Ⓐ Every Little Thing.

✎ Walking in Rainbows | Story and Applyfic Ideas ☝

Character names, idol groups, title, can all be changed. Everything used is a random pick.

Every Little Thing.

Sure, she's the most quiet girl that's ever existed.

Or at least, the most quiet girl he has ever met. She doesn't have the prettiest of looks, and she's definitely not what you'd expect the leading female will be. She's different - not just looks wise; she's known as the "outcast".

How can someone who's facial features are all compressed together onto one flat surface ever be able to make it big without plastic surgery?

Go Hye Ra - she's not gonna make it big with looks; she's gonna do everything with talent.


Plot Sypnosis.

Everyone who's ever met her would think the same - "How did she ever manage to bribe the authorative ones to let her into the school?"

She's not what people considered pretty, and neither did she appear to have any entertainment skills. She was quiet, and all she ever did was stare at people with her orbs, basing their personality on whatever she sees. She observes people, and notes down every little thing about them. She was humble, needless to say, and she didn't lack anything other than looks at all - which included talent.

Even though she was an outcast, and was looked down upon by all the other vainpots of the school, she still hung a smile on her face. "No one would ever notice me; they all go for the pretty girls." Which was of course, stereotypical thinking. When they had to pick partners, she was sure she would have to be paired with the no good losers who had the looks but no talent.

Until, he came along. And he knew every little thing about her.


This story revolves around Hyera, one of the best students Seoul Arts School could ever afford to groom. She has an explosive voice, which was what brought her to where she stands today - one of the top three most talented amongst the whole cohort. However, the only thing that stopped Hyera from shining like the other two most talented was her looks. She isn't like those pretty flowers in Korea - she had small eyes, a small and flat nose, along with rosy pink lips, which doesn't exactly look good when they're all put together. Hyera is soft and kind, and she has never stood up for herself, ever. She often gets pushed around by the queenka gang of the school, but nonetheless, hangs a smile on her face every single day.

However, what Hyera fails to realize is all along, she has been observed by a certain someone. Like Hyera, he judges people based on what he observes, and he makes a mental note about every little detail he observes in a person. The two differs personality wise, as well as appearance wise. He's good looking, the apple of every girl's eyes, blah blah blah... And, he's outgoing but sensitive. Unlike Hyera, he's unable to pretend that everything's okay when everything obviously isn't. As they say, opposites attract, right?

He approaches her after knowing every little detail  there is to know about Hyera, and love starts to spark.



1, Go Hyera.

2, The male who notices everything.

3, The male who has a similar personality with Hyera, and subconsciously falls for her.

4, The female devil.



Romance, slice of life.



Even though Hyera isn't all that pretty, her smile is the prettiest smile both males have ever seen. Her smile holds many scars, secrets, stories, etc. Hyera's personality should remain the same throughout the whole story, and it doesn't change because of the happy go lucky male, because that would just ruin the whole thing. The whole point of Hyera having such a personality is so that she gives off a damsel in distress feel, and it makes both males want to protect her because she's just so weak. She's the kind who bottles everything up, and refuses to tell people about her. Although Hyera comes off very angelic, she's extremely stubborn and she hates when people show concern because she feels that she's being a burden when that happens.

Both male protagonists shouldn't have harsh, stuck up personalities. Both of them shouldn't have anything in common either, other than the fact that they both desperately want to protect Hyera. Both shouldn't be at loggerheads too, in fact, it would be good if the two are close friends. In the process of pairing Hyera up with her lifelong partner, you can write about the close brotherhood of the two - both wanting to give up on Hyera for the other. But, not at any point in the story should the two be at war.

Lastly, the female devil may or may not be from the queenka clique of the school - make it someone unexpected. You can always start off the story with the queenka clique picking on Hyera, but there always has been this certain someone in the midst of the crowds, silently waiting for the right time for her to approach and ruin Hyera. When she finds out the guy she's in love with has fallen head over heels for Hyera, she decides it's time to tear that girl apart.

Remember! This story revolved around Hyera and her singing talent, so make sure to make her a star at the end!




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Chapter 2: Can I adopt chapter 2 pwease buing~buing~
kpopgirlforver #2
Chapter 3: Could I have chapter 3 pls? :)(:
Chapter 10: Where did the idea of More than Friends and Less than Lovers go?
It was a good one. Or perhaps did some one apply for it?
Chapter 10: You guys inspire me so much! XD
Chapter 7: I like this one a lot too.
I feel like there is also a possibility for fantasy too.^_^
Chapter 5: The ' rethink her priorities in life' line got to me...
I felt like it portrayed the story. ^_^

P.S. Forgive me if I annoy you with too much comments but I like sharing my thoughts on things.
And if one day I happen to get over this writing laziness I have, I'll probably come and ask for one of these stories.
Chapter 4: I like this one a lot! I truly like the girls personality.
It just needs to be put into the hands of a good author.
So far I like this best. ^_^
Chapter 3: I like this one!
Usually girls with so much guys around her seems so passionate, but you as a reader don't know in what, so you'd be confused what makes her so special.
Chapter 1: so cute the idea!!!