Little er!

Wolf (Haitus)

If You Don't Want To Be Bored BY My Randomness, I Advise You Skip This Whole Section To Half-way Through The Fic ^^ Thank You
BTW, It's Still Taemin's POV.



"Arghhhhh!!!" -Panic mode alert~*What the hell was that!?


... Stupid alarm.

I groaned around in my bed squishing my head between my pillow just to escape the ridiculous shriek from that piece of plastic.
It wasn't working.
It sounded like it was set on penetrating my poor fragile ears with it's wreched sound. I sneak my hand out of my blanket and set my hand on a mission to find the alarm clock.

It climed out of the safe softness onto the dreaded wall of blue.
Across the plane of oak wood,
Past the stack of robust piles of rock books,
And treked through the remains of bisciut meteors.

There it was.

The cause of my painful awakening.
It stood in all it's glory bellowing its sound.

I lifted up my trusted hand and stuck the alarm clock. ...Only to find out I've hit the edge of my desk.

"ARGHH, just shut up already! What do you want from me?!" I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed the alarm clock and chucked it where ever my hand aim for.

*Sigh* The sweet sound of nothingness. How I love you.

There was no point in going to sleep. The now dead piece of annoyance already woke me up. I laid across my bed on my belly with my legs hanging off the edge. I slid myself down onto the cold wooden floor.

 <----------- Like this little fella

I crawled over to my window; opening my blinds only to be blinded by them.

"Arghhh, the light! It burns!!! Eurgh, pull yourself together." I crawled my way to the bathroom and stood up infront of the mirror. (Sorry for prolonging the waking up bit a bit too long~)

"Why do I feel so animalistic today?" I questioned myself. I get out the first aid box to clean up the bite. I pulled of last nights' plaster to apply a new one but... the teeth marks had completely dissappeared.

"WTF" I mumbled. Nothing was making sense. "Maybe it was just an awfully realistic dream from watching twilight on repeat." I packed away the box and went on with my personal hygiene. (If you're human, you should know what a normal teenager does in the bathroom on a school morning. I can't be asked to write it. It'd be too long)

I came out of the bathroom feeling a ingly sensation. It was now the do or die moment.
The race for mankind.
To make it to my room stark anked without being caught.
I leaped out of the bathroom. 'It's so close, it's right there! Just one more leap!'

"Yesss!" I made it. Victory is mine. I walked to the middle of my room and struck a pose in all my full glory.

( I totally swayed of the main point so fast forward the story to Taemin heading to school if you did read it.)

I walked through the school gates. It's more like prison than a school but hey, you get what your get given. ( I think that's how you say it) I don't exactly have "friends" but I do have acquaintances. I gave and received alot of 'mornings and hellos' before I reache dmy class. The bell rang. Somehow, it sounded 10 times londer and clear. It sounded like I could hear ever decibel it produced. Come to think of it, everything looked, sounded and felt like it was in super, super, super HD. I shrug the thought off and notice my teacher at the front of the class. As he was about to write somehting on the board, the headteacher walks in ( Headteacher = Principal for British people) with a ridonkulously-tall-manly-looking-child with spaceships for eyes. He walked with a smirk on his face  think he was "boss".

Minho's mind = 'Damn! I'm the boss~"

JERK screamed off every part of his body. He is definitely someone I do NOT want to mingle with.The headteacher whispered something into the headteachers' ear.

Teachers ear = He's a new boy from the south. He's going to be staying at this school. Please look after him well.
The teacher nodded.

'You're not doing a good job at whispering if the whole class can hear you' I thought. I looked around the class to see everyone is oblivious to what he said. This is weird. 'Why am I the only one that heard that?' I questioned myself. I drew my attention back to the new boy.

"Hello, My Name's Minho. I'm a new student..."

Well duh! Otherwise you wouldn't be standing there dipstick.

" I hope you'll all treat me well and let me get to know you all better." What was that?! Every word he said was radiating LIE all over the place. Girls were staring at him undressing him with their eyes. How can they be swooning over HIM?! I think... no. I KNOW I'm better than him by far.
Everyone clapped their hands. I just stared.

"Taemin shi"


"The new syudent will be siting next to you." My mouth hung open.

"Is there a problem?" I saw Minho give me the elevator look and flash a perfectly sickening smile at me.

"N-no sir. There is absolutely no problem" I said with sarcasm and a fake smile plastered on my face. Minho started walking to the back where I was staring at me the whole way there. He sat down and leaned in close to my ear and whispered

"I'm Minho. What's your name?"

"Haven't you heard of invasion of space?" I spluttered out in his face. I glared at him shooting rocket sized bullets at him. But it failed. He looked at me with so much charisma that my own bullets reversed back and exploded in my face.

"T-t-taemin-n" I spat out. His smirk returned back on his face again. The urge to slap it off was overwhelming me.

"Well... 'Taemin'. I think I see something I like." I looked at him as if I was supposed to give a damn.

"Aren't you gonna ask me what it is?"

With my my not bothered face :| I asked him.


He invaded my space again with his lips 0.00000000000000001cm away from my ear. "You" he breathed in my ear. His cool breath washed over me.

My reaction --------> :| :\ (-.- ) (>.>) :o :OOOOOOO

He slid his hands under our desk and grabbed unto my . I flinched flapping my hands about in the air nearly dropping off my chair.

"Is there a problem Taemin?" my teacher was irritated.

I felt everyone's eyes on me. I quickly shook my head muffling my little moans. The attention slowly slipped off me and I could hear whispers from the class. My ears started twitching and I could hear distinctively what they each person was saying. Minho scoffed with a proud grin on his face. He removed his hand and place it on the desk. I dropped my head on the desk with my eyes closed.

"What have I gotten myself into" *Sulky face*


** Wolfy Bits Will Be In Next Chapter. Although This Chaper IS Boring, It Creates A Base For The Next Chapter. If It Was Too Boring, Here's A Pic To Cheer You Up XD

 Loooooooool, This Cracks Me Up ^^
I Love You SHINee XD

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2min88 #1
I need an update DX
reenee09 #2
Key umma in rage. But NOOO KEY!!! If you kill Minho, Taemin will be broken-hearted too. By the way it's not his fault. His father is the one who shot your baby go and kill him instead.<br />
Please update more and soon...TQ...
2min88 #3
Key if u hurt minho i will kill u >.<
reenee09 #4
Congrat's for ur result. I think i want to eat instant noodles after this. (Too lazy to cook).
2min88 #5
Its Minho's dad!!!! <br />
Congratulations :)))
( an 'a' between the 'r' and 'd')
Aaahh sorry I just read from chapter 10 to chapter 14 and i didnt read before cuz i mistaken it by another fic and i was too buzy to read it and when i saw ur story been updated i looked at it for almos 10 seconds and read it! Sorry again AND congrdulations (im not sure if this is the right spelling Dx)
why people love to put changmin like the 3 wheel can people just use another dbsk?... lol
2min88 #9
Its okay :)<br />
2min88 #10
This is unexpected O.O <br />
Update soon!