CH 12 get some rest

Flamer love

Sooyin’s POV 

Your eyes fluttered open. You woke in a comfy bed that you didn't recognise as your own. 
The room you were in made you even more sure you didn't wake up in your own bed at home. 
You carefully looked around to take in your surroundings. 
The room had a familiar smell but you couldn't place it. 
Your eyes fall on a clock on the bedside table which tells you it’s about midnight. 
You frown wondering why you would wake up in the middle of the night. 
When did you even go to bed? And how did you get here? Where is here? All these kind of questions danced around through your head. 
But the only thing you can think of is that you needed to get out of here and get home ASAP. 
You didn't need to think long about that. You quietly get out of bed. You feel your legs getting wobbly  as you walk to where you believe to see the contours of the door in the faint light of the moon. By the time you reached the door you feel dizzy 
you manage to find the handle and grab on to it so you can collect yourself again. You take a deep breath and carefully open the door trying not to make any sound.
When you set your foot outside the floor cracks.
The sudden sound made you jump. A yelp escaped your lips.
You heard a man groan. Scared that you woke him op you cover your mouth 
as if it would undo the sound. You were standing like that for a good couple of seconds 
till you believed the man didn’t wake up. But then the light flickered on. The sudden bright light 
didn’t work good for the headache you were already suffering from. 
Closing your eyes you rub you temples trying to smooth the pain.
“Sooyin, are you okay?” you hear a deep voice call you.
Agents your will you open your eyes to look at the figure standing on the other side of a room
You assume that is the living room. Assuming from the pillows and blankets he must have been sleeping there and you woke him up. The blurry figure starts walking towards you.
Right then you a warm feeling comes over you. You stared to see stars and everything got more blurry. 
The edges of vision were black rapidly spreading till everything was black. 
You feel yourself falling but never hit the ground.   

You wake up groan because of a ponding headache. You try to remember what happened. 
The last thing you can remember was the Iris pushed you of a bright in a river. Claiming something about it was your fault that Minho broke up with her. But what happened after that. 
You thoughts come to a spot when you feel like someone is staring at you. 
Opening your eyes you meet with the bright light again making you roan ones more. 
It took a few seconds before you could see the person staring at you clearly.
“Minho?” his name roles out of your mouth with a raspy sound. 
He only smiles at you “How do you feel?”

“I’m feeling fine.” You reply with a small smile grasping for your head because of the ache.

“Don’t try to lie to me I know you got a fever. Swimming in the river is not a good idea this time of year.” 
He says getting up. “I’ll be right back I’m gone get you some medicine.”
With that he disappears into another room coming back a few moments latter 
With medicine and a glass of water. 
You obediently take the medicine and swallow them with some water.
You stare at you hand waiting for the medicine to kick in not knowing what to say.
The only thinks in your mind are what Iris would do to you if she knew you were here. 
It made a shiver go down your spine. 
“Maybe you should get some more rest your fever was really high. And ehm you don’t need to worry about anything.” He said as if he knew what you were thinking  
You give him a small nod and go back to sleep.

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shineefangirl25 #1
aww...its cute
Chapter 10: What happened to Sooyin?! Author tell me!
That´s such a sweet story. Iris is such a . Minho and Sooyin should be together. Pls update soon