
A Typical Love Story
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Yunmi didn't really know how it happened, but she was sitting on the seat opposite Sungjong in the project area of the library, reading through the mountain of history and travel guide books (since their research project was on national monuments, and those are usually tourist attractions). Sunggyu was in the library with them, at the study area, which was separated from the project area by a glass wall.

Sungjong concentrated on diminishing the pile of books, and he was kind of glad that Yunmi wasn't like the others whom he had worked with before, constantly distracting him by trying to flirt, whine or complain. But he couldn't deny the fact that he was itching to talk to her either. He didn't like silences that are too long.

When they both finally put down their last books, they caught each other's eyes and smiled.

"So...we're done collating information right?" Sungjong asked.

Yunmi nodded in reply. "I'd stop here for today, but Sunggyu-sunbae doesn't look like he's leaving the library anytime soon. I think we could take a break and continue until he decides to leave?"

"Sounds like a good idea," Sungjong replied and yawned. He put his head on the table and closed his eyes, intending to rest just for a little bit since he was getting a little cross-eyed from reading too much.

Yunmi smiled at how cute Sungjong was looking, and decided to continue with the project while he rested. Before long, she felt a wave of tiredness wash over her, and she realized that they have been working since morning. She laid her head on her arms and put them on the table, and soon fell asleep, like Sungjong.



The said boy looked up from his work in annoyance and shushed Woohyun, who was waving and walking towards him.

"We're in the library, Woohyun, and the study area too."

"Sorry," Woohyun whispered, after looking around and realizing that people were staring/glaring at him. He pulled out a chair opposite Sunggyu and planted himself there.

"What are you here for, if you're not going to study?"

Woohyun ignored his question. "Where are the kids? You brought them here today, right?"

"They're working on their project at--" he looked at the project area and saw that his two juniors were sleeping. He then looked at his watch, and realized that they've been at the library for 6 hours already, and they haven't had lunch. Woohyun raised his eyebrow.

"Let me guess, you forgot about lunch."

Sunggyu sighed.

"I think you should take a break now and wake the kids up for some tea or something," Woohyun said. "Plus it's not good for you to keep skipping lunch to study nearly everyday."

"College entrance exams are in a few months," Sunggyu replied, but still closed his textbooks and started packing his stuff.

"Months. Sunggyu, loosen up a little, I haven't even started studying."

"I can't," he sighed, again and zipped up his backpack, having cleared his things already. "Have to get into the top 10..." he mumbled.

"What was that?" Woohyun asked, not being able to hear the last part of his reply.

"Nothing. Let's bring the kids to Over The Top," Sunggyu slung his bag over his shoulder and walked to the project area with Woohyun.


Yunmi stirred a little when she felt someone gently shaking her shoulder.

"Yunmi, wake up," Sunggyu said softly, not wanting to disturb the other people in the library.

She looked up from her sleeping position groggily. She looked at Sungjong, whom Woohyun was having problems waking him up, and then realized that they fell asleep. formed an 'O' shaped and she whispered an apology. Sungjong finally woke up and glared at Woohyun.

"What?" he said, irritated that he had been woken up.

"Sorry, Jongie, I forgot about bringing you guys to lunch. We're going to the cafe for tea, so pack up now," Sunggyu replied.

"Are you buying?" Sungjong was suddenly awake.

"It's my fault you kids are hungry now, so I guess," Sunggyu sighed.

Sungjong cheered and beamed at Yunmi who smiled back nervously. Sunggyu and Woohyun shot her an assuring look before helping them to clear the table. They really did take a lot of books and Woohyun had to help them put back, or rather, dunk the books onto a sorting trolley.

Before leaving the library, Sunggyu put on his beanie and Woohyun put on his cap. Sungjong suddenly looked worried.

"Hyung, I didn't bring anything to cover my hair..."

"It's okay, we'll walk th

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Inspirit93 #1
Update soon ~
-flaneur #2
Update soon! She'll be pairing up with sungjongie won't she? Heheh
Omo~ sandeulie~ hope he's alright. Finally you came back!! I was waiting for so long! Keke..
-Malou- #4
It's really good ^.^ Please update soon! :D
Uwaaah!! If only I can see Sungjong playing the piano... Wait! I can! In my head! Imagining things.. It's great that u update! Love u author-sshi!~
I love this story.. Beacuse of this story, I registered here.. Thanks!!
sulliviera #7
lol, namstar ertness is incurable~!<br />
cminutebyminute #8
I am so loving this! Definitely subscribing:)
sulliviera #9
ok, i'm dead scare if there're really fans like that!<br />
oww sandeul! love him