Chapter 9

Protect Her~

She fainted.Luckily, Woohyun quickly hold her.

"Oh are you okay?" Woohyun asked.

 "Ailee?!" Woohyun shocked when he realize that she is Ailee, his enemy or maybe his crush?Then, Ailee open her eyes

,"Aah!! Help me!" Ailee still remembered about the incident.

"Yah! What's wrong with you?!" asked Woohyun because Ailee is screaming crazily.

"!!" shouted Ailee.Woohyun that scared of ghost quickly covers Ailee's mouth with his hand

."Shut up, or the ghosts may hear that we are talking about them." said Woohyun slowly.

"Emmm... About the incident just now, I'm sorry,, I am very scared," said Ailee

."About what?" asked Woohyun.

"About the hug." answered Ailee.

"Aah,, that's okay, you can hug me anywhere and anytime,, hehe..I like it, " said Woohyun while smiling. He felt very happy because the girl that hug him just now was Ailee

."What?!" Ailee suddenly laugh."I'm not that desperate to hug you anytime, Nam Woohyun." said Ailee again.

"I don't think so.." replied Woohyun

."What do you mean?" asked Ailee

."Haha, nothing.." answered Woohyun.

After about 2minutes silent,

"When do we want to go back?" asked Ailee

."I don't know, we wait until the morning then, we start to walk back." answered Woohyun

. "Okay, I'm sleepy. I want to sleep, Don't dare to touch me or do something!" Ailee gave a warning.

"Do what? I'm not that kind of person okay,," replied Woohyun

."Whatever, bye," said Ailee. Then she fall asleep

."Sleep here," said Woohyun while putting Ailee's head on his shoulder.

"She's so beautiful," whispered Woohyun.

Then he fall asleep too.


Dasom goes to find Woohyun in the jungle and she meet Hoya that going to find Ailee. Then they decided to walk together.

."So cold," said Dasom while shivering

."Take my jacket," said Hoya while giving his jacket to Dasom.

"It's okay,, you will be cold," said Dasom while smiling

."If I give it to you just take it," said Hoya again.

" thank you, hehe,," replied Dasom

."You're so stubborn," said Hoya. Then, he pull Dasom near him and he put his arm on Dasom's shoulder.

"Yah! What are you doing?" Dasom shocked with Hoya's sudden action.

"I don't want you to catch a cold. understand?" answered Hoya

."Thanks," replied Dasom.Then, Hoya saw Ailee and Woohyun are sleeping under the tree

."Oh, that's Woohyun." said Hoya while pointing to them."Who is that girl?" asked Hoya again.They walk towards them.

"Ailee?" Dasom shocked because it id Ailee furthermore, Ailee is sleeping on Woohyun's shoulder.

"What are they doing and why they are together here?" said Hoya curiously

."How can I know?!" Dasom suddenly raise her voice. Suddenly she felt jealous of Ailee

."Yah, why do you want to mad?" asked Hoya.

"Erm.. Mad? No, I don't." Dasom tried to cover her feeling

."Woohyun ah! Wake up! Ailee!!" said Hoya while kicking Woohyun's leg.

"What?" said Woohyun that half awake."Why did you sleep here?" asked Hoya to Woohyun.

"Erm,, you!! She left me, so I'm lost. Then, I met Ailee. We decided to go back in the morning." explain Woohyun

."You left Woohyun alone?" asked Hoya to Dasom."I don't know, I'm not his friend, you should ask Dongwoo, Key or Onew." answered Dasom

."Ailee yah, how did you get lost? You're in Sunggyu Sunbaenim team right?" asked Dasom.

"Yeah, actually.. It's a scary story, I will tell you in the morning okay.." said Ailee while stand up

."Let's go back," said Hoya.

On their way back,"Ailee yah, please tell me, how did you get lost? I'm curious." said Dasom while tugging Ailee's arm slowly.

"Like this.." Ailee explain the incident to Dasom

."What?!! A vampire??!! So scary!!  I think this place is a ghost village." said Dasom.

"Ghost village? Hahaha." Ailee laughed

."It's true! Ms.Byun met with ghosts, you met with ghost. So..." Dasom said.

"The next turn to meet ghost is you.Hahaha," said Ailee

."Yah!! I don't want!! God, please don't let me to meet any ghost. Jebal," said Dasom. 


In the morning, they arrived at the campsite

."Yah! Where are you going?!" shouted Ms. Byun.

"We..we.." said Dasom

"Aah, you are so slow. Like this, Dasom and Woohyun in the same team. But they didnt realize that they left Woohyun alone. So Dasom  go back in thw jungle to find him.And I met her because I was finding Ailee. explain Hoya." Ailee?" asked Ms. Byun to Ailee

."I.. I heard a voice calling me, so I tried to find the voice, but I didn't realize that my team left me alone. So I found the voice but it's not a people,, it's a vampire.. So, I ran quickly then I met Woohyun.That is the story, " explain Ailee

."Vampire?! Omg,, " Ms.Byun shocked

."Really? Ouh, I understand why did you ran like a crazy person that night." said Woohyun.

"Go pack your bags quickly. We will go back this afternoon." said Ms.Byun

. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

The next day, at their school

,"Anyeong Ailee!" said Hoya while walking towards her

."Why?!" said Ailee angrily."Do you angry?" asked Hoya.

"What do you want actually?" asked Ailee

."Hey, do you think I will let you go? You are my target right? Don't you remember?" asked Hoya while putting his arm on Ailee's shoulder

."So what? Go away!" screamed Ailee.

"Yah, Lee Howon!! What are you doing?!" shouted Woohyun when he saw Hoya is bullying Ailee.

"Doing what? Don't you see?" said Hoya to Woohyun

."Stop it! Stop bully her!" said Woohyun

."What? Why? Are you in your right mind? or did ghost went into your body yesterday?" asked Hoya weirdly.

"Stop saying nonsense, Let's go, don't disturb Ailee." said Woohyun while pushing Hoya.

"Yah, what's wrong with you? You dont want to bully her anymore? Seriously." asked Hoya

."Yes, I don't want to bully her anymore." answered Woohyun

."But why?! You know right, it just for fun," said Hoya

."But who are we, want to disturb other people's life." said Woohyun.

"Woah, I don't believe that you said like this. Is this really Nam Woohyun? Yah! Wake up!!" said Hoya while slapping Woohyun's face slowly.

"Yes, I'm your friend, Woohyun" said Woohyun

."C'mon, don't be like this. This is not your personality. Don't try to be nice, it's not fun." said Hoya

."How do you know it's no fun?" asked Woohyun and he walk away.

"Yah!" screamed Hoya


•After the school time ended, Ailee and Dasom go to work.

"Hi friends!" Hoya and Woohyun entered the cafe

."Aah, why are they coming?" whispered Ailee alone

."Oh, Woohyun is here." said Dasom while tying her hair neatly.

"What do you want?" asked Ailee to the boys

."I want you," said Woohyun.

"What?!" said Dasom that heard Woohyun said from the kitchen.Then she running to the door to hear what Ailee's answers

."Please be serious." said Ailee

."Good!!" said Dasom.

"What good?" asked Ms. Jang

."A..a..aniyo, hehe, I go first.." said Dasom

."Yah, you said you don't want to bully anymore." said Hoya to Woohyun

."I'm serious." said Woohyun

."Stop it! What do you want to order?" asked Ailee angrily.

"I want to order Ailee's heart." said Woohyun again.

"Stop playing Greasy Namu. Give us two Macchiato Caramel." said Hoya while pushing Woohyun to the table.

"See?You will not be a nice person." said Hoya

."I'm not bullying her. I'm not like you!" said Woohyun.

"So, you are serious with your words just now?!" asked Hoya.Woohyun didn't answered

. ••••••••••••••••••••••

"The drinks are ready or not?" asked Ailee.

"It's okay, let me serve." said Dasom.

"Okay," said Ailee.Dasom gasped a deep breath and make sure that herself is pretty. Then, she walk towards their table

."Here your drinks," Dasom said while smiling. She's hoping that Woohyun is looking at me.

"Put there." then Hoya said.She really hope that Woohyun is looking at her but he didn't

."Why Woohyun?" whispered Dasom.Dasom enter the kitchen with a sad feeling.

"Dasom ah! One Americano!" Ailee said to her.It's a busy time at noon. So Dasom get back to work. Forget about attracting Woohyun's attention

."He don't like me? He don't has any interest at me or what? Aah, so depressful." whispered Dasom while doing americano.She started to has daydream about Woohyun and herself

."Where is the drink? Why do you take so long?" askes Ailee after waiting about 10 minutes.There's no answer from the kitchen.

"Does she faint or what?" said Ailee while walking to the kitchen

."Da..Aaaaaahhh!!!" screamed Ailee. Dasom screamed too

."So hot!!" said Ailee while flapping her hand.

"Sorry, Ailee, I don't see you." said Dasom while splashing some water too Ailee. Dasom was very sorry because she had splashed the hot Americano towards Ailee because of her daydreaming.

"It's okay. But next time if you do it again, there's no sorry." said Ailee while smiling



WWoah!! The conflicts will start soon! Woohyun likes Ailee? Dasom suddenly likes Woohyun? That's all for today, Recently, I'm busy because of my homeworks! But don't worry the next chapter is in the middle of writing.. Anyeong! ^_^

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sorry for the late update.. My homeworks are too much. I dont have time to write the fic..


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Estherbunny #1
Chapter 14: Update soonn~
i really this story sooo when is the next update...????????????
inspirit2woo #3
Please comment^^ hoho
please update the story...
Chapter 10: Story is getting interesting keep it up and update soon authorNim
peonelopie4 #6
Chapter 7: Can I recommend that you have a line space after each dialogue? To change the format?
That_Inspirit #7
There are not that many aileexinfinite fics out here and I just want to say thank you! I like your story btw!~
z_nrn_ #8
Chapter 4: It's good. I hope you continue it! Don't lose your motivation just because there is no comments!! Though it could be better. If you're easily hurt don't continue to read!!

I don't get Ailee. For example she is poor but she has a phone? And has money to get on a plane to Korea?
Another thing is no one will straight out reject you for a job. That is extremely rude. They would say something like this 'please call back in a few days.....blah blah blah'
I guess what I dislike is it isn't realistic but other than that it's good. I don't know where this is heading but I'm sure you will create a wonderful story.

inspirit2woo #9
Please comment!! I'm so bored