Ⓐ Undercover.

✎ Walking in Rainbows | Story and Applyfic Ideas ☝

please note that names, title and idol groups can be changed. everything used is randomly picked.



Jiwon's a sly, sneaky brat. Even at the young age of 17, she was already hired by many conglomerates and businesses. Nope, not because she's smart and capable. It's 'cause she's a spy. And a pretty one I must say. With her being oh so charming, you would never guess that she might be secretly leaking all your information to another person. Her ordinary girl charm would fool you to pieces. That was the thing about her.

So when she was hired by a company to spy on SM Entertainment, she coincidentally of course, made friends with a group of boys named EXO. That was pure luck. Being friends with the one and only EXO could allow her to get all the information she needed.

But what if she fell for one of them? Or even worse, one of them finds out about her true identity?


Plot Synopsis.

It always thrilled Jiwon to spy and decieve other people. She was definitely not a saint anymore, she was a devil, and she was proud of it. When she was sent to spy on SM Entertainment, she felt like this was the most mind-blowing mission yet. Not to mention, actually being able to see idols up close and personal.

Arriving at SM, the best thing that ever happened to her was making friends with the internationally famous boy band, EXO. That not only allowed her to out more information on SM, but also allowed her to know more about their trainees there.

While feeding information to the rival company every now and then, her friendship grew stronger and stronger with the boys, making her conscience soon start to weigh down on her.

What's worse is that a certain boy seems to know her secret...


The story centres around Jiwon and her sneaky ways. Simply, she was hired by SM Entertainment's rival company and was sent to spy on them. Should be easy enough for Jiwon since she had been spying since the mere age of 12.

Meeting EXO was definitely not part of the plan, but it was really a jackpot. Being able to interact with the idols from SM just made her job that much easier. At the thought of being able to finish her mission sooner than expected, that truly made her happy.

But what if she started getting too close, and fell for one of them? Isn't that a misson disaster?

Without even she herself knowing, she falls for one of the EXO members ansd rethinks her priorities in life. Was it right to make use of EXO like that? Was it right to leak out information on SM? Was it even right to be a spy at all?

As all these things start to bother her, she never once thought that someone already knew about her true identity since the start of day one...



1. Han Jiwon.

2. Boy band.

3. Guy Jiwon falls for.

4. Guy who knows.






Portray Jiwon as a typical teenage girl sometimes. That way you can remind readers that she's only 17 and that she's already doing stuff like this. She doesn't need other close relationships in her life. Example, friends and family. Maybe because of all the love she required but never had, that drove her to become a spy. So because EXO gave her so much warmth, she started to turn humane again.

For the guy who knows about her since day one, of course make him keep it to himself, make him play along. Although you can hint here and there that he does know and maybe you can hint Jiwon too. After he realizes that she is rethinking why she's doing all this and turning into a normal 17-year-old, you can make him fall for her. That he realizes that a spy like her can become human too. Its up to you to make him detest her or make him completely normal around her during the story.

You can come up with any reason that she may be in SM for. Example, a new dance choreographer, trainee, etc.




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Chapter 2: Can I adopt chapter 2 pwease buing~buing~
kpopgirlforver #2
Chapter 3: Could I have chapter 3 pls? :)(:
Chapter 10: Where did the idea of More than Friends and Less than Lovers go?
It was a good one. Or perhaps did some one apply for it?
Chapter 10: You guys inspire me so much! XD
Chapter 7: I like this one a lot too.
I feel like there is also a possibility for fantasy too.^_^
Chapter 5: The ' rethink her priorities in life' line got to me...
I felt like it portrayed the story. ^_^

P.S. Forgive me if I annoy you with too much comments but I like sharing my thoughts on things.
And if one day I happen to get over this writing laziness I have, I'll probably come and ask for one of these stories.
Chapter 4: I like this one a lot! I truly like the girls personality.
It just needs to be put into the hands of a good author.
So far I like this best. ^_^
Chapter 3: I like this one!
Usually girls with so much guys around her seems so passionate, but you as a reader don't know in what, so you'd be confused what makes her so special.
Chapter 1: so cute the idea!!!