
Wolf (Haitus)

Over night, It seems I've become the school's enemy. All eye's were on me. I couldn't understand what was going on. My ears twitched and I could hear what they were saying about me.

"Just because he has Minho sitting next to him he thinks he's so cool"
"I heard his dad ran away because he was too weird to be his child"
"Wasn't he the adopted kid that was and tried to kill himself?" 

All these lies!

I ran past all of them to get away from it all. I ran to my locker about to open it when and saw Minho turn around from his and smile at me. The leader of the popular people walked uo to him and was talking. I scoffed and turned back to my locker to get my books.

"Babyyy~~~~~" Oh no. I know that shriek from anywhere. I heard him come up behind me.

"Tae baby~ how you doing?" He was a bit too happy to be normal.

"Keyyyy, hey"

"Taemin, have you seen the new guy? He's only been here a day and the derk bags are already buddies with him."

"Unfortunately umma, I sit next to him in my english class. He's no different from them." Key pouted and went to his locker.

I was curious about what they were talking about. I focused on them and my ears started twitching.

"Yo Minho what's up?"
"Hmm, nothing much. Just still adjusting to the school"
"Oh well, there's a party this weekend."
"A party?"
"Yh, this weekend. You should come dude!"
"Umm sorry. I don't think I can. I have to look after my little cousins this friday ut hey, thanks for asking though."
"Damn, everyone's gonna be there. It's gonna be after the football game." ---->
(British football = American Soccer)
"Ahh, I'm not really into football."
"Well I'm the team captain so I'm going to practice in a few minutes."
"I was going..."
"Well good, you're coming then. Good see you there."

Oh no! He's coming. He's gonna see me at practice. That isn't really bad because I'm normally on the benches anyway. Well, of to practice I go. 

I was heading to the football pitch with key (Key's on bench too) and I saw Minho going to take a seat on the stands and groaned.

"Taemin!" Damn, my coach. "You're in goal today"

"What?! In goal? I've never played"

"Well, here's a chance TO play. Have some confidence and get you team up and running"

"What about me?"

"Try not to get a ball in you face" He said with a slight chuckle. 

I up my courage and made my way over to the goal. I looked at Minho and found him looking back at me. I quickly turned my head. He was with the popular guys girlfriend Yuri. I felt my focus shift over to them. and my ears twitched.

"He plays football?"

"Yeah, but he's always on the bench. I dunno why the coah put in in the goal today. Why you asking?"

"Oh, nothing. He I sit next to him in english."


"Arghhhh, humphh, nnghh" the whistle was too loud for me to bear. I had no time to recover from my mini panic attack. The ball on the field was out to get me. I saw the ball heading my way. It was coming at me too quick to think.

*Crack!* The ball hit me square in the face sending me into the goal net. All I heard was laughter. Everyone was laughing at me. I looked around and realised I was on the floor. I shook off the feeling and got back up. No way am I getting laughed at. I saw the ball heading for me again and blocked it like it was instinct.

"Woahh. No way!" My eyes were really wide. "I can't believe a blocked it." I felt good. I felt like I had all the power I needs to destory these leather things.

The ball was aimed at my legs, my shoulder, my face. I blocked all of them!

The popular gang leader was coming at me with the ball. He looked like he wanted to tear me apart. 


I saw him get closer and closer. He lifted his leg and booted the ball aiming for the bottom right corner of the goal. I jumped and dived to block the ball.


I opened my eyes and saw the rebound. I all I could hear was Key shriek.

"That's my baby. That's right he's my baby! He beat blocked yo' arse from getting any goals. That's my best friend!!! Wahoooo"

I saw the ball roll off the pitch and got up grinning.

"No.way! Did I just do that!?!"

-After school-

I was walking through the woods with key talking about when I got bitten and the game.

"Key, I don't know what it was. I felt like I had all the time in the world to block the balls. But that's not the only thing. I can hear stuff I'm not hear, I can smell things from a ridulous distance."

"Smell things? Like what?"

"Like the packet of skittles you have in your pocket."

"What? I don't have any skittles." He dug into his pockets and pulled out... A PACKET OF SKITTLES!

"Woahhhhh, Tae how did you know that?"

"I've already told you. It's like... everything is MEGA HD."

"So you're telling me, all this started with a bite? What if it get infected or something"

"I doubt it. It was like my body was swarming with adrenaline when I was in the goal."

"Hmmmm, I think I've heard of this somewhere."

"You have? Where?"

"It's a specific kind of infection."

"Are you kidding me! Don't play about Key."

"Tae baby I'm being serious. I think it's called.........." Key started to go off into his own land trying to remember. But I was getting impatient.

"WHAT IS IT KEY?" I normally don't shout at Key because I know the consequences. But this was something serious. He glared at me. However, I have a secret weapon. Aegyo on full blast!! His face softened imidiately and he comtinued.

"Aish! You little vixen" I smiled proud at his defeat. "I think it's called Lycanthropy or something like that."

"W.T.F's that, is it bad?" I was starting to worry.

"Yh, really bad. It's the worst. But it rarely ever happens once a month."

"Once a month?"

"Yup. On the night of a full moon." Key made a wolf call. Damn him for making me believe what he being serious. I just gave up and continued walking. He caught up to me.

"Tae, didn't you say you heard a wolf howling?"

"What has that got to do with anything? Something serious could be wrong with me!"

"I know right! You're a werewolf. Grrrrrrrr" I gave him the knock it off look. "Oook, I was just playing with you baby." He put his arm aroung my sholder.

"OMG Key! This is where I saw that guy!!!" I looked around and saw my damn shoes. "Oh.My.CCookies! Key look! My shoes!" I bent down to pick them up and felt Key tap my shoulder. He nodded at me to turn around and saw a short guy standing 10 feet away from us. I scrambled myself up and he started heading our way.

"You guy's know this part of the woods is prohibited right."

"Ohhh, sorry we didn't know. We just came here looking for something. But...." he looked at me funny "forget it." He turned around and walked back where he came from.

"Taemin! Do you know who that was?! That was Jonghyun!"


"Don't you remember? He's few years older than us. The guy that suddenly went missing in the middle of the afternoon."

"What's he doing here?"

"Psh, I dunno. Come on."


Yayyy, Well, Now Key's Introduced And Jongie Too ^^ Hmmm... I Wonder Who's Next. Next Chapter Will Be Up Tomorrow.

I Haven't Checked For Mistakes, So If You See One... Pretend You Didn't :3

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2min88 #1
I need an update DX
reenee09 #2
Key umma in rage. But NOOO KEY!!! If you kill Minho, Taemin will be broken-hearted too. By the way it's not his fault. His father is the one who shot your baby go and kill him instead.<br />
Please update more and soon...TQ...
2min88 #3
Key if u hurt minho i will kill u >.<
reenee09 #4
Congrat's for ur result. I think i want to eat instant noodles after this. (Too lazy to cook).
2min88 #5
Its Minho's dad!!!! <br />
Congratulations :)))
( an 'a' between the 'r' and 'd')
Aaahh sorry I just read from chapter 10 to chapter 14 and i didnt read before cuz i mistaken it by another fic and i was too buzy to read it and when i saw ur story been updated i looked at it for almos 10 seconds and read it! Sorry again AND congrdulations (im not sure if this is the right spelling Dx)
why people love to put changmin like the 3 wheel can people just use another dbsk?... lol
2min88 #9
Its okay :)<br />
2min88 #10
This is unexpected O.O <br />
Update soon!