Must. Find. Him

Wolf (Haitus)

"TAEMIN! TAEMIN!! Taemin it's Key open up!"

Taemin ran from his bathroom and went into his room. He heard Key running up the stairs.

"Taemin open the door. NOW!" Taemin was still panting still feeling himself morphing into his new skin. Key barged the door open but Taemin quickly slammed it closed. Key barged it again trying to peek through Taemins room. Taemin was trying to close the door but no no avail. He used his foot to block the door from opening any further.

"Taemin! Let let me in I can help."

"No Key. No." Taemin was still panting. "Listen to me Key. You've GOT to find Minho"

"He's fine. He left the party already. He's fine"

Taemin couldn't believe what was happening. "Look I know who it was" Key was getting inpatient with having to talk to Taemin through a small little space between him and Tamein.

"Look Taemin, just let me in! We can tr-"

"CHANGMIN! SHIM CHANGMIN! HE'S THE ONE THAT BIT ME!" Key was shocked by what Taemin said. He was speechless for a while.

"Taemin... Changmin's the one that picked Minho up from the party" Taemin was beyond angry. He was fuming! He slammed his door closed. Key was on the otherside banging furiously on the door.


Taemin ran to his window and pushed it up. He put his legs out and jumped onto the roof ledge. The crouched down and leaped from the edge onto the ground landing with a thud. He was still vexed and being in his wolf form didn't help him either. He was angry and was looking for someone to vent his anger onto. He slammed the floor thinking of what Changmin could be doing with his Minho. He small growls were escaping his mouth. With the full moon on his back his ears grew even larger with a pointy edge. He stood up and faced the dark sky letting out a very loud ear piercing growl letting out his anger.

He followed Minho's scent hoping he was fine. The scent was becoming stronger and seemed to be coming from a car right infront of the forest where he was bitten. He jumped onto the car thinking Minho would be there but when he looked inside, there was no Minho. He leapt off the car and ran of on his hands and knees into the forest.


A/N: Next Chapter Coming In A Few Minutes

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2min88 #1
I need an update DX
reenee09 #2
Key umma in rage. But NOOO KEY!!! If you kill Minho, Taemin will be broken-hearted too. By the way it's not his fault. His father is the one who shot your baby go and kill him instead.<br />
Please update more and soon...TQ...
2min88 #3
Key if u hurt minho i will kill u >.<
reenee09 #4
Congrat's for ur result. I think i want to eat instant noodles after this. (Too lazy to cook).
2min88 #5
Its Minho's dad!!!! <br />
Congratulations :)))
( an 'a' between the 'r' and 'd')
Aaahh sorry I just read from chapter 10 to chapter 14 and i didnt read before cuz i mistaken it by another fic and i was too buzy to read it and when i saw ur story been updated i looked at it for almos 10 seconds and read it! Sorry again AND congrdulations (im not sure if this is the right spelling Dx)
why people love to put changmin like the 3 wheel can people just use another dbsk?... lol
2min88 #9
Its okay :)<br />
2min88 #10
This is unexpected O.O <br />
Update soon!