CH 11 I love you

Flamer love

Minho saw Iris walking the look on her face was unreadable to him. 
She was walking fast like she didn't wanna get caught. Then it came to Minho 
that she had done something to Sooyin. He did expect Iris to take revenge 
for breaking up with her but not this fast. He quickly turned the way Iris came from 
and started walking judging that would be where Sooyin was. 
He knew that if Iris had done something to Sooyin he needed to find her and nobody else. 
Walking fast he stared thinking of where she could be. He knew Iris was smart, 
she wouldn't do anything in public. So Sooyin must be somewhere 
where almost nobody would come or see her. But where. 
He simply stared to look at all the logic places he could think of. 
Though after an hour of looking everywhere he gave up it was impossible to find her. 
So he tried calling her but she didn't answer. 
"it’s no use how am I ever gone find her" he said to himself looking at the black screen of his phone. "wait a sec maybe there is an app I can use to find her phone." 
he quickly looked for the app he needed and downloaded it. 
He tried dialling her number but than his phone asked for a password. 
"what do you mean you need a password, don't you see I don't have that. This could be a life or death situation and you dare me to ask for a password." 
he raged to his phone getting awkward stares from people around him. 
He gave a sheepish smile before heading off to an more quiet place to think.

After a few minutes he arrived at his new destination, he liked to come here and thing. 
Minho was a quiet guy. Whenever he had some troubles on his mind that couldn’t get solved by playing football or taking a long jog her came here to think about it. 

The place was peacefully and quiet. It was on the edge of town there was a river separating the forest from the town. With an old bridge giving a nostalgic feeling to him.
But something was off today. It looked like a big part of the wooden railing had broken off. 
His eyes followed the river downstream it didn’t take them long to find the missing piece. 
Not that far away he could see something else in the water. 
It looked like someone was lying in the water too heavy for the river the carry him or her any further. 
Seeing this made Minho remember his mission. 
He looked closer at the person one thing was sure he was wearing the same cloths as you. 
Walking closer one thing became sure it was you. 
picked up his pace we wanted to make sure no he needed to make sure you were alright 
for as far as you could be. Minho now almost running finally reached the spot closes to where you were lying. 
He reached out so he could grasp your hand pulling you out of the cold water. 
When he got you out he checked if everything was alright. 
Everything seemed fine you were just cold. Not that, that was a big surprise the water 
was freezing cold. Minho tried to see if he could wake you up but failed. So he gave you his jacked to give you something dry. He then carried you bridal style to his house with was simply closer.

Arriving at his house he rang the bell simply because opening the door with you in his arm’s was too hard for him. His mom opened the door not mush later looking confused at her son.
“Can I, I mean we come in? I can explain everything” he said with a pleading smile. 

Raising an eyebrow she let her son in. closing the door behind them. 
“So explain.” Was all she said.

“Well I ehm found her in the river, Her name is Sooyin she is from my class so I know her so you don’t need to worry about strangers. And I just couldn’t let her lie there on her own. And she doesn’t have anyone to care for her at home. Can she please stay until she gets better?” he begged. 

“Omo the poor thing we got the help her. Quick bring to your room I will see if I can find some dry clothes for her.” 
He listed to his orders bringing you to his room carefully lying you down on his bed. 
“Don’t worry everything will be alright, I love you” he said kissing your forehead.

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shineefangirl25 #1
aww...its cute
Chapter 10: What happened to Sooyin?! Author tell me!
That´s such a sweet story. Iris is such a . Minho and Sooyin should be together. Pls update soon