CH 8 Why?

Flamer love

Sooyin POV

I woke up hearing angry voices. Immediately I knew I wasn’t at school any more. 
I look around me to see where I was. I saw both Minho and key.
Key was driving and Minho was sitting in the back with my head on his lap.
“…Or else I’m not giving you permission to date her anymore.” I hear Key yell angry 

“Why are you to yelling at each other?” I asked 

“Sooyin you woke up. How are you feeling?” Key asked his voice was clam but I could still hear he was angry.

“I’m okay thank you.”

“It’s no problem dear.”
I feel someone stating to my hair. Looking up I see Minho is looking at me. A soft smile appeared on his face and I smile back at him. 

“Minho is worth much more than a low live creature like you. 
He is mine and mine alone so keep your dirty hands off him”
The voice echoed in my head and I shoot up. 

“I’s something wrong?” I hear his deep voice mixed with concern. 

“No everything is fine.” I say trying to avoid his gaze.
After a couple of minutes  the car stopped at your house. 
You got out of the car. Minho wanted to help you but you waved him of.
When you set your feet on the ground dizziness got over you and stars appeared before your eyes.
You try and make your way to the front door. Just after a few wobbly steps you feel a pair of hands  grab your shoulders preventing you from falling down. 
“Are you sure you are okay?” I hear him ask me 

“I was fine in the car” I turn around to glare at him. 

“common guy’s lets get inside.” Key called opening the front door holding it open for the two of you.
Minho helps me inside even when I keep telling him he didn’t need to. Still he does saying he has to make sure I was alright. 

He kept on doing so until you were sitting on the sofa. You tried to tell him you were fine but he didn't wanna listen. The three of you all settled down on the sofa. 
The boys both sitting next to you. Leaving you in the middle trying to make you most conferrable but only leading to the opposite. 

"Sooyin can you tell us what happened?" I hear key say. He sounded worried I didn't what to make him worry about me. 
"I am fine nothing happened really don't worry." I say back to him.

“You were locked in a room all beaten up and you where absolutely terrified when I opened the door. Are you really sure nothing happened?” 

“Minho!?” Key said looking angry at his friend. 

“What? It is true”

“but you don’t have to say it like that.” 

“Sooyin, who beat you up like this?” Minho asked me

“I don’t know” I can’t tell him it was because of Iris. It will break his heart when he hears that.
I can’t do that to him. “I was just on the roof when this guy came beat me up.”

“Do you have any idea why he did that to you?”

“I don’t know why. He just was there and.. and” I say stammering a bit as tear start to build in my eyes.

sorry I haven't uploaded 
school hase been killing me
thought last week me grandpa got hospitalized
since he decide not the take his pills anymore 
but I everything is better now my grandpa is doing good 
and I finished everything for school 
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shineefangirl25 #1
aww...its cute
Chapter 10: What happened to Sooyin?! Author tell me!
That´s such a sweet story. Iris is such a . Minho and Sooyin should be together. Pls update soon