CH 9 parents and bridges

Flamer love

Sooyin's POV

The following weeks Key and Minho constantly were on your watch. 
Every day when you left for home. One of them will try to walk with you. 
Though Key was not in your class and you almost never finished classes together 
and Minho who do was in your class always had to walk Iris home. They didn’t like that 
they couldn’t keep an eye on you but you didn’t mind. 
Sometimes you would meet Iris in the hallways of school going off and threating you. 
But Minho was not far away and always was there before she could hurt you. 
This went on for days it was now Friday you just had gotten home from school. 
Key would finish classes an hour after you so you knew he would be there in a half hour  to see if you were alright. You hear the bell ring so you get up from you spot on the sofa. 
Without thinking you open the door. 

Your eye shoot wide open when you opened the door watching the familiar face 
on the other side of the door.

“Daddy” you say in surprise reaching out for him holing him in a thigh embrace. You feel his arms slip around your waist hugging you back.  
“hello there my sweet little princess.” Your dad greats you swinging you around in the hallway. 
He sets you down again.
“I missed you” you mumble into his chest.  

“I missed you too” he says patting you head gently. The both of you sit down in the living room and chat about everything that happened since last time you saw each other. Thought you didn’t talk about Iris and your whole crush on Minho. Your dad told you about all his adventures on the other side of the world. After hours of talking you became hungry. So you made dinner, eat and do the dishes together singing along with the radio not minding how false you were and horrible you sounded. The night ended with playing videogames and a coffee table covers with snacks. 
You left to your bed after your dad told you countless of times since you could yawn all the time. 
You give him a goodnight hug before you go.

The next morning you wake up in an empty house again. It didn’t surprise you 
the times with your dad where always short and he always had to leave early in the morning. 
Still you were disappointed he never could stay longer. 
You eat your breakfasts on the dining table with the soft melody of the radio accompanying  you. 

Later that day the visit of your father last night had made you think and miss your mother a lot. You were getting ready for visiting her grave in the afternoon. You were about to walk to the door to take on your shoes. When you hear the doorbell ringing. You make a little jump and continue your way to the door now planning on opening it. You open the door and meet a pair of big eyes, Minho’s eyes.
“Minho what are you doing here?” you ask surprised. 

“Well ehm” he started clearly not expecting you to ask this “Well we haven’t talked that mush in school any more so I just wanted to see if everything is alright.”

“Oh well I guess I’m fine thank you. You don’t have to worry about me.” You comment 
He opens his mouth the say something back be decides against that.  

“Ehm Minho I’m kinda busy today could you..” you start but Minho interrupts you 
“Oh I see I will go that you on Monday, bye” he says

“bye” you say waving him goodbye. Watching him walk away. 
When he is out of side you close the door. You stare at your feet debating whether you would still visit you mothers grave or not after this small meeting. Worrying Minho could see you on your way and start to talk to you again. If Iris would find out she would not be happy. 
You still decided to go. You take on your shoes and your jacked together with my keys and phone and walk out of the door. 

It was spring so the weather was still cold but it was getting warmer. The wind was gently playing 
with your hair on your way. After a half hour walking you arrive at your destination.  
You crouch down in front of her grave. It was just a simple gravestone since your family couldn’t 
afford much more.  
You let your hand go over the engraved letters. A tear roles down you cheek and falls on the ground. 
“good morning mom” you start taking a pause giving her time to reply. 
“I missed it has been a long time since I last visited wasn’t it” you say with a small smile 
You kept  on talking with her for some time. Every time making a small pause to let her reply 
as if you were really talking with each other. As if she was still there. Just like you always did. 
Thought this time something felt strange. 
As if, if she was here she would warn you about something.
The feeling made shivers run down your spine. Earlier then you wanted you decided to go home. 
Hoping the feeling would go when you were home.     
You get up from your spot waving goodbye to your mom. The graveyard was surrounded by a small forest next to your town and got separated by a small river. You walked towards the bridge back to your town. 
It was an old wooden bridge thought you found it looking quite lovely. 
When you saw someone was standing in the middle of the small bridge. You thought it was just a random girl so you continued your way. Right before the bridge you stop in your tracks. It was Iris. A big shock flashed through your body. Immediately you knew were the feeling of just moments ago was for. It was for her. You take a deep breath but making sure she wouldn’t notice you. You walk up the bridge hoping you wouldn’t notice you.  But the old bridge made cracking sound just a view steps away from Iris. She turned around with a sharp spin now facing you. 
“You I was already looking for you”

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shineefangirl25 #1
aww...its cute
Chapter 10: What happened to Sooyin?! Author tell me!
That´s such a sweet story. Iris is such a . Minho and Sooyin should be together. Pls update soon