Wolf (Haitus)

(I Can't Edit To Save My Life >.<)

Taemin’s POV

ARGHHHHH!!! Pain! That’s all I felt pain. Hot searing pain rushed through my body. My veins sticking out of my skin as I grab onto the dirt filled floor trying to escape this excruciating pain. Knowing there was no escape, I curled into a ball trying to surpass the pain. Teeth tightly clenched together. Panting hard as sweat dripped all over my body.

“What’s happening to me?!” I screamed

“Well, I think I just bit you”

“What! Who said that?” I shouted again trying to cope with the pain.

I looked around me and saw a manly silhouette walking towards me. My already speeding heart pumped even faster. The person kept walking closer and closer. The pain was no longer on my mind. My life is what I was scared for now.

“Me. I said that” the person bent down to my level on the floor. That’s when I saw him. “Me. I bit you”

I just stared at him still growling at the pain circling around my stomach.

"What are you?! Some sort of animal?!" I was screaming my head off.

"What would make you want to bite me you freak!"

He was now at my level of the cold prickly floor. He held me by my neck,

"I would be careful about how you're speaking to me if I were you" he whispered spitefully in my ear.

"Who are you?" I asked on the brink of breaking down into tears. He let go of my neck and stood up brushing dirt off his knees.

"I'm Changmin. Nice to meet you."

He stuck out his hand indicating a handshake. I just glared at it shooting daggers at it full speed. He took his hand back knowing I wasn't going to shake it.

"Look, sorry about biting you, but it's you who was at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"You're telling me as if I don't know that already" i mumbled. 

"What was that?"

"Nothing. I said nothing" I quickly said.

This guy was scaring me too much so I thought I should keep quite while he wasn't killing me.

"What are you? Humans don't go about biting each other as if they're walking BBQ ribs!"

"But... who said I was human?"

I just stared at him with my jaw on the floor. I have to get away from here. I can't die in the hands of a physco.

"Well... me..." I was crawling backwards anticipating his answer.

"... I'm a wolf."

My eyes were wide as damn alien spaceships when he said that. dying in the hands of a physco! I don't wanna die in the hands of some animal circus freak!!

"I'm a werewolf. And now..."

My brain was all over the place trying to piece everything together.

"And now, you're a werewolf too."

My heart stopped.



A wolf.

A human wolf.

AAARRRGGHH!! I'm a fricking circus freak too. Nooooo

I was going insane in the membrane! (Props the the song)

I literally felt my life flash before my eyes.

When I came back to my senses 'Changmin' was gone. I can't believe that thing even has a name. Afraid he'll come back, I gathered all my strength and ran. Ran for my dear life as far as my legs could take me.

I feel the wind in my hit my face

I feel the sticks on the the ground pierce through my feet

I feel.......


Where is my damn shoes?! "And they were my favourite ones as well" I mentally sulked.
I brushed it off and ran. Now's not the time to think about shoes. YES. Victory! I reached a road with my hands on my kness;

Panting for air

Panting from relief

Panting from freedom

I in all the air I can into my lungs and let it all out again.
I stood up straight, lifting my shirt up to see where the human dog bit me.

There it was.

It was BIG!

It was red!

It was glowing!


It was right on my once beautiful abs.

"ARRGHHHHH!!!!" I screamed until my throat hurt.

I slumped my shoulders and breathed in and out slowly.
I picked up my leg (not literally) and started walking my way home. All the way there, I was plotting how to dismember him and feed him his own and see how he likes that damn dog! I opened my door and walked straight to the bathroom not bothering to talk to my parents.
I opened the medicine cupboard and pulled out the first aid box to clean the bite. I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror.

"Ewwww" I cringed.

I poked it then wiped it. Poked it, disinfected it... poked it, plastered it. The urge to poke it again was overtaking me.

And I did it! I poked it.

I slipped into my monkey banana pyjamas and jumped flat down on my bed. I let myself drown in the soft cloud of cushiony-ness to dreamland. Having no clue what was in store for me the next day.


Yayyyy, First Chapter Is 끝났다!!!!!!!! Loooool... Awkward o.O

Please Comment, It's A First Writing A Supernatural Fic For Me. I need Your Comments And Critisizm To Better this Fic. XD Don't Be A Silent Reader~~~ Make You Mark!

Also, Please Show Some Sympathy To My Fail Comedy.  :3

I Haven't Checked For Mistakes, So Please Bare With Me

I Don't Bite, You CAN Talk To Me If You Want To~ I Now Reply Back To Commentators OTL

Eva. =)


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2min88 #1
I need an update DX
reenee09 #2
Key umma in rage. But NOOO KEY!!! If you kill Minho, Taemin will be broken-hearted too. By the way it's not his fault. His father is the one who shot your baby go and kill him instead.<br />
Please update more and soon...TQ...
2min88 #3
Key if u hurt minho i will kill u >.<
reenee09 #4
Congrat's for ur result. I think i want to eat instant noodles after this. (Too lazy to cook).
2min88 #5
Its Minho's dad!!!! <br />
Congratulations :)))
( an 'a' between the 'r' and 'd')
Aaahh sorry I just read from chapter 10 to chapter 14 and i didnt read before cuz i mistaken it by another fic and i was too buzy to read it and when i saw ur story been updated i looked at it for almos 10 seconds and read it! Sorry again AND congrdulations (im not sure if this is the right spelling Dx)
why people love to put changmin like the 3 wheel can people just use another dbsk?... lol
2min88 #9
Its okay :)<br />
2min88 #10
This is unexpected O.O <br />
Update soon!