Chapter 9


Outside the Traditional Japanese-style Inn stood two figure in front of the front gate.

"So, this is Yang's Traditional Japanese-style Inn"


"I wonder what's so special about the 'beautiful owner'. I'll have to take a good look today"


"Yoseob-shi, you're just in time. The reporters are here" Kikwang said

"Welcome to Yang's Traditional Japanese-style Inn. Very pleased to meet you" greet Yoseob with his killer smile towards the reporter. The two figure who was standing outside before was the reporter. Suddenly one of the reporter grab Yoseob hand. Yoseob widen his eyes followed by Kikwang towards the reporter.

"You are even more beautiful that the rumors" said the reporter then kissing Yoseob back hand. Yoseob blushing.

"His right! Your skin is so smooth! It feels like the touch of a hard boiled eggs. What kind of skincare products do you use? Collagen? or SKII?" asked the other reporters. Yoseob rubbing his face.

"No..... That...." Yoseob speechless

"He doesn't even need make up!" praised the reporter who was kissing Yoseob back hand earlier.

"Sorry we're late. I'm camera-man Yong Junhyung" He said while still holding Yoseob hand.

"And i'm the editor, Jang Hyunseung. You can call me JS if you like!" said Hyunseung and wink at Yoseob. Yoseob stood still 'ah?! why JS' Yoseob thought.

Then Kikwang cut in "Don't keep standing there everyone. Please come inside the room and bring your luggage inside" said Kikwang while giving them his eye smile.

"Hmm, you're very handsome too. Can i ask you to be my model next time? I'll use my own camera" offered Junhyung, the camera-man.

"I'll consider that but please made the picture of Young Master very attractive first" smile Kikwang.

"Of course.... Then....." said Junhyung and his eyes travelled on Yoseob who was busy arranging the coffee table. "I'll take one right away! Yoseob-shi look here! smile!" 'click'

"Kyaa! beautiful!" said Hyunseung excited.

"That's great Yoseob-shi, you have a mixture of Japanese beauty and elegance. Very beautiful" praise Junhyung. Hyunseung agreed while Yoseob was speechless.

"Ah?.... Ah... i'll go make tea and snacks specially prepared for both of you. I'll be back soon" said Yoseob then laugh nervously. He then grab Kikwang along. "Kikwang-ah you come and help me!" Kikwang just let his Young Master dragged him out.


In the kitchen Yoseob gulp a glass of water in one breath.

"What's wrong?" ask Kikwang worried and hand Yoseob a tissue.

"What's wrong...... don't you think that both of them are a bit weird?" said Yoseob annoyed.

"Really? I didn't notice... Even if they are weird it must be because of Young Master beauty. It's not a bad thing!? Kikwang said with smile. Yoseob speechless.

"All right, please cooperate with them in order to take some good pictures. This is for this place" said Kikwang while pushing Yoseob out. 'but they are, really.....' thought Yoseob and followed Kikwang ordered.


'click' 'click' "Ok, stay still. I'm going to take your picture" 'click'

"Your expression seems a bit tense. Try to relax a little" comment Junhyung.

"Sorry.... i'm not used to...." Yoseob bowed and appologizes. Junhyung went to Yoseob back and started to massage Yoseob shoulder "Relax" Junhyung said. Yoseob stunned "O....Ok". Suddenly Yoseob felt Junhyung was blowing some air at Yoseob neck making Yoseob jumped in shock.

"Your neck is really y, Yoseob-shi. Makes people wanna bite it" Junhyung smirk.

"Junhyung has a for beautiful peoples neck, while i prefer the knees" explained Hyunseung.

'what the heck are they saying... are they really erts?' thought Yoseob.

"We will stop here today. We were going to take pictures of this place interiors now" said Junhyung.

"Thank you very much" smiled Yoseob. Yoseob walk backward toward his room still smiling at Junhyung and Hyunseung. "Then let me excused myself" said Yoseob while slide his door closed. After the door closed Yoseob smile faded. He started to running around his room while mumbling '...erts!' i've encountered erted?!' he then went his mother memorial room which is located inside his room.

"Eomma.... it's terrible. I'm in such a mess...." said Yoseob while looking at his mother picture. Suddenly he remembered something. " hard for today too..." 'Doojoon'. Yoseob realized and quickly cupped his mouth and blushing "hmm... i...? erm... I'll work hard even if you don't say that...hmph!" said Yoseob. It's something Yoseob decided himself much earlier and it's definately not because he was encouraged by Doojoon! he told to himself.


"How was dinner? did it suit your tastes?" asked Yoseob to Junhyung. He was visiting them while they were having their dinner.

"It's not bad. Not only does it tastes good, the appearance is very appetizing. I took some picture before the meal" Hyunseung said happily. "Thank you very much"

"This is very traditional right!" Junhyung add on. Junhyung then came closer to Yoseob and hold Yoseob hand. Yoseob blushed. "Why don't you eat with us Yoseob-shi?"

"No... no need.. I..." 'control.... i have to control myself.....' Yoseob thought. Junhyung squeezing Yoseob hand.

"What are you doing, Yoseobie?!" Junhyung and Yoseob shocked. Yoseob turned his head.

"Ah! Doojoon-ah! how can you just come into a guest room..."

"Kyaa... so cool!!!!" Hyunseung squeal when he saw Doojoon. Doojoon then grab and pull Yoseob away

"Excuse us, i have something to discuss with Yoseobie" said Doojoon while dragging Yoseob. "Doo....Doojoon!" Yoseob whimpered.

"Hey! don't be so rough" said Junhyung with worried.

"Sorry" Doojoon last word before slide the door close.

"Did we miss anything?" asked Junhyung. Hyunseung dazed. "No, that was the hurricane of Love. He's really handsome..." Hyunseung still in his fanboy mood toward Doojoon.




hi hi hi..... so the new characters revealed.... how was it?

as usual, sorry for any mistake....

well, no new subscribers today... so double update for today has been... cancelled.... kekekeke...

no hint for the next chappie.... ^_^

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Dujunhyung #1
Chapter 19: Pls more story like this..really enjoyed. It's fully with love, cute, fluffy and funny things o(>﹏<)o
shivaitzmeys #2
Chapter 19: read for second time and still so good ^^
shivaitzmeys #3
Chapter 19: thanks for this deabak ff ^^ fighting!!
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 19: Woah, its a great story..soo fluffy and funny..i love it..just different from the others..its unique and not heavy afterall..just cute, funny & full of love..i love story like that.. :)
Chapter 19: Ah... So sad that it's over. Feels like this story is just too short. But I've really never encountered such a story before. My first time reading such a unique story and truthfully speaking, I absolutely loved it! It's so adorable and fluffy and simply overloading with love and all things cute & nice! It's been a while since I last read fics like this. So I'm really sad that it ended. Hope you write more stories just as awesome as this! I'm looking forward~ (if they're Dooseob fics).
Chapter 19: Ah it's over~~
I hope you can write another dooseob story ^^
Chapter 18: Lols i really not expecting kikwang to be in that room after yoseob chasing hyunseung n dongwoon out xD serving a tea ahahaha
Actually i really like reading ur fic~its not a heavy fanfic like others but its still good, fluffy and funny fic^^ hopefully u write lots ff~i will love to read it as long as its involve beast pairing kkk
Chapter 17: eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy no hot making love session????kkkk...aa so yoseob already remember it rite???kyaaa going end???nononononono
Chapter 16: Im curious with dujun scar n what will happen next kkk
I bet dujun saves him b4 but he cant rememberr lols
Yuki_IS #10
Chapter 15: Next chappie!!!