Jealous Gongchan

My Dream Boy?

I got up quite early so I could meet up with Gongchan... Would it be just the two of us? Or would there be others? I hope it's just us...
I drag myself to the bathroom, I'm soooo not a morning person, and start to make myself look a little presentable by combing the tangles out of my hair, washing my face and brushing my hair. I head back to my room and put on a cute pink, highwaist skirt and a frilly top, natural make up and beige flats on... I look at myself in the mirror... no, no this won't do, too girly, too... formal.
I try on many outfits, but none of them seem to fit the situation... "Aish! What does he like?!"
In the end, I go with a large baggy sport shirt, with 36 printed on it, a leather-like highwaist skirt, ripped tights, and black creapers... This should be OK... right? 

Satisfied with my clothes and make up, I grabbed my purse with my advanced pocket money, I managed to beg from my Umma, looked at the clock... 9:50AM...WHAT?! I'VE GOTTA MEET HIM AT THE STATION IN LIKE 10 MINUTES! It'll take me that long to get to the train station! Aish, not again! I don't have enough time for even breakfast.
I bound downstairs, see the toast on the table, already buttered, grab it and run. I hear my mum compaining "Hey~ That's my toast!" 
"Sorry Mum! Running late bye love you, bye!" I shout in a scrambled mess, as i close the door
I run from out of my porch, and am about to run down the road, when out of the corner of my eye, I see Gongchan, hurridly locking the door of the house he's leaving. Tooth brush in his mouth, his face was flushed, and he looked like he was trying to text, but it seemed to be fustrating him as he kept huffing under the tooth paste. He looked up in defeat and spotted me. He sighed in relief and calmly walked over to me.
"I thought I was running late..." He said
"You are, but so am I, so I guess it cancelled it out." I laugh
"Haha.Shall we go?"
"Lets!" I beam, and he holds out his arm, I loop mine through his, and we walk towards the station.
Whilst we were on the train, I saw that he was texting Jinyoung, something about "late".. I guess that it won't be just us two then.
We get to the station in Insa-dong, and left through exit 4. Stood infront of us were all of B1A4, Chaeyun and Misa, all dressed in casual wear and laughing with each other, as we approached, they all turned towards us.
"Minji!!!!" Chaeyun screeched and jumped on me, almost making us both fall, but I regained my composure.
"Hey, Chaeyun, what cha doin' here then?" I asked, slightly annoyed that it wasn't just me and Gongchan
"Oh, Oppa invited me, so I invited Misa and Miri, but Miri didn't want to come, something about homework, but it's not like she couldn't do it tomorrow. She's been wanting to go for ages... It's just cos she's got beef with Jinyoung Oppa... Such a child." she huffed, and I almost laughed, cos when she's 'got beef' with anyone, it can go on for years, I just smiled and turned to Gongchan, he seemed to be in a long winded conversation with Jinyoung, who, as usual, looked as if he couldn't care less. As they looked busy, I turned to CNU.
"Gonna buy anything today?" I asked
"Yeah, maybe some effects pedals... new strings.. You?"
"I don't know yet, I brought a lot though."
"I bet you're excited to look, have you been to the Music Arcade before?"
"I've seen things about it, and I've past it before, but no, I haven't been inside."
"Shall we go then?" CNU said, gathered the others and we left to go do some shopping.
"Wooow~!" Chaeyun and I said in unison.
There were rows and rows of shops holding collections of precious and beautiful instruments just waiting to be played. People were strolling along the small walkways, and the sound of people testing out the instruments was all around.
"It's like shopping at Christmas!" I shouted and was about to run off but someone grabbed my arm
"Slow down," Baro cooed " We have plenty of time, babe~"
"Ugh! Gross Baro!" I literally felt shivers go down my spine.
"Baro. Leave her alone. You're scaring her." Gongchan suddenly appeared out of no where, Sandeul at his shoulder
"Yeah Baro! You scare girls away more than you seduce them! Hahahah!" Sandeul guffawed at him whilst pointing at his best friend. Leaving them to it, Gongchan and I walked over to Chaeyun and Misa who were looking in the nearest shop, which happened to be a drum shop.
"Lookie, lookie," Chaeyun cried "They have your drum kit, Gongchan!"
"So they do." He said calmly.
"They also have mine... and the one I want. The Yamaha Rick Marotta Signature Hipgig ."
"Isn't that one really expensive."
"Yeah, but I've been saving up for over a year, and my Umma gave me an advance of my pocket money, so I've got well over 6,000,000 won"
"Ah, my Umma gave me an advance too, 10 months... I might buy a new bass, I don't know."
"Hey~ Can we go now? I wanna go. I got to go~" Chaeyun sang and began to slowly skip away.
"We need to wait while Jinyoung and CNU oppa go get money." I explained, despite how I was about to run off less than a minute ago.
"Oppa?" Gongchan questioned me, seemingly hurt
"Uh, yes... Would you.. like me to... call you- uh- Oppa too?" I said, as the blood started to rush to my face, I couldn't look directly into his eyes.
"Yes. Yes I would like that." He said it so confidently.. doesn't he have any shame? I looked up at him, to see a slight blush on his face too, but he was hiding it well. So, he does have some shame.
"Hey guys, we're here! Shall we go?" Jinyoung announced and in reply there was a range of "Ne~" Even with Misa here, Jinyoung's leader aura was strong.
At every shop, someone wanted to stop, even at the Ukelale shop, as Sandeul started to play it a few months ago and wanted a new one.
"How about we split up. By instruments? Or just split up?" Misa proposed
"By instruments." Jinyoung decided for everyone, Gongchan went up to him and whispered in his ear, then stood back beside me. As if he hadn't moved at all... Like in my dream.
"Change of idea! 4s! Me and Misa, as the leaders, will pair you up!" He said and him and Misa turned to each other to consult
"Baro Misa Sandeul Chaeyun and Gongchan Minji Jinyoung CNU" Misa presented our groups, with the help of Jinyoung pushing and pulling us around in our groups.
Why am i alone? I complain to myself. Oh well, Gongchan and CNU are cool, I don't really know Jinyoung though, this could be an opportunity!
"That O.K?" Misa asked.
"Ne." We all said in a monotone voice, like that of at school when a teacher says "Good morning" and we all went in our individual paths.
"So.. What shop first?" I asked
"Can we see the drum kits first? I need a new bass drum and drum sticks."
"Channie~" Jinyoung sighed "We bought you new drum sticks two weeks ago!"
"I know, sorry Hyung, they already started to chip, I don't want to break them so soon, 'cause they're special, as you guys bought them for me." Gongchan reasoned, piling on the aegyo
"You need to stop hitting the drums so hard, Chan. And Jinyoung? You know what he's like, you can hardly complain." CNU said, a faint smile playing on his face. 
I feel so... I don't know, out of place? maybe it's because they're already like a tight knit family.. Happy Crisis is like that, but with out Miri here.. It doesn't seem right.
And plus the fact that they've all known each other for years, and I've only known them for under a week, but they're so nice, I feel like I've known them for ages. I feel welcome, but at the same time, like an outsider, maybe it's just me.

We looked around the drum store and instead of just a bass drum and drum sticks, Gongchan bought a full drum kit after testing out 5, and I realized how AMAZING he was at drumming. The shop owner said he'd keep the drum kit until we left, so we didn't have to push it around whilst we shopped.
Next we went and looked at the keyboards for Jinyoung, he also tested out a few, his elegant and long fingers glided over the keys, and it appears that CNU also plays the piano, as he gave us a little performance. It wasn't as good as Jinyoungs, but it was better than anything I could ever play.
Next, to find a bass shop! WAH~ SO EXCITED!
We were just casually strolling through the isles of instruments, when something caught my eye. A fender Jazz bass! I instantly went to it, and crouched out side the window.
"I want it." I muttered to myself. 
At first I don't think the B1A4 trio noticed my absence, as they continued walking around the corner, but I think Gongchan finally noticed, and ran around the corner with a panicked look on his face that faded when he saw me pawing at the glass. He calmly walked over and crouched beside me.
"You want that one?"
"Ne." I said, still mesmerized by the beauty of the brown sunburst Fender Jazz bass.
"How much is it?" 
He laughed. It was as beautiful as it was in my dream, It was soft... calming and carefree, like that of a child. Beautiful. I turned to him, with the same look of awe I had for the bass guitar, he didn't notice, he was looking for a price tag, but both CNU and Jinyoung saw, they smiled to themselves, I only caught the end of their smile, but I still saw it, it made me embarrassed.
"Excuse me? Sir, how much is this bass?" Gongchan asked the shop manager.
"It's 5,000,000 Won."
"5,000,000 WON?!" The four of us shouted at once... I don't know if I an afford that... Unless I go into my bank account.
"Can we haggle?" I heard CNU ask, whilst i was thinking of how I could buy it.
With out waiting for an answer, Jinyoung shouted "Lower!" whilst pushing himself towards the man.
"E-excuse me, are you-"
"Jung Jinyoung! And yes, my father and uncle own this shop and others!" He said, gloating slightly, but considering, I would too. Jinyoung is mysterious.
"I-I can go down to.. um.. 4,500,000 Won?"
"Jin-Jinyoung, it's O.K, that's enough, I can pay it."
"You sure? Cos I can make it even lower."
"If you want, we can help pay-" Gongchan started, but I didn't want that, I didn't like feeling like I was a charity case.
"I can pay it by myself, Thank you very much."
"Young lady, would you like to come test it out?" After hearing this mans offer, my mood peaked.
"Can I?!" I asked, like a child, and ran into the shop.
Once I was in the shop, I saw a familular face. "Taeil Oppa?"
"Great, another 'Oppa'." I heard Gongchan complain under his breath, there was something with him today.. He's acting strange, not his normal, chic self.
"Ah! Minji-yah! How are you?"
"I'm well, I didn't know you worked here, I didn't know you had a job."
"Yeah, I've been working here for a while now. It's a good shop, come here often. Now, is there anything you want?"
"Ah, yeah, tryin' out that bass."
"The fender jazz bass? Good choice." He said with a smile and went to fetch me a stool.

I played out the opening from the anime, K-On!, Cagayake Girls! It felt so smooth, the sound was clear and louder than the one I had now. I could have jumped around in happiness of this bass being almost mine; I could cry.
"IWANTITNOW!" I decided, whilst fishing my purse out of my pocket, not letting go of the bass, in the case of it going where I can reach it anymore. Like when I tried to get close to Gongchan in my dream.. The sudden thought of him stopped me in my tracks, and I turned to look at him, he was nonchalant playing with the guitar straps on a rack by the door.
"Miss?" The shop manager asked me.
"Oh, um- yes, here." I said, handing him my card, and walking to the counter, a blush on my face.
"With the discount, the sum comes to 4,000,000 won." The manager said
"Thank you!" I beamed and left the shop with my new bass.
"Ah~ It's so beautiful, and pretty and fab~" I purred whilst rubbing my face on the neck of it, feeling the smooth varnished wood under my cheeks. After a couple of seconds, I could see that the A3 boys were hiding their laughter at me.
"If you wanna laugh just laugh." I said, in a testing tone. I didn't actually want them to laugh at me, but I tested them anyway. They failed. 
"YAH!" I said, and walked off. 
I kept walking and walking. I don't care what they think, I'm happy. I got my dream bass. 
Suddenly, I walked into Sandeul, Baro, Misa and Chaeyun.
"Minji!" Chaeyun exclaimed "What are you doing here?"
"They were being mean..." I muttered like a child.
"WE CAN'T HAVE THAT, OUR MINJI DESERVES THE BEST!" Exclaimed Baro, in his ever-so-cheesy playboy voice that he use every time he talked to me and the other members of Happy Crisis, I had noticed.
"Baro, please." Sandeul scoffed
"I just wanna protect our Minji!" He argued and put his arm around me. I laughed at his cheesy actions. He's so weird. Suddenly Sandeul's teasing face washed away, and he stared, wide eyed, behind me and Baro. I slowly turned and saw Gongchan. And boy, did he look pissed. 
Glaring daggers at Baro, he stormed over to us, and also put his arm around me.
"Found you." he said to me without emotion. Could it be.. that the Almighty Gongchan is jealous? hahaha, oh my gosh, he is, isn't he? Maybe I should play with him.
As he tried to pull me away from Baro, I pulled myself away, closing the space between me and Baro. "No, I wanna spend more time with Baro Oppa. Oppa, is that OK? Can I spend more time with you?" I said turning towards Baro, he was speachless and didn't know what to say, all he let out was a slight "uhhh...." and looked towards Sandeul.
"Fine then," Gongchan started, moving his glares from Baro to me."Have fun with Oppa then." spun on his heel and stormed out of the Arcade.
"Minji..." Chaeyun and Misa started.
"Too much?"
"A lil'" Misa replied. I sighed and ran after him.




sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks, but I've been on hoilday, and unfortunately soon, I'll be doing my final exams, so I probably won't update much until late May. Very sorry.




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HIPgirl95 #1
Chapter 12: Yay! Updates! Woohoo! I'm really enjoying this story! Keep up the good work!
elizalee_ #2
Chapter 8: update soon please❤️
HIPgirl95 #3
Chapter 8: Whoohoo! An update!
The worst part of this story is that it isn't updated enough to satisfy my needs for it! I want more!!! ^_^
Seriously though, I keep checking back, hoping for an update and I got one! Best. Day. EVER! I am loving this story!
Please PLEASE update soon! I can't get enough of this story!!
HIPgirl95 #4
Chapter 7: Update Yay!!! ^_^ I've been wanting an update from you... I've started falling madly in love with B1A4 (again) and this story is great! Keep up the good work! <3
HIPgirl95 #5
Chapter 6: Yay! Update! ^_^ Its very very good, Author. Keep at it! I wait eagerly for your next post! <3
Lomanette #6
Chapter 5: Hehe i like your story ~ please update soon !! :DD
HIPgirl95 #7
Chapter 4: oooh, Drama! Nice Chapter!
How will Minji play in the showcase now? I'm excited for the next update. <3
HIPgirl95 #8
Chapter 3: I'm confused. But then, so is everyone in the story. ^_^

Keep up the great work! I can't wait for the next update!
HIPgirl95 #9
Chapter 1: Very nice first chapter! You obviously have skill as a writer. I'm already hooked! I can't wait for chapter two!
Keep up the good work!!! ^_^