
Wolf (Haitus)

Key walked Taemin out of the football field into the locker room holding onto him so that he didn't fall. He walked a staggering Taemin to the bench and sat him down.

"TAEMIN! Are you ok?" Key was really worried about what was happening. he had never been there when Taemin was transforming.

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Taemin growled at Key. Key let go of Taemin falling onto the ground shocked and terrified from the growling words that came out of Taemin directed to him. Taemin looked at Key who was on the floor and felt the urge to attack him. Key see saw Taemin's black eyes, fangs and ears exposing themselves. Key scrambled backwards rushing onto his feet to get away from a now angered Taemin. Taemin jumped onto the top of the lockers looking for his target. He saw Key and let out a growl.


I'll Finish ThisLater. Sorry Subscribers Again For The MEGA Short Update~~ I'm In My School's Library >.<

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2min88 #1
I need an update DX
reenee09 #2
Key umma in rage. But NOOO KEY!!! If you kill Minho, Taemin will be broken-hearted too. By the way it's not his fault. His father is the one who shot your baby go and kill him instead.<br />
Please update more and soon...TQ...
2min88 #3
Key if u hurt minho i will kill u >.<
reenee09 #4
Congrat's for ur result. I think i want to eat instant noodles after this. (Too lazy to cook).
2min88 #5
Its Minho's dad!!!! <br />
Congratulations :)))
( an 'a' between the 'r' and 'd')
Aaahh sorry I just read from chapter 10 to chapter 14 and i didnt read before cuz i mistaken it by another fic and i was too buzy to read it and when i saw ur story been updated i looked at it for almos 10 seconds and read it! Sorry again AND congrdulations (im not sure if this is the right spelling Dx)
why people love to put changmin like the 3 wheel can people just use another dbsk?... lol
2min88 #9
Its okay :)<br />
2min88 #10
This is unexpected O.O <br />
Update soon!