Ch 5 cut

Flamer love

Sooyin’s POV

lying on my bed I sigh. “And I even thought he liked me.” I hold my pillow closer to me. “how could I have been so stupid. Why would anybody like me like that.” Tears roll down my face “c’mon Sooyin Minho may be dating Iris but that doesn’t mean nobody will love you.” I get off from my bed lying here thinking wasn’t gone help me. So I decided to take a walk to get it all out of my head. 
On my way to the door I grab my key’s and phone.  After I get my coat on I walk outside.
The cold wind blowing in my face. I start walking in one direction. Not planning on where to go. 

After walking for a half hour I end up at a park.  I sat down on a bench and let the wind gently play with my hair. It was still cold but that didn’t bother me. it was still nice and the sun was shining. 
There weren’t a lot of people  in the park there where only a few people walking there dog and some joggers. It was still cold but spring would come soon at then this park would be full of children playing. I smiled at the thought.
After sitting for some time I decide to get up and walk back home. I didn't pay much attention when I got up from my bench. After I set one step a group of joggers passed me. I got shocked and stepped back when I felt someone hit me making me fall on the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my knee.
I must have fallen on something sharp. I look at my knee and see deep cut. I must have cut my knee on the glass that was lying on the ground. I want to stand up but my knee hurts to mush and I almost fall back down. But someone grabbed me by my shoulders.
“Sooyin are you okay?” I hear him ask me. I look behind me to see it was Minho.
“I’m okay it just hurts a bit thank you.” I reply trying to stand again.
“Are you sure that looks really bad  I can bring you home if you want.” He offers me looking worried 
“No, No it’s fine you don’t have to.” I loosen myself from his grip to prove him I’m fine but miserably fail and almost fall back again. Right then I feel my feet lift from the ground. It only took a second for me to realize Minho picked you up and was now caring you. Instantly making me blush. 

“y, you don’t have to do this.” I stutter a bit. 
“But you can’t even walk I can’t let you stumble all the way home right.”
I look down in defeat. Minho chuckled softly and stared walking. It was a long walk and it was hard to find something to say. we arrived at me house. 
Minho set me down on the sofa. “where is the first aid kit?”
“It’s in the kitchen top left cabin.” With that he leaves of to the kitchen and come’s back with the kit. 
“this will sting a bit.” He says getting  some gauze and dapping it on the wound.  After that he get new gauze and applied it.
“that should be better. Does it still hurt?” he asks with a smile 
“thank it doesn’t hurt that mush anymore.” I reply blushing a bit. 
“that’s good” he says then looking down. “well I should go now Iris is waiting for me. bye.”
He says leaving. “bye”

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shineefangirl25 #1
aww...its cute
Chapter 10: What happened to Sooyin?! Author tell me!
That´s such a sweet story. Iris is such a . Minho and Sooyin should be together. Pls update soon