Ch 4 Iris

Flamer love

sooyin's pov

It was Tuesday morning time for school I didn’t go yesterday because I wasn’t feeling well enough for that. And maybe because I overslept a bit. “Good morning Sooyin” Minho said when I walk in to the classroom. 
“Good morning Minho” I say as I sit down at my table that is right in front of him.
“I see you feel a lot better that good.”
“yeah well thank you for coming Saturday.”
“It’s alright I couldn’t let you be alone right.” 
“well I still wanna thank you maybe we could get a drink of something as a thank you.” You ask him looking at your feet hiding your blush.  
“sure that will be fun. I will pick you up this Friday okay.”

Minho’s pov

It has been a few weeks now since Sooyin and me went out for that drink and we really got a lot closer. Though I had a crush on her since I first saw her so I’m thinking about confessing to her, but I don’t know when is a good time. 
It was the end of a long  school day and I was at my locker. Getting ready to go home when I heard Iris calling for me so I turned around facing her when she hugged me. 
“I want to talk to you about something.“ she said letting go.

“well I have to go home now I’m sorry.” 

“Just wait a little” she said showing something in her hand. A phone.

“How did you get my phone. Give it back!” I said reaching out for it 

“Don’t worry I will give it back. See something is bothering me and that something is called Sooyin.”

“don’t you dare hurt her” I growled.

“Now, now calm down on ones hurt, not jet. As long as you do as I say.” She smirked 

Iris’ pov

“Minho-ah, you left your phone at my place yesterday.” I said giving him his phone back. Making sure that Sooyin would hear it. 

“thank you I was already wondering where my phone was.”

“though, honey we are still going to prom together right it’s over two months”

“yeah we do”  
I see Sooyin shift in the corner of my eye. That right you. Minho is mine and mine alone.

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shineefangirl25 #1
aww...its cute
Chapter 10: What happened to Sooyin?! Author tell me!
That´s such a sweet story. Iris is such a . Minho and Sooyin should be together. Pls update soon