Found Out

Love on the Rocks

Flashback is is dark blue and italicized


I was dating Eli... I Imani was dating Eli!

Then it hit me, I was dating Eli. Once his fans found out they would attempt to kill me. I turned to him to say something but he was leaning forward to talk with Xander about something. They were talking in Chinese so I just kinda sat there awkwardly.

Eli leaned back with a huge smile on his face and looked at me. "Why do you look so awkward?"

"Your fans." I mumbled. "They are gonna kill me." 

"Why?" he said, scooting closer to me. 

"Because we are dating?" I said in a matter of fact tone. 

"WHOA YOU TWO ARE DATING?!" Kevin yelled. "Guys, Imani and Eli are dating!"

Everyone started yelling at us all at once. Then manager yelled for silence. 

"Are you two dating?" 

"Yes, as of tonight." Eli said. 

"Don't let CEO find out," was all he said. I smiled. We had at l\east on supporter.

"B-but you two- oh forget it I should've known this way gonna happen." Xander said with a smile. "So I guess I should say congrats?" 

Everyone started bombarding us with questions. I simply buried my face in the blanket in my lap and ignored them. Someone, I'm guessing Eli pulled me into them and rubbed my back.

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Micha yelled. They all looked at her with shock. No one had heard her yell or get mad. I sat up and stared at Micha.

"Number 1 this is her first relationship. If anyone of you make it difficult for her I'll make your life miserable. Number 2 She's shy about stuff like this, don't yell stuff at her. She'll ignore you for a long time. Number 3 let them have a moment. all of you turn around!" she said. 

I made eye contact with her and smiled. She gave me a 'you owe me' look and then smiled.

"So you two are dating? Didja kiss yet?" Kevin asked. 

I groaned and put my face back in the blanket. Kevin started laughing.

"Oh my gosh you guys did!" he yelled. 

"Leave me alone." I grumbled into the blanket. I heard Eli laugh and tell Kevin what I said. 

"Okay fine but I'll find out!" he said.

I sat up, uncrossed my legs, and then stretched out, my feet on Eli's lap. 

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Going to sleep." I said before closing my eyes and snuggling into the blanket. The ride to the airport was a good 3 hours.

"Can I play with your legs?" he asked. 

I was about to question it but changed my mind. "Eh sure go right ahead." 

He grabbed my legs and took off my gymshoes. He started running his fingers up and down my legs making me laugh softly. Then he started masaging my legs, relaxing me a lot. I fell asleep soon after.



After massaging her legs for a few minutes she fell asleep. But I keep playing with her legs. They were so long, my goodness. I poked her knee and laughed a little when it jumped. I poked it again and again it jumped. I laughed a little harder, mainly becasue her reflexs when she's asleep are better than when she's awake. I thought back to a few days ago.

Kevin and Imani were playing in the dance room while everyone else actually rehearsed. They were playing with this hacky sack that was in the room. Kevin had it and was kicking it and Imani was counting out loud.

"I wanna try!" she yelled.

"Okay," Kevin said before tossing it to her. It was flying towards her and she flinched, ducked and got hit all at the same time. She stumbled into the mirror and then fell. 

It was really funny, because she looked so confused when she got up. Anyway the ride flew by pretty fast, with her legs to distract me. 

I woke her up once we got there and grabbed our bags. "Come on sleepy." 

"I am not on of Snow White's man ." she grumbled before climbing out the bus. I started laughing reallly loudly.

"OHMIGOSH ITS UKISS!" a fan yelled.

Imani woke up immediealtly and grabbed her clipboard. "You guys have a total of 20 minutes for fan stuff." She said walking beside me. Our bodyguards surrounded as the screaming got louder. 

Imani and Micha had on headsets to communicate with each other and I could tell they were talking by the looks on their faces. Imani was between Kiesop and I when all of a sudden she wasn't I turned around and saw that a few fans were grabbing on to her with evil looks on their faces. I dropped our bags and walked over to them.

"Let her go."  I said meanly. 

The shoved her aside, "Oppa! Come take a picture! Oppa!" they all screamed. I ignored them, helped up Imani and keep walking. I saw a mother and an adorable little girl. 

"Can you sign this for my daughter?" she asked as we got closer. We all agreed and signed the girls little book and even took a picture with her. 

"Thank you" the little girl said in English. I smiled and nodded to her. 

"You guys need to start boarding now." Imani said before checking something off her clipboard. I nodded and we all headed towards the plane. 

Imani handed the lady our boarding passes and Micha was talking to a member of the press. I don't understand why we need boarding passes when we use the company's jet but whatever. We had all boarded and gotten our seats when I noticed Imani's arm was bleeding.

"You got cut." I said, pointing at her arm.

"Oh, must've happen when those chicks grabbed me." she said calmly. I grabbed some ointment and a bandaid from the First Aid kit and fixed her up. 

"I'm sure you are still really sleepy so just relax and go back to sleep." 

She nodded and curled up in her chair. Within a few minutes she was out and leaning on my shoulder. I smiled and tucked the blanket around her. 

Micha walked past with a small peice of folded paper in her hand. "Here give this to here when she wakes up. It's her schedule for the next month."

I grabbed it and tucked it in my pocket.

"She really likes, you. You know that right?" Micha said.

"Yeah, I know." I said with a huge smile. She really likes me.

"So don't hurt her. If you do I will do everything in my power to hurt you. Got it?" she said while staring me right in the eyes. "She is in a way very fragile. So you remember what I said."

Micha turned and walked away. I saw her go sit on the couch with Xander and DongHo. She really cared about Imani. They were obviously really close but when you watched them hang out you would get worried. I mean who calls their best friend a 'dumb hoe'? But Imani just laughs and calls her a .

I looked down at the sleeping girl next to me. She was something to protect. And I vowed right then and there to do just that.

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QueenOfKyaa #1
Chapter 17: Yay! They're married now. And you made Kibum and Dongho sound like such creepers. LOL.
QueenOfKyaa #2
Yuck! He didn't have to throw up, he could have just eaten something.
QueenOfKyaa #3
"My daughter's name won't be Ivory!"

Go on Eli, let sanity prevail!
ELI <3 <3 <3
unusual_dreamer #5
@queen Yeah, Christian's are supposed to have before they are married. And that was just him being worried that she wouldn't think of him the same after that.
QueenOfKyaa #6
No before marriage ay? I can't really relate to this chapter, I'm not a christian. And him practically bawling because he was afraid she wouldn't love since he's not a ...?
unusual_dreamer #7
Xander is next chapter.. Something about him and Kalea ... =]
QueenOfKyaa #8
Aw, so sweet! But more chuckles next time pls. ...and Xander moments?
QueenOfKyaa #9
"“I don’t like you.” I mumbled under my breath.<br />
<br />
“Yup, because you loooovveee me right?! Huh right?” he said, looking like an overexcited puppy.<br />
<br />
“Sure. I’ll let you believe that.”<br />
<br />
“babo goyang-i.” Eli mumbled.<br />
<br />
“Did you really just call me a dumb cat?”<br />
<br />
“Ooh look, over near the kitchen.” He said ignoring me."<br />
~lol, they're so weird together. XD
QueenOfKyaa #10
"“I’ll hold you! That will keep you warm.”" ~Aww, kyaa! So sweet..