heard a soft voice telling me to stay. Suddenly the mermaids got quiet. 

"Stay with me maiden." he said before climbing down the ladder under his window. He walked across the small bridge that seperated us and stood infront of me. "What is your name?"

"Eun Mi," I replied softly. 

"I am Kim Kyong Jae, but call me Jae" he said before kissing my hand. "Please young maiden, stay with me, marry me! I shall make your life wonderful. You will never want again when you are with me." 

I stared at the face of this man who wanted me to marry him. His eyes were a deep brown color, so dark they were almost black.  

"Okay," I replied, his eyes warming me.

Hisses rose from the mermaids, they threw glares at me with their beautiful eyes. I stepped back and attempted to run away but Jae silenced them by raising his hand in the air. "This will be your new mistress. You are to repsect her." 

"But your highness, the king won't approve of her. She is not even our race! She is obviously a farmer girl. Look at how dark her skin is compared to us! She is also obviously a peaseant." the mermaid with orange eyes called out. 

"Then he won't find out." Jae said sternly. They all bowed softly before retreating back to the water. The mermaid who spoke out against me gave me one last glare before sliding into the water.

We crossed the bridge and he took me on a tour through his home. It was so lovely. He told me we were to be married in 2 days, giving us suffice time to get to know each other. He was a prince and had lived alone since her was 16, 4 years ago. His father wanted him to live alone so he could run the country without any distractions. 

Over the next two days, I found myself actually falling for him. But how, so quickly? 

The day of our wedding a few maids bathed, dressed, and prepared me for the ceremony. I followed them down the marble stairs to the hall where it was to take place. My heels clicked softly on the floor. My dress was a soft off white color with a corset top half and a full bottom. Layers of tulle russeled as I made my way down the aisle. I stopped in front of Jae and smiled. 

We spent the entire ceremony staring into each other's eyes, silent. Only speaking when required to. The next thing I knew I was running down the aisle with him as people threw dry rice and flowers. The sun has set by the time the party ended and we walked to our new room. 

"My queen, please remove your shoes." he said as he shrugged off his royal wedding atttire. I did as he asked and looked up to see him stading before me, shirtless. His muscles were well defined and I couldn't help but look appreciatively.

"Come to me," he said as he sat on the bed. I walked nervously to him. After tonight I would no longer be a young maiden, but a woman. I sat down next to him and played with my fingers."Are you nervous?" he asked before kissing my shoulder. 

I nodded, "Yes, I have heard from the women in my home land that it hurts. I am not ready for the pain." I said before feeling myself blush a bit. 

He stood up infront of me and the leaned down. He kissed me gently and cupped the back of my head. "I promise to be very gentle with you my Eun Mi." 

He kissed me again and pulled the string holding my dress up. He slid the dress gently down my body and let it pool on the floor. He then picked it up and laid it on the chair next to him and then continued to kiss me. Our kiss became very heated and soon enough we were lying on the bed, our bodies mashed together as we kissed. He rubbed my s and a feeling I had never experienced pulsed through my body. I moaned into the kiss and felt a fire in me that I had never felt before. After a few more minutes, we were both and had moved under the blanket. He pulled away from me and stared at me. 

"Are you ready?" he asked softly. I nodded and felt him gently push himself towards my body. He entered me and I grimaced a little. It didn't hurt, but it was a tad uncomfortable. I nodded and he moved a little farther. He pushed in a bit more and an uncomfortable pressure built up in my abdomen. The pain did not disappear as he moved but the feeling became a bit more pleasurable.

"Please move a little quicker," I said soflty. He did as I asked and started to move slowly, he got faster and I tried to match his pace. My back arched as he got faster and I found myself calling for him to go even faster. My body felt like a pressurized tube. It was an amazing feeling though I longed to release it. 

"Harder," I whispered in his ear and screamed out in pleasure when he took to me with a new strength. I pulled him down to kiss me when I felt the pressure in me release. I moaned in the kiss and felt him go a little faster when I did that. I clung to him as he released his own seed in me, filling me with a warm feeling that I had never felt before. He groaned and then kissed me. He pulled out of me and then guided my limp body onto his chest. We were both breathing deeply and that is how we fell asleep. 




A loud banging woke us up, Jae grabbed a rode and covered me before he went to get another one. He came back, and kissed me. "Stay here love."

I smiled and snuggled into the still warm bed. 

"Father." Jae said in a voice that made me sit up. 

"You are married?" his father asked cruelly.

"Yes, as of yesterday." 

"You disgrace! How dare you marry a peasant, let alone one who is not like us?" his father yelled.

"I saw her and fell in love! Just like you did with my mother!" Jae yelled out. 

"Your mother was noble," his father said. "You will divorce her." 

Jae was quiet for a moment, my heart fell. He would get rid of me that fast?

"No." He replied as my heart soared. "I love her and the marriage has been consummated. I will not leave her." 

"Then you will leave this palace. Eh? Her or being a prince? What do you want?"

"Her. We will leave within the hour." he said before a door slammed. He walked over to the bed and sat down with his face in his hands. 

"Jae, I'm so sorry." 

"No don't be, nothing is your fault. My father is just a cruel man. We can go to our vacation home. He never goes there and we can live happily." 


I woke up and looked around. Everyone on the plane was asleep. I looked over at Eli and smiled. He was in my dream. He stopped being a Prince to stay with the woman he loved, me. 

So what did that dream mean for us? 

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QueenOfKyaa #1
Chapter 17: Yay! They're married now. And you made Kibum and Dongho sound like such creepers. LOL.
QueenOfKyaa #2
Yuck! He didn't have to throw up, he could have just eaten something.
QueenOfKyaa #3
"My daughter's name won't be Ivory!"

Go on Eli, let sanity prevail!
ELI <3 <3 <3
unusual_dreamer #5
@queen Yeah, Christian's are supposed to have before they are married. And that was just him being worried that she wouldn't think of him the same after that.
QueenOfKyaa #6
No before marriage ay? I can't really relate to this chapter, I'm not a christian. And him practically bawling because he was afraid she wouldn't love since he's not a ...?
unusual_dreamer #7
Xander is next chapter.. Something about him and Kalea ... =]
QueenOfKyaa #8
Aw, so sweet! But more chuckles next time pls. ...and Xander moments?
QueenOfKyaa #9
"“I don’t like you.” I mumbled under my breath.<br />
<br />
“Yup, because you loooovveee me right?! Huh right?” he said, looking like an overexcited puppy.<br />
<br />
“Sure. I’ll let you believe that.”<br />
<br />
“babo goyang-i.” Eli mumbled.<br />
<br />
“Did you really just call me a dumb cat?”<br />
<br />
“Ooh look, over near the kitchen.” He said ignoring me."<br />
~lol, they're so weird together. XD
QueenOfKyaa #10
"“I’ll hold you! That will keep you warm.”" ~Aww, kyaa! So sweet..