Chapter 18


*sigh* actually it's my 2nd time typing this chapter.... the first time when i nearly finished this chappie (around 4900++ words), my fingers accidently touch the 'tab' then 'backspace' button... then all my words disappeared... my eyes became O_O looking at the blank page... all sort of cursing word coming out from my mouth... then i decided to take a shower and now i'm feeling refreshed and started typing it again... this time i must be careful with my bad finger.... *sigh*


"Yoseobie, when's your next holiday break?" Doojoon asked Yoseob one day.

"As of now? I don't have one" Yoseob replied.

"....huh...." Doojoon huffed.

"It can't be helped! our place is only dealing with small business and i'm still in training" Yoseob explained. Doojoon then grab Yoseob waist and hug Yoseob. He then kissed on Yoseob cheek. "Yah!... Doojoon..." Doojoon then look at Yoseob. Their face was so closed.

"That's enough. Always unable to touch you. I'm sick of it already. It's the same for you, right?!" Doojoon asked.

"What are you saying-....." Doojoon then kissed Yoseob. His finger grip on Yoseob hair and deepened their kissed.

"I'm saying, i'm already in a state that i'd e if we barely touched" Doojoon said between the kisses.

"Doojoon..." Yoseob then circled his hand around Doojoon and kissed Doojoon back. Suddenly the door slide open revealing Dongwoon. "Young Master! Get away from that jerk!" Dongwoon shout. Both Doojoon and Yoseob jumped and pulled away.

"Idiot CEO, i can't take my eyes off you for a second! Young Master, don't be slacking off!" Dongwoon said while flapping his hand.

"This guy is as rude as before. Yoseobie, you better ask Kikwang-shi to give him additional training" Doojoon sighed

"Dongwoon-ah, stop it already" Yoseob said to Dongwoon.

"You don't have to worry about this, Doojoon-shi" suddenly the air in the room become cold. "Huh?" Dongwoon shiver. Then Dongwoon felt his ear being pulled and twist. "And you think you have the right to say 'don't be slacking off ' Dongwoon-ah?"

"Ki....Kikwang-shi" Dongwoon started to sweat. "Young Master is free to do whatever he wishes during his break time! The one that is slacking off is you! I'm standing in for Young Master" Kikwang said while dragging Dongwoon out with his hand grabbing Dongwoon hair. "Young.... Young Master.... Uwah~ run for your life..." Dongwoon whimpered in pain.

"Just scram back to work" Doojoon said to Dongwoon while hugging Yoseob.

"Doojoon" Yoseob warned.

"I guess it can't be helped. I know you're the Japanese-style Inn owner, but i still want you all for myself" Doojoon sighed.


"I'm going now. I'll be awaiting for you to ask me out the next time" Doojoon then start to walk off.

"Doo... Doojoon..." Yoseob called. He then grip on Doojoon's back coat. Doojoon surprised. He then look back and saw Yoseob was looking down.

"La....Later after work.... why don't you come to our place to stay?" Yoseob invite him. "Because of the incident that happened in our place the last time, you didn't get to stay...." Yoseob continued. He was blushing. Doojoon then turned around and take Yoseob hand. He then squeeze it "I'll come. Seobie, will you accompany me?" Doojoon asked. "Erm... yeah..." Yoseob answered and blushing hard. Doojoon just smile seeing Yoseob red face.


"Is Doojoon-shi staying here today? The single block's suite?" Kikwang ask while type something on his laptop.

"Yes please" Yoseob answered.

"Yoseob-ah" Yoseob gasp. "I'm here" Yoseob then turned around. "Doojoon..."

Doojoon came wearing a white suite with some of the button ed revealing his chest a bit. He then take off his black glasses. Yoseob blushed.

"Welcome, Doojoon-shi. I'll show you to your room now. But Dongwoon isn't around" Kikwang said.

"That's alright. Owner is here anyway!" Doojoon smile

"You're right" Kikwang agreed "I'll leave it to you, Yoseob-shi" he smile showing his eye-smile.

"That guy...." Yoseob started to sweat.

"You'll lead the way?" Doojoon asked Yoseob. "Yeah..."

Both Doojoon and Yoseob arrived. "It's a fine room. No matter how many times i come, i still like it." Doojoon praised. Yoseob followed behind Doojoon. "Please come in.... ermm... Doojoon-ah give me your coat" Yoseob hold out his hand. Doojoon then quickly pull Yoseob hand making Yoseob head bumped on Doojoon's back. "Uwah..." Yoseob shock.

Without they knowing, there's is someone watching them secretly and gasp when Yoseob was back-hugging Doojoon. "Please let go of me" Yoseob beg. 'that idiot CEO. what was he doing to Young Master?! separate! separate yourself this instant!' Dongwoon clenched his fist tightly. 'wah! good work Yoseob-shi' Hyunseung was happy watching the two lovebirds. Doojoon then turn around and hug Yoseob. Yoseob look up.

"It would be great if the owner could accompany me through the night" Doojoon said seductively.

"Doojoon..." Doojoon then lean closer. Yoseob too. 'Arghh...' 'wahh!' Doojoon then stopped.

"Doojoon?" Yoseob looked at Doojoon questioningly. Doojoon then released Yoseob and tip toed to the wardrobe direction. 'swoosh' he slide the wardrobe door open.


'thud' 'thud'

"Uwah!" Dongwoon and Hyunseung fall down from the wardrobe while Junhyung was waving and smiling at them. Yoseob felt horror.

"You... You guys...." smoke started to appear on Yoseob head. He glared at the three of them.

"Ah, sorry for interupting" Hyunseung said while smile nervously

"I... I was worried that Young Master might be in danger...." Dongwoon started to sweat

"GET BACK TO WORK!" Yoseob shouted.




With that shout, all three of them started to running off like a thunder. After that Yoseob closed the door harshly. 'that's enough..' Yoseob thought.

"You are trully the owner" Doojoon said while clapping his hand. "You keep quiet!" Yoseob huff.

"But...." Doojoon the pushed Yoseob at the wall. Yoseob look at him in shock. "Now it's finally the two of us" Doojoon then lean closer and kissed Yoseob. Yoseob then closed his eyes and his hand landed on Doojoon waist and bring Doojoon closer. He then moved his hand up and grip on Doojoon shoulder tightly.

"Oh don't rush into things. Why don't you have some tea first?"



Yoseob quickly shove Doojoon away makes Doojoon surprised. There's Kikwang inside the room sitting comfortably at the coffee table. "I've also prepared some light snacks" Kikwang added with his innocent face.


"Doojoon-shi must think that the tea tasted extra good after adding Yoseob-shi taste too!" Kikwang smiled.

"Pffft" Doojoon huff while sipped his drink. Yoseob face was so red. "Indeed, it's like you're said" Doojoon said. Yoseob spitting his tea.

"Sorry for the intrusion" Kikwang apologized to Doojoon.

"Doojoon-ah, Kikwang-ah! what the heck is that conversation!" Yoseob snapped at them.

"I haven't even started questioning you. How could an owner spit out tea like that?" Kikwang nag.

"Who do you think made me do so?" Yoseob asked back while wiping his mouth. His face still red. Doojoon just ignored them and enjoying his tea.


Door to Doojoon's room slide open revealing Yoseob. "Doojoon-ah, dinner is ready. Sorry for the long wait" Yoseob said. "Ok" Doojoon who was reading a book before then stood up and head to the table. "Look's good" he commented.

"You're very hungry, right? Actually, you didn't need to wait for me" Yoseob said while serving Doojoon his dinner. Doojoon then went closer to Yoseob and whispered "The food tastes more delicious when i'm eating it with you" Doojoon then kiss Yoseob cheek. Yoseob gasp.

Doojoon then grab a bowl from Yoseob hand "Let me scoop the rice. Seobie, you sit down"


"It's alright. Let me do it!" Doojoon insist. "You don't have to be so formal..." Doojoon then started to scoop the rice. "TA-DA! eat more to gain strength"

"Ah?? Yahh!" Yoseob shocked seeing his bowl of rice that looks like want to explode.

"An owner needs a lots of strength" Doojoon said with his smile. Yoseob blushed. "Thanks"

"Yoseob-ah, you like this dish a lot don't you?" Doojoon asked. "Open" he then shove some to Yoseob mouth. "It's alright.... Doojoon, you eat it" Yoseob refused.

"Come on" Doojoon didn't give up.

"......" Yoseob speechless. He then open his mouth and eat it.

"Is it good?" Yoseob chew it then swallowed it. He nodded. His face blushing hard.

"My turn, ahhhh" Doojoon then opened his mouth.

"Huh...." Yoseob gasp.

"I want it too. I'd like to eat that one" Doojoon begged.

"Ah.... err...." Yoseob was taken aback. He then slowly take the dish and shove it to Doojoon mouth slowly and trembling. Doojoon who can't wait, move forward and eat it. Yoseob shocked. Doojoon then grab Yoseob hand and kissed on Yoseob palmed. He then on Yoseob fingers. "It tastes good"

Yoseob quickly pulled his hand away. "Be serious when you're eating!" Yoseob said while blushing.




*phew* yay i did it.....

sorry for any mistakes.... ^_^

stay tuned for the next chappie....

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Dujunhyung #1
Chapter 19: Pls more story like this..really enjoyed. It's fully with love, cute, fluffy and funny things o(>﹏<)o
shivaitzmeys #2
Chapter 19: read for second time and still so good ^^
shivaitzmeys #3
Chapter 19: thanks for this deabak ff ^^ fighting!!
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 19: Woah, its a great story..soo fluffy and funny..i love it..just different from the others..its unique and not heavy afterall..just cute, funny & full of love..i love story like that.. :)
Chapter 19: Ah... So sad that it's over. Feels like this story is just too short. But I've really never encountered such a story before. My first time reading such a unique story and truthfully speaking, I absolutely loved it! It's so adorable and fluffy and simply overloading with love and all things cute & nice! It's been a while since I last read fics like this. So I'm really sad that it ended. Hope you write more stories just as awesome as this! I'm looking forward~ (if they're Dooseob fics).
Chapter 19: Ah it's over~~
I hope you can write another dooseob story ^^
Chapter 18: Lols i really not expecting kikwang to be in that room after yoseob chasing hyunseung n dongwoon out xD serving a tea ahahaha
Actually i really like reading ur fic~its not a heavy fanfic like others but its still good, fluffy and funny fic^^ hopefully u write lots ff~i will love to read it as long as its involve beast pairing kkk
Chapter 17: eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiy no hot making love session????kkkk...aa so yoseob already remember it rite???kyaaa going end???nononononono
Chapter 16: Im curious with dujun scar n what will happen next kkk
I bet dujun saves him b4 but he cant rememberr lols
Yuki_IS #10
Chapter 15: Next chappie!!!