Chapter 8

Protect Her~

The  next day,"I'm sure you're waiting for today's activity right?" asked Ms.Byun happily

."Nope," answered Woohyun while yawning

."Yes!!" shouted Ailee and Dasom

."Yeah, good Ailee and Dasom, I will reveal the activity." said Ms.Byun."Okay.. Today, we have an explorace in the jungle." said Ms. Byun again while clapping her hands alone.

"Yah!! Please give reaction!!" shouted Ms.Byun.

"Yea!!" screamed Hoya and Woohyun while clapping their hands.

"Good! Now, I will divide you into three teams. Team 1 is Myungsoo, Sungyeol, Naeun, Namjoo, Sungjong. Team 2 is Hoya, Ailee, Sunggyu, Eunji, Bomi. And Team 3 is Woohyun, Dongwoo, Key, Dasom and Onew.Okay! Move to your group now!!" explain Ms.Byun.

"Andwae!!" screamed Hoya & Woohyun because they didn't in the same group.

"Teacher! I don't agree with my team members! I'm the only girl in that group." said Dasom.

"It's okay Dasom. It just an explorace." replied Ms.Byun."Lol.I want with Ailee!" Dasom walk slowly to team 3 while Ailee walk to team 2.

"Anyeong!" said Woohyun to Dasom

."Oh! Kkamjjak-iya!! Yah! What's wrong with you? Go away!!" said Dasom.

"Why? I'm in the same group with you." replied Woohyun

."Jinjja?! Oh my god!!" said Dasom while running to Ailee.

"Why people hate me so much?" Woohyun felt weird

."Because you're bad," answered Dongwoo

.Woohyun is very angry with Dongwoo since yesterday. Then, he tried to kick Dongwoo.

"Yah! Nam Woohyun!! What are you trying to do?!" screamed Ms.Byun while pulling Woohyun's ear.

"Ah..ah..It's hurt, I'm just doing stretching before we go into the jungle. Hehehe." replied Woohyun while smiling

."Whatever! Okay guys, Now please choose your team leader." said Ms.Byun.

"I want to be a leader!" Hoya suddenly suggest himself.

"No.. Please don't Hoya ssi. Don't talk nonsense," said Ailee.Eunji and Bomi that in the same group laugh loudly

."What? I'm serious!" said Hoya.

"I said NO! I think Sunggyu sunbae is suitable.Right guys?" said Ailee.

"Yes..We agree all people except Hoya. " answered Bomi and Eunji.

"Sunbae! Sunbaenim! Wake up!!" said Ailee.Sunggyu doesn't respond

."Sunbae!" screamed Ailee while hitting Sunggyu's shoulder.

"Argh, what is this?!" Sunggyu wake from his sleep

."Yah! People like this you want to be our leader? " asked Hoya while lying on the ground

."What's going on?" asked Sunggyu

."How can you sleep sunbaenim? Aigoo," asked Eunji while laughing

."Aniyo, yesterday, that Woohyun keep kicking me while sleeping in that tent. I can't sleep soundly." explain Sunggyu.

"Haha, like this.. We have to choose a leader. But we didn't want Hoya to be the leader, so you're automatically be the leader." said Ailee

."Why me?" asked Sunggyu while closing his eyes

."Because you're the only male in this group, understand?!" said Ailee.

"Ermm.. okay,, But please let me sleep for 5 minutes more." said Sunggyu then he sleeps under the tree.

"Aah.. jeongmal. This leader.." said Ailee. 


"There's no discussion! I am your leader!!" said Woohyun to his team members.

"We agree!" said Onew and Key

."What the hell are you talking about? How can this lacking person be a leader whereas there is a better person? You're so idiot!" Dasom opposed them.

"Who is that better person? Who?!" asked Woohyun while pushing Dasom's head

."Yah! He is Jang DongWoo,pabo!" said Dasom while pushing Woohyun's head back.

"Me? Thank you, Dasom. I'm glad you choose me, if Woohyun be our leader, I don't know what will happen." Dongwoo words make Woohyun angry.

"Wow! Do u want to fight?!" asked Woohyun while pulling Dongwoo's t-shirt collar.

"Let's go! I don't scared of you!!" shouted Dongwoo bravely.

"Yah!!" shouted Ms.Byun that walking by them."What are you doing? I told you to choose a leader, not fighting. So, who is the leader?" said Ms. Byun.

"It's me!" said Dasom

."What?" the boys shocked

."Why? you choose the right person"  said Ms.Byun. 


"Okay guys! Now all the leaders, come here and take these maps and compasses." said Ms.Byun.

Sungyeol, Sunggyu and Dasom take the things.

"As u can see, you already get a map and a compass. So? The race start now!" shouted Ms.Byun excitedly.

All the students run into the jungle.

 "LeaderDasom, where are we going?" asked Woohyun to Dasom.

"Just follow me, don't ask anything!" answered Dasom.

"At least, please let us to look at the map." said Dongwoo.There is no response from Dasom.

"Jinjja, this brat," mumbled Woohyun alone

."Give that to me!" said Woohyun while grabbing the map.But, Dasom didnt release her grab. Suddenly the map tore and one piece of the map fell into the stream near them and it flow swiftly

"Nam Woohyun!!!" screamed Dasom loudly.

"Aah, aa thats not my fault! I..I just grabbed the map, you're the one who didn't release it," replied Woohyun.

While Dongwoo and the others don't know what to do.

"What?! That's not your fault?! Oh my god! Why?!! Aaahhhh!!" Dasom felt like crazy because of Woohyun

."It's your fault too, why did you don't let us to look at the map? Stupid!" said Woohyun.

Dasom just silent.

"Aah! Stop it!! So, what are we goinh to do now?!" asked Dongwoo

."Erm.I think I remember the direction. We have to search a waterfall..maybe.." answered Dasom.

Then,they continued walking behind Dasom for a long time. As they reached the small hill Woohyun stop.

"Yah! What are we doing seriously? Where is that waterfall?! We just walking without knowing a right direction!" said Woohyun that tired of walking.Dasom stops walking too

."Actually, I don't have an idea too. Sorry guys," Dasom speak the truth.

"What? Why you dont tell us early? Aah,, I'm very tired." said Woohyun while sitting under the tree.

"The sky is getting dark, what are we going to do?" asked Dongwoo

."Let's call Ms.Byun and inform that we are lost." said Dasom.Dasom take out her phone.

"Damn. Doesn't have a signal!" shouted Dasom.

"We take a rest about 10 minutes, then we continue." said Dasom.

After 10 minutes,"Let's go to where did we start. C'mon," suggested Dongwoo

."Okay, lets go guys!" said Dasom while holding a torchlight.They walk while holding hands because they were scared.

"Let's sing a song to lose our scared feeling. You start first Woohyun!" suggested Dongwoo.There is no respond

."Woohyun?" asked Dongwoo. Then he look at the back but there are only Dasom, Key and Onew.

"Where is Woohyun?" asked Dongwoo panickly.

"He's lost!" shouted Dasom."Yah! How can't you realize that he wasn't here?" asked Dongwoo

."We thought he was at the front," answered Key and Onew

."Yeah, I think so too." said Dasom.

"Aah, one by one problem came to us." said Dongwoo.

"Since when did he wasn't here?" asked Dongwoo

."I dont know. But there is no one behind me." answered Key as he is walking at the back.

"I'm sure we've left him at the hill." said Dasom."Yeah, he was sleeping when we took a rest at that hill." said Key.

"Let's find him! We can't leave him" said Dasom.

"Ok!" said the boys.


At the same time, Woohyun wake up from his sleep.

"Ah, where am I?" said Woohyun."So dark! Where are you guys? Dongwoo yah! Dasom! Key! Onew!" shouted Woohyun

.Then, he search for them with the torchlight

."What?! They left me ? Woah! They really hate me!" said Woohyun.

"Aah,, what I'm going to do? So scared,," said Woohyun alone,

Then he stand up and just walking down the hill.

"God please save me from any ghosts or animals!" said Woohyun that really scared of ghost.


"Yeah! Finally, We have finished our tasks!!" screamed Sunggyu happily.

"Yeaahhh!!" the team members scream happily

."Now, lets go back to the campsite. Fighting!!" cheered Sunggyu.

"Lets Go!!" said Ailee.They walk down happily while singing Girls' Generation's songs.Then, Ailee hear a voice behind the bushes.

"Unnie! Help me!" Ailee heard the voice that calling her and want a help

."Guys, did you hear anything?" asked Ailee

."Hear what?" asked Hoya back

."Aah, nothing.." Ailee thought it was just her imagination

."Unnie!! Help me, please!!" Ailee keep hearing that voice. She feel uneasy

."I'm sure it is a girl voice. She sound like having a problem." whispered Ailee alone.

Then, Ailee go to the bushes that she heard the voice, she didn't realize that her team members just walking and left her alone

."Yah!! Wait!!" She didnt know what to do. follow her team members or help the mystery girl. Then, she decides to help that girl.

"Unnie,here!!" shouted the girl.Ailee try to find that girl. Then, she see her head behind the bushes.

"What are you doin....g.....? Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Help me!!!" screamed Ailee while running as fast as she could.

Woohyun that walk nearby saw a girl running like a crazy people.

"Aaaaahhhh!!!!" Woohyun screamed too. He taught the girl is a ghost because Ailee wear a white long blouse with a long hair.

"Help me!! Help me!!" screamed Ailee while running to the boy that standing not far from her

.Without knowing, Ailee hug Woohyun that was standing still there.

"Aaaahh!! who are Go away!!" said Woohyun while closed his eyes and push Ailee away from him but Ailee didn't move.

He was very scared because he thaught Ailee is a ghost.He tried to push the girl again but she hug him very tight

."Yah! least answer me, who are you? Are you a people?" asked Woohyun slowly

.After about 2 minutes, Ailee release her hug.

She was very scared but when she realize that the boy is Woohyun, she fainted.

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sorry for the late update.. My homeworks are too much. I dont have time to write the fic..


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Estherbunny #1
Chapter 14: Update soonn~
i really this story sooo when is the next update...????????????
inspirit2woo #3
Please comment^^ hoho
please update the story...
Chapter 10: Story is getting interesting keep it up and update soon authorNim
peonelopie4 #6
Chapter 7: Can I recommend that you have a line space after each dialogue? To change the format?
That_Inspirit #7
There are not that many aileexinfinite fics out here and I just want to say thank you! I like your story btw!~
z_nrn_ #8
Chapter 4: It's good. I hope you continue it! Don't lose your motivation just because there is no comments!! Though it could be better. If you're easily hurt don't continue to read!!

I don't get Ailee. For example she is poor but she has a phone? And has money to get on a plane to Korea?
Another thing is no one will straight out reject you for a job. That is extremely rude. They would say something like this 'please call back in a few days.....blah blah blah'
I guess what I dislike is it isn't realistic but other than that it's good. I don't know where this is heading but I'm sure you will create a wonderful story.

inspirit2woo #9
Please comment!! I'm so bored