Chapter 13

Protect Her~

Ailee's POV

Yes! I am very excited today!You know it right?Today I will meet my beloved mom and my brother!!!!How can I not miss them? For the past 18 years, I lived with my mom.Clothes,food, cleaning my room and more.My mom does everything for me.And now, I realize how burdensome is me as a daughter.How I miss my mom's voice. I want to hug her tightly.Just wait.

.And, My god! Where are them?Are they going to pick me? or what?!Don't say that they leave me, I just dream to meet my mom.Even Dasom's family had left to the airport. -.-Finally they are here.

"Ailee! Get in! We are late!" Ms.Jang shouted.I get in their luxury car. I really mean it. "LUXURY" -.-I greet them and the condition in the car become quiet.Sigh~You know that awkward feeling right?Just imagine. I don't even know their parents and their parents don't know me too!Moreover, they come from a rich family.And Ms.Jang is my boss! Not my friend.Dongwoo? Just a friend. Not a bestfriend like me and Dasom.But, If I don't go, when will I meet my mom,,Suddenly, Dongwoo's mom starts talking.

"Your name is Ailee? Are you a Korean?"

Haishh.. Jinjja..What's wrong with my name?Why? Do I look like a foreigner?I just answered that annoy question."Yes my name is Ailee. And I'm half American and half Korean."

"Ah, I see. Where does your family live?" She asked again.FAMILY?!Why did she mention it?!  Should I tell her everything? -.-No~"Yeah. I'm curious about that too." Suddenly Dongwoo said."My family lives at America. So, I want to meet them." 


At the airport,

Ah~ This place.. where I met that Nam Woohyun.When the first time I met him,Wow! He is so nice and well-mannered.But the truth is...Seriously -.-

"Woohyun ah!" Dongwoo shouted.

WOOHYUN?!!What the hell is he doing here?!Oh, there is him. With that sunglasses.Urghh.. Disgusting ever~I hide behind Ms.Jang. Please, don't let he noticed me.Jebal~

"Ailee is here too," I heard Dongwoo said.

Damn! Useless effort for hiding.

"Ailee? Really? Wow! Why she is here? Where is she? Ah. Palli!!"


"She's here!"

Wait.. Why did Ms.Jang....argh~

"I go because there is an extra card. That's all."I said before he asked something.

"Hey Guys!!"

Yes! Another "Sangnamja" voice. Everyone could tell who he is.


Why is everyone here? Is this a school trip? -.-Yeah! I got it! The groom and the bride are rich people. So, they only invite the rich person. No wonder, all of them were here. -.-

"Wow..  Your connection with Ailee is so good."I heard Hoya said to Woohyun.What the hell is he trying to said.Ah~ Don't care about it!"Guys, let's selfie! " Dongwoo said.Selfie? My fav!You know what is selfie right? or Korean call "Selca"."Say, Kimchiii~" snap.

.But, why Nam Woohyun and I stand so closed?And my face looks so happy. Derp face. lol.. Hahahaha.."I will post it in Instagram" Dongwoo said


Dasom's POV

It has been 9 hours in this plane..Argh~ I hate airplane. It makes me very very very very dizzy until I vomit and feel like dying. Actually, I really want to be a stewardess when I was young.. I don't know why but it will be fun I think.Wearing mini skirt, make up,beautiful uniform, walking arrogantly at the airport with a luggage.Wow. But I give up because I'm not pretty like all the stewardesses? in this plane.Yeah, they are damn pretty,slim,tall,y? haha.... like a complete package.

"We have arrived, the plane will land now." the most pretty stewardess informs us

.Woah! Finally!I feel bored to the death with no internet connection.Yeah, internet connection is everything for me.If I don't have smartphone and internet connection, I think I can't live and I rather die. I'm serious!

"Have a nice trip!" said the handsome steward.I almost faint because of his handsome look.Then, I walk in the airport while pushing the trolley which is full with my bags.

Woah! I feel like a kpop idol haha.. Yeah just imagine~Walking out the door and many people are waiting for us.(But there is anyone waiting for me xD) Take pictures. Flash from the camera everywhere.ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ~

Oh. I almost forgot.. The must thing for girls, "selca".1..2..3..!Perfect~ This is beautiful!Now. Let's upload in Instagram.Oh! Dongwoo upload a pic too!What?! Why is everybody there? Andwae!!Nam Woohyun and Ailee are standing so closed..She is really urghhh....What's wrong with her?She said she didn't like Woohyun.. Liar!

Then, I saw my parents walked away.Omma!! Wait!


Ailee's POV

Ah.. Finally. We arrived.USA I miss you!! It's been a long time since I saw American people. Haha.As it is night already, the 'rich families' (Dongwoo,Woohyun and Hoya's family) decided to go to the hotel.Along the way, I think like I am a 'tourist guide'. And I almost going crazy because of them. Imagine, we rent a mini bus and all the people are in the bus including Dongwoo's parents,Ms.Jang,Dongwoo, Woohyun and his parents,Hoya and his parents and me. Dongwoo's father drives the bus but the others were noisier than him.

They kept like "Ailee yah which way?!" "Ailee yah are you really know the way?!" "Ailee yah, c'mon which way?!" "Woah Ailee is so cool!!"Various words I hear from them. Especially Woohyun. He is very 'hyper-active' I think. Since at Korea,in the plane,America airport and in the bus. He didn't stop talking and keep moving here and there. Aigoo~

Then, Mr.Jang parked the bus at the carpark

."What is the signboard said? Welcome.. to Hil..ton," said Woohyun that trying to read English.

Yes. "Hilton Hotel" the expensive hotel ever. I'm not ever dream about staying at this hotel before. 



"Yeah we have arrive. Thanks to Ailee." Dongwoo's mom said to me."Aniyo, it's nothing." I answered



.But.. Wait...Am I really going to stay here? Who will pay for it? Haish.. What should I do?~Maybe I should just let them go in and I will take a bus to New Jersey, my house.



"Ailee, what are you doing here? Come help us to check in as we don't know to speak English well." Ms.Jang said while pushing me into the hotel.After checking in the hotel, Ms.Jang asked me to stay in her room as she was alone. It's a relieve. If not, I have to take a bus in this scary night.



"Good night" I said while off the lamp.Then I heard knocking sounds at the door. I quickly on the lamp and asked who?



"Open the door!"Yeah, I know the voice. It is Nam Woohyun.



"What do you want? Just go to sleep! Don't disturb me!" I said."Yah! It's urgent! Please open the door!" Woohyun replied.Then, I open the door and saw him in a black T-shirt and a pair of black jeans with his auburn and reddish hair. Suddenly I thought. Since when he is so good looking? No..No.. He is a bad guy



."What do you want?" I asked."Come with me," He said while pulling my hand.






Woohyun's POV



"Come with me" I said while holding her hand.Oh.. Her hand is really pretty. I swear!Even Song Hye Gyo's hand can't beat her. Haha..



"What are you doing?!" Ailee asked.I just ignored her question and brought her to the rooftop of the hotel.The rooftop is really beautiful with a small waterfall in the middle,plants,flowers and colourfull light.(Just imagine the Sunggyu's scene in the Man In Love MV lol)I think it is really suitable place to confess... Confess,,Yeah.. It's a hard decision actually but I think I have to confess before Jang Dongwoo take her. We have to be brave as a man, Moreover, I had confessed about 30 times in the high school. So I'm not nervous anymore. It is my habit, that's why no girl wants to be my girlfriend because of it. I have confessed my love to many girls and they don't trust me anymore. But Ailee doesn't know that I'm like that. I hope she will accept me.Please~ Don't embarass me anymore.. >_<



"What are we doing here," she asked like a person with no feeling."Ailee yah.. Ermm.. Actually.. I.








 Hohoho ~ Finally! I can finish this chapter. How is it? Do you like my new writing style? Hope you like it ^^ I'm sorry for the late update. I'm very busy with my homeworks... Thanks for the subscribers! I love you! Please wait for the next chapter! Anyeong!! ^^

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sorry for the late update.. My homeworks are too much. I dont have time to write the fic..


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Estherbunny #1
Chapter 14: Update soonn~
i really this story sooo when is the next update...????????????
inspirit2woo #3
Please comment^^ hoho
please update the story...
Chapter 10: Story is getting interesting keep it up and update soon authorNim
peonelopie4 #6
Chapter 7: Can I recommend that you have a line space after each dialogue? To change the format?
That_Inspirit #7
There are not that many aileexinfinite fics out here and I just want to say thank you! I like your story btw!~
z_nrn_ #8
Chapter 4: It's good. I hope you continue it! Don't lose your motivation just because there is no comments!! Though it could be better. If you're easily hurt don't continue to read!!

I don't get Ailee. For example she is poor but she has a phone? And has money to get on a plane to Korea?
Another thing is no one will straight out reject you for a job. That is extremely rude. They would say something like this 'please call back in a few days.....blah blah blah'
I guess what I dislike is it isn't realistic but other than that it's good. I don't know where this is heading but I'm sure you will create a wonderful story.

inspirit2woo #9
Please comment!! I'm so bored