Chapter 8

Healing His Smile





~Day of the city event~
Luhan got ready for the city event that takes place in only a few hours. He put on decent clothes that were still comfortable to move around in. He looked down at the ticket and smiles, "glad I got two tickets, instead of one," he says hoping Xiumin will decide to come. 
He walked over to the small table next to the door and picks up his camera. He checks the battery just in case, but it was fully charged.  Luhan smiles then walks over to the door and checks his watch, before leaving. 
He headed towards the park where he had told Xiumin to meet him at if he had decided to come.
Xiumin sat in his room next to the small table. There was a pice of paper with little words spread out on the paper as if it was almost hard to have wrote those words. He couldn't do it, he just couldn't write what he needed to write. He was trying to write letters to his friends, but he just couldn't do it. Not yet, he wasn't ready. He just couldn't accept the fact that he was leaving this world soo soon.
Suddenly he got a text, it was from Luhan.
'i'm waiting^o^'
"Thats right, he asked me to come," Xiumin says sighing. "Maybe, i shouldn't go," Xiumin says debating weather or not to go. 
"What am I thinking, I should be out there doing stuff, not sitting in my room for the rest of my life," Xiumin says feeling a small pain in his heart as he says those words.
Xiumin quickly got ready and head to the park where they planned to meet. 
It was sorta late, not dark, but Xiumin still felt a little self conscious about it. He held his phone in his hands all ready for an emergency just in case. 
Lucky nothing happened by the time he got to the park. He looked around for Luhan, but couldn't see him in plain site. Xiumin sighs, "figures," he says then starts to look around for Luhan.  Xiumin walks over to the rock he had sat at the other day, but no one was around. Suddenly he herd some sort of chain squeaking, "Swings!" Xiumin says softly to himself. He turned around towards the park. There was someone on the swings, but he couldn't see their face. 
Xiumin walks over to get a closer look. Sure enough there sat Luhan slowly swinging. He was humming a song and had a lollipop in his mouth. 
Xiumin walks up quietly towards Luhan and clears his throat loudly to get Luhan's attention.
Luhan jumps almost falling off the swings, then looks back with bright eyes, "You came," Luhan says happily, then stands up off from the swings facing Xiumin.
Xiumin scratches the back of his head, "Yeah, well its not like I had anything else to do today," he says. Luhan nods smiling, "Here," he says pulling out something from his pocket. Xiumin looks forward a little curious. Luhan pulls out another lollipop. "Have one, I have plenty where that came from," Luhan says holding out the lollipop to xiumin. 
Xiumin looks down to the lollipop, the moves his eyes up looking at Luhan. Luhan tilts his head, "What is it, you don't want it?" Luhan says. Xiumin shakes his head, "Do you have any.....other flavors," Xiumin says hesitantly. Luhan laughs, "Of course! Hold on," Luhan says putting the lollipop away while getting another. Luhan pulls out a grape flavored lollipop this time and hands it over. Xiumin's eyes widen, and he takes the lollipop in his hands. 
Xiumin begins to unwrap the paper over the lollipop. 
"Does that make you happy? Mm...does it make you want to smile," Luhan says looking at Xiumin while smiling. Xiumiin suddenly stops and looks Luhan strait in the eyes, "Now why would a lollipop make a 24 year old smile," Xiumin says sarcastically. Luhan laughs, "You just looked happy to get the lollipop," he says. Xiumin looks away, "well lollipops are on my good side," he says still being sarcastic. Luhan laughs then pulls out another lollipop, "Would you like another,'' he says still laughing. "May I," Xiumin says.
Finally after a long funny, awkward walk, they finally get to the event. Lights where lit brightly, and cheers of other people could be herd. Luhan breathed in the air and stretched out his arms. Xiumin stands there with his hands in his pockets, sorta in a trance. Luhan looks back down to Xiumin, 'Lets go!'' he says gesturing forward. Xiumin still looking ahead not paying attention to Luhan. 
Luhan looked back and Xiumin still stood there. He ran back and was about to tap Xiumin on the shoulder, but stopped. He looked down to his camera. He takes a hold of his camera and turns it on. Might as well take pictures now before it gets to dark, Luhan thinks to himself. 
Finally his camera was fully . He faced the camera towards Xiumin, he hesitated, but stopped. He turned the camera towards the opening of the event. This will be the after picture of it, Luhan thinks to himself referring to the before picture he had taken when he bought the tickets. 
He faces the camera back towards Xiumin. He couldn't help it. Xiumin looked so picture perfect in this situation. The way his eyes glistened in the light and how he was so caught up in the scenery made Luhan press the botton before he could even tell. 
After Luhan had taken the picture he turned off his camera. He tapped Xiumin's shoulder causing Xiumin to sorta jump. Xiumin Looks over to Luhan surprised, then his expression changes to normal, "Howe long was I out," Xiumin says embarrassed. Luhan smiles, "Not long, lets go!" Luhan says. Xiumin nods, "wait, but what about the....dark," Xiumin says remembering that Luhan was afraid of the dark. 
Luhan's eyes widen, "right!" he says, but a smile appears, "I'll be fine, there are many lights," Luhan says then continues to walk towards the entrance. 
They both walked in side by side. Xiumin still amazed by everything, looking everywhere and at everything. 
"You've never been to something like this?" Luhan says trying to get Xiumin's attention. Xiumin looks over to Luhan, "Nope, never," he says quickly, then turns away to look at stuff again. "Yeah, me nither." Luhan says softly. Xiumin doesn't reply, but does here what he said. 
They both walk by the food area, and Luhan frowned. Xiumin noticed, "Whats wrong with you," he says. Luhan looks down, "I wanted to bring some food, but I couldn't" Luhan says as a few people walked over to the tables placing the food they had brought down. "why couldn't you? Couldn't you just get something simple at the store and had brought it," Xiumin says. Luhan sighs, "No, I wanted it to be homemade....I was actually going to ask you, but I never got the chance," Luhan says. Xiumin looked at Luhan surprised, "Me? You wanted to ask me?" he says. 
"Yeah, i've tired your cooking before and its ten times better than my cooking," Luhan says smiling. Xiumin's lifts his eyebrows, "really," he says nodding to himself. Luhan nods alnong with Xiumin. Xiumin stops realizing their situation, "Well its not like I would of made anything for you anyways," Xiumin says looking away. "Its okay, I expected that to," Luhan says
Luhan looked around awkwardly remembering he had to do something while he was here. He looked over to Xiumin who was looking around at some of the different booths that were selling things. Luhan jogged over to Xiumin and got his attention. 
"Hey, you wanna spilt up for a while," Luhan says surprising Xiumin. "I...guess," Xiumin says. Luhan smiles, "Okay i'll be somewhere over there," Luhan says pointing the opposite direction they were in. Xiumin nods. "Lets meet at the food area in about an hour," Luhan says. "Okay," Xiumin says softly. 
Luhan nods and begins to walk away backwards still facing Xiumin, "see you," he says waving. Xiumin nods his head, then turns away from Luhan. 
"Of all people, he leaves me," Xiumin whispers to himself, "Who cares, I'll just enjoy myself," he says, then walks back to the booths too look around again. 
"You like that?" an old lady who was working at the booth Xiumin was looking at asked. Xiumin dropped the little keychain he was looking at and then looked up to the lady, "Oh, its okay," Xiumin says then turns away and leaves. "Wait!," the lady yelled. Xiumin turned around. "I have this cute puppy calendar. You want to now what makes this calendar so amazing besides the cute puppies on it?" the lady says gesturing for Xiumin to come back. Xiumin slowly walked back to the lady. "Nothing could be better than the puppies," Xiumin says softly as he was walking back up next to the booth. The lady smiles, "Well this calendar last longer than most calendars. Instead of a one year calendar this calendar last three years, " the lady says. Xiumin's expression drops, "I'm sorry, but I wont be needing this calendar," Xiumin says trying to keep in his emotions. Xiumin quickly turns away from the lady and walks away. 
"A calendar that last three years, psh. Does anything like that even sell. No wonder she was trying to sell it....but why did she have to try an sell it to me." Xiumin says, then looks up to the sky, "Are you trying to rub it in!" he yells. Xiumin walks over to a bench and sits down, "I just need to have a rest," he says leaning back, closing his eyes. 
After about a twenty minute rest, Xiumin opened his eyes. It was slightly more dark, but still light. For some reason Xiumin just kept thinking about Luhan. He kept thinking back to that one day. Would Luhan really be fine once it became more dark. 
Xiumin ignored it and got up. He nods to himself, "Lets go do something fun," Xiumin says. 
Xiumin came across a few games. He plays a shooting game first, coming out with an overall sore of 25/100. "Yeah, I at these types of games," Xiumin says to himself. He walked over to another game, a game a five year old could play. He took the little plastic fishing line, and placed it on one of the floating ducks and pulled it out of the water. The worker took the duck and looks at the bottom. "You got a small prize!" the worker says and then grabs a small cheap teddy bear and hands it over to Xiumin. "Let me try again," Xiumin says handing a few more dollars to the worker. The worker nods. I want the big prize, Xiumin thinks  to himself. 
Finally after about what seemed like 100 times, Xiumin had finally gotten a duck with the big prize. The worker got one of the big prizes hanging from the wall and handed it over to Xiumin. Xiumin looked to the stuffed animal, then looked back to the worker, "Thanks man," Xiumin says then shakes the workers hand. 
Xiumin turns away and looks back down to the stuffed animal again. "The things I do for things like this," Xiumin says regretting wasting half of his money on this stuffed animal that was suppose to be a dog but looked more like a dog that was hit in the face a billion times. 
Xiumin shook it off and continued to enjoy his time. 
Suddenly his gaze came upon a small ride, with bright lights. "Seems interesting, doesn't it buddy," Xiumin says talking to his new stuffed dog. Xiumin looked down to his watch, then to the sky. He still had time, but it was getting dark. "Eh, who cares, lets go buddy," Xiumin says walking over too the ride. "why am I taking to a stuffed animal," Xiumin whispered to himself. 
Xiumin climbed into the small cart for two people. He placed his stuffed animal next to him. He buckled himself in first, then his stuffed animal. "'What am I doing with my life," Xiumin says sarcastically looking at the stuffed animal. He looked around at the other carts. There was only a few people behind him. I wonder why this ride isn't that popular, Xiumin thought to himself. 
Suddenly the ride had begun. Xiumin was so ready, but only after minutes he had knew why this ride wasn't that popular. It was so slow, and the scenery they went past . It was even worse now that it was almost completely dark out. "Man, its  only been an hour and its already getting pretty dark," Xiumin says to himself thinking about Luhan. "No its okay, There are plenty of lights out. Luhan even said he would be fine," Xiumin says. 
Suddenly the ride started to slow down, but they were only half way through the ride. Then the ride had completely stopped and only after seconds all the lights went off. It was now officially pitch dark. 
"Everyone on a ride please remain seated. The power has momentarily went out. we will try to get the power to start working soon." A voice had announced throw a speaker. 
Xiumin's eyes widened. Xiumin looked to someone behind him, "Did the whole parks power go out!" he quickly asked. The person nods. 
"Luhan," Xiumin says nervously. 

A/N: I kept laughing to myself as I was writing the parts about Xiumin being a good cook. I wonder if he actually knows how to cook in real life. Anyways...I just didn't like this chapter....i kept wanting to restart but I felt like even if i started over that it would be the same, so I just kept it the way it was, but idk. I hope its not confusing or anyhting.  Meh

Also about the ride thing, Xiumin was on a ride like Peter Pan at disnyland,, except it was really boring. So basically what i mean is the ride was an inside ride, thats why he asked if the power had went out not only the ride but also the whole area/park. 

PS: sorry for any mistakes. 

PSS: I really appreciate all my subscribers and their comments/opinions. Thank you guys soo much^__^ 


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Nice story
bora_xiuhan #2
Chapter 18: Waiting authornim  (o^^)o
bora_xiuhan #3
Chapter 18: Fighting we are waiting
Chapter 18: kyaaa finally! I've been waiting for it
Chapter 18: yesss....thanks...Can't wait....
Chapter 18: Yay!!!! Can't wait :D thanks author-nim
bora_xiuhan #7
Chapter 17: Sequel and plzzzzzzzz make xiuhan end up 2gether :3
Chapter 17: wait I think you mean betrayed not portrayed right?

gosh sequel please