Chapter 18: It's my birthday!

Can a Harsh Life Get Better? *Junior Year*

You have big plans for the day, you gathered the guys at lunch and told about the party you're throwing at his house.

You were going to tell D.O that we needed to get groceries, since you basically live together now, you were going to go with him, while the guys and Natalie would decorate and put gifts on the living room table.

During his party, you would secretly leave, Sehun would drive you to the mall, you would get him the last gift, and the food for the party.

You wanted it to be special, and you already had something in mind, but you going to need some money.

Thanks to Suho, he gave you some since he knows you wouldn't use him for it.

You really hoped your plan worked.


After school, you hopped in D.O's car and you guys went home.

"Babe, we need to get some groceries once we change" you say.

"Okay, miss responsible" he said.

You guys changed once you reached the house and left right after.

You looked in the car side mirror to see Sehun pulling up into your guys's driveway.

'Good job' you say to yourself.

You guys reach the grocery store, and grab some food. 

You text Natalie if you guys finished.

"Yeah! everything looks great, we're just waiting for the door to open!" Natalie says

"We're are heading home now" you tell her.

You two pay and leave.

"Thanks for reminding me we needed groceries, I wouldn't have remembered" D.O tells you.

"Your welcome" you say, giving him a peck on the lips.


You reach the house, he opens the door, and "SURPRISE!" everyone says

"Oh my..guys I didn't know you would do this!" D.O says, speechless.

"Just thank the person who thought of all this!" says Luhan

"Who? was it Sehun?" says D.O

"Noooo, it was somebody else, who means alot to you" he says.

"_______! you did all of this?" D.O asks you.

"Mhm! I wanted you to be happy today." you tell him

"I love you" D.O says giving you a huge hug.

"I love you, too" 

"Awwww" all the guys say.


"YEHET!" replies Sehun


Sehun taps you on the shoulder.

"Did you forget?" he says

"Noo! lets hurry up and go before he's done".

D.O needed to use the bathroom, so you and Sehun left.

First, Sehun picked up the food, and cake. then he dropped you off at the mall

"If you want something for yourself, we can come back tommorow" he tells you.

"Okay, thanks" you say

You rush inside the mall, looking for a technologic store.

Then you purchase what you wanted and went in D.O's favorite clothing store.

'Done', you tell yourself, with money to spare.

You bought a bag to put his gifts in and a cute card.

"What did you get him?" asks Sehun 

"Wait until he opens it, nosey" you say, giggling.


You reach the house, and see that D.O is talking to his friends, you rush inside not making too much noise, place the gift next to you and you sit.

"What did you get him?" asks Natalie

"Ahh, something he'll enjoy." you say.


Its time to open presents, he opens Chanyeols which was some clothes.

Next, Luhan which was an iTunes gift card, Tao's was a snapback.

Then, Sehun's which was a gift card to a resturant and some bubble tea. Kris was after with a pair of boxers.

Lay got him a gift card to his favorite store. Chen got him a new phone case.

Xiumin got him a shirt. Suho got him a a new pair of Nike sneakers, which D.O liked. Kai got him more clothes. Baekhyun got him another iTunes gift card. Lastly, Natalie got him a new T-shirt.

Then, D.O looked over at you and smiled.

"I got you something." you say and hand him the bag.

Everyone turns silent when you speak, and they watch closely to see what you got him.

D.O pulls out the card and reads it.

Then he pulls you over to him and he hugs you.

"Theres more," you say.

He reaches his hand into it to find the sweater that he wanted at the mall the other day, but he didn't have enough money on him to buy it.

You felt bad, so you got it for him.

"Thank you, I love it." he says.

"Theres one last thing, It's the big present" you say.

"OOOOHHH." everyone says, and you blush.

D.O pulls out Beats earbuds.

"Oh my god, those are sick!" says Lay

"Babe, you didn't have to!" D.O says giving you a warm kiss.

D.O has been using a pair of old earbuds, so you thought it was time to buy him a pair that would last him a good 2 years or so.

"Your girlfriend is awesome!" says Kris.

"Ha, she's mine guys, so don't even try" says D.O putting his hand on your shoulder.

"I put alot of thought into your present." you say.

"Your the best present I could ask for" He says.

You never heard that from him before. It felt like he was getting more comfortable around the more you hung out. You like that

"I love you." you say.



D.O's birthday is in 3 days! can't wait! I wanted to ask you guys if you wanted ..because I don't know wheither to do it now, or wait until like after the big dance at school :D SPOILER hehe. SO COMMENT IF YOU WANT :P ill try my best to do good with it.







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cindy_hoang #1
Chapter 24: I am really confused. With this chapter.
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 26: Yaya!! Didn't waste my time reading this!!
flioravak #3
Chapter 19: ^^ hehehe that was so cute! <3
flioravak #4
Chapter 18: YES! PLEASE~!
Lovelyy_April21 #5
Chapter 19: Well who doesn't like a little Cx
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Lovelyy_April21 #6
Chapter 16: It will be nice to see it from his POV (:
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Fanfictrainee #7
Chapter 16: Please update author nim! Can't get enough, and D.O. POV plz? AHHAHAH thanks
flioravak #8
Chapter 10: Are you going to be continuing this? because it's soooo good! i laughed a lot while reading it, or is this the end of this series?