First Meetings

A Typical Love Story
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Lessons for the first half of the day went past smoothly. Yunmi was found to be rather smart, being able to answer questions for every subject correctly when she was called, even though it was only her first day in a new school.

"How can you be so smart?" Jaerin laid her head on the table and puffed out her cheeks.

"I...don't think I am."

"Well, you are."

Yunmi didn't have a reply to this so she just remained silent, until she remembered her next lesson.



"Um, I have music next, but according to my schedule, it's at studio 3, but I have no idea where it is..."

Jaerin mentally smacked herself. She studies theatre instead of music so she wouldn't be able to show her to the studio.

"Jaerin-sshi doesn't study music, but I do, so I can show you to the studio!" A voice piped up from the back. Jaerin gasped at who it was, before covering and looking away. Yunmi, on the other hand, smiled in relief. She grabbed her books and other stuff needed, and turned to Jaerin.

"I'll see you later then!"

"See you, and stay safe!"

The three left the classroom together before separating their ways to their different classrooms.



"Are you scared of me?"

"No? Why should I be?"

Sungjong laughed in relief. "Nothing!"

He stopped at a amphitheatre-like space with doors all around. "We're here! Studio 3 is over there," he pointed to one of the doors. They walked towards it, and just as he was about to open the door, it opened from the inside and three people walked out.

"Oh hi Sungjonggie!"

"Hyung! What were you guys doing inside? Didn't your lesson end ten minutes ago?"

"We had to discuss with the teacher about some stuff. Who is this by the way?"

"Ah, this is Yunmi, Hoya-hyung's cousin. Yunmi, that's Sunggyu-hyung, and beside him are Woohyunnie and Dongwoo hyungs!" Sungjong introduced them to each other.

"Hoya's cousin? Hey she's pretty-"

Sunggyu smacked Woohyun and pushed him away before he could continue.

"Annyeonghaseyo," Yunmi bowed as she greeted. She had no idea who they were, but

Sunggyu gave her his smiley-eyed smile and she immediately became less tense. He seemed nice.

"Annyeong, I'm Sunggyu, leader of Infinite," he introduced himself.

"Infinite?" Yunmi asked questioningly.

"Kids! What are you doing outside? Come in!"

"Ah, your teacher is calling you! We'll see you around then!" Sunggyu waved and walked away with the others.

Yunmi and Sungjong walked into the studio, along with the crowd of students. She was surprised to see that the studio wasn't like a normal classroom. Instead, it had a small raised platform at the front and three long benches equally spaced from the middle to the back of the studio. There was a small table for the teacher at the side of the platform, and it was equipped with a computer.

The moment she entered the studio, Yunmi immediately lost sight of Sungjong as he was swarmed by girls and he was dragged away to the front bench. He managed an apologetic look at her before the girls all tried to get his attention. Yunmi laughed at his cuteness before moving to the corner of the last bench instead.

She opened her books and looked through them, so that she could follow the lesson better.


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Inspirit93 #1
Update soon ~
-flaneur #2
Update soon! She'll be pairing up with sungjongie won't she? Heheh
Omo~ sandeulie~ hope he's alright. Finally you came back!! I was waiting for so long! Keke..
-Malou- #4
It's really good ^.^ Please update soon! :D
Uwaaah!! If only I can see Sungjong playing the piano... Wait! I can! In my head! Imagining things.. It's great that u update! Love u author-sshi!~
I love this story.. Beacuse of this story, I registered here.. Thanks!!
sulliviera #7
lol, namstar ertness is incurable~!<br />
cminutebyminute #8
I am so loving this! Definitely subscribing:)
sulliviera #9
ok, i'm dead scare if there're really fans like that!<br />
oww sandeul! love him