Chapter 6

Healing His Smile




A few more days past and now there were only 3 days left until the city event. Luhan began to panic, he didn't know weather or not he should bring food. He really wanted to, but he just could't do it. He didn't want to go out and by something cheap and bring it, he wanted it to be homemade. 
Luhan sighed, "fine," he says calming down. He walked over and grabbed his Camera and then walked to the front door, "For now lets just go out and think," Luhan says leaving his small home. 
He walked out onto the street feeling bored and worried at the same time. He sighed and continued to  walk down the street.  
Luhan walked by a few nice small stores looking into the windows. He would stop every once in a while to take a picture or two. 
Luhan stretched his neck back looking into the bright sun and sighed. "I didn't think I would get this bored so fast on this vacation," Luhan says. suddenly his phone rings. Luhan  quickly picks it up without looking at the ID kinda of hoping it would be Xiumin. 
"Hey Luhan," the person on there other line said. 
Luhan looks down to the ground and kicks the dirt, "oh, hey Sehun," Luhan says. What was I thinking, even hoping it could be Xiumin, he....hates me, Luhan thinks to himself.
"whats wrong, you okay?" Sehun says softly.
"No, i'm fine. Don't worry," Luhan says. 
"Are you sure your okay? What about that on friend of yours?" Sehun asks curious.
"I'm fine!" Luhan says rolling his eyes, "My friend? Probably does't want anything to do with me," he says sighing. 
Sehun secretly smiles to himself, "Nah, i'm sure he wants to see you, just hang in there," Sehun says trying to sound encouraging. 
"Yeah, I guess," Luhan says scratching his neck. 
"So how is it over there," Sehun asks.
"So far its been great, but I didn't think I would get this bored that fast."
"Then you should come home soon," Sehun says happily.
"Nah, I still have things planned coming up...maybe soon," Luhan says.
"Okay," Sehun says finishing the conversation 
They both say their usual goodbyes then hang up. Luhan puts his phone back into his pocket. 
Luhan still walking around suddenly finds himself in a somewhat similar area. It's the park that's not to far from Angel cafe. Luhan has actually taken many pictures here before, but no matter how many times he came here he still loved it. 
There was a small playground for the little children to play on and one thing Luhan loved to do was watch the little children playing, he loved to see their smiling faces.
He walked over to a bench and sat down. He leaned back and watched closely at the children playing. There was a little girl and boy racing down the double slides. There was a little girl swinging on the swings, and two little boys playing on the monkey bars.
One if the little boys had fallen off the monkey bars and landed on his and began to cry. Luhan quickly got up and jogged over to the little boy had fallen and helped him up. Luhan bent down to the little boys height and wiped the little boys tears away. "Where did you get hurt?" Luhan says patting the little boys head. The little boy lifted up his elbow and showed Luhan. There was a big scrape with blood. "Ah, it's just a battle scar. Lets go get you cleaned up," Luhan says standing back up taking the little boys hand and walking to the nearest water fountain. 
"Let me see," Luhan says gesturing to the little boy to lift his elbow. 
The little boy lifts his elbow up to the water fountain. Luhan turns on the water and rinses off the blood. The little boy closes his eyes in pain. "Aye, sorry little guy, I know it stings," Luhan says patting his head. "Just a little more. done," Luhan says turning off the water. The little boy looks to his elbow then smiles, "thank you," he says. Luhan smiles and pats his head again, "you ready to go play again," he says. The little boy smiles then turns away and runs off to the swings. 
Luhan walks back to the bench and sits down and continues to watch the children playing, when suddenly Luhan sees someone familiar in the distance. "Xiumin," Luhan says surprised.   
Xiumin sat on a rock just past the playground, looking out into the distance. Luhan hesitated at first, but then stood up, "No, this is my chance to ask him about the food," Luhan says thinking hard to himself. 
He slowly began to walk towards Xiumin, and without realizing it he was already standing in front of him.  Luhan stands there for a few minutes when finally Xiumin notices him. Xiumins eyes widen, "Luhan! why-" Xiumin begins. "Hey! I was just passing by and saw you, so I wanted to say hi," Luhan says, then waves. Xiumin slowly nods his head. Luhan smiles, then walks over to Xiumin and sits down next to him on the rock. Xiumin looks over to Luhan with a weird look, "I thought you just wanted to say-" Xiumin begins getting cut off again. "hahahaha!" Luhan laughs looking at something on his phone. "What is that," Xiumin say leaning towards Luhan a little. Luhan quickly moves his phone away, "you can't see," Luhan says smiling. Xiumin sighs leaning away from Luhan, "Whatever," he says. Luhan continues to laugh looking at his phone. "Your going to regret sitting here," Xiumin says under his breath, barely hearable for Luhan. Luhan looks to Xiumin, "if you really want to know what i'm laughing at, I can show you," Luhan says thinking Xiumin might do something if he didn't show him. Xiumin sighs and looks away, "thats not what i'm mean when i'm talking about you regretting to sit here," Xiumin says. Luhan gets really close to Xiumin, "then what do you mean. I really don't think I'll regret anything when it comes to you," Luhan says smiling looking into Xiumin's eyes. Xiumin looks away again, "Whatever," Xiumin says feeling uncomfortable. 
Luhan looks back to his phone and continues to laugh. There actually was something funny on the screen, but Luhan mostly only laughed to get Xiumin's attention, but that didn't work out very well. 
"Will you just leave!" Xiumin yelled. 
Luhan looked to Xiumin surprised, then looks away. "Ah, yeah. I'll go now," Luhan says slowly getting up from the rock. "But, you know you have my number, so if  anything bad can call me," Luhan says. Xiumin just glares. Luhan nods, then turns away, and sighs. "I didn't get to ask about the cooking," he says looking to the ground. 
After a long day of almost nothingness, Luhan decides to give cooking a try.  "Should I cook something sweet, or something....spicy?" Luhan says to himself. Luhan looks around his small kitchen to see what kind of ingredients he had. "He had more ingediants for something sweet than something spicy, so he decided to make something sweet. He looks for a recipe for strawberry cupcakes. "I didn't know I had this many strawberries," Luhan says scratching his head. "Well, might as well use them," luhan says smiling.
Luhan carefully follows the directions on the recipe, but still is having a hard time. He could not crack an egg without getting the egg shell into the bowl, he had to restart 3 or 4 times. 
Finally he got to the point of pouring in the mix into the cupcake pan. "This will be easy," Luhan says smiling to himself. He lifted up the bowl with the mix and tilted it over the cupcake pan and began to pour. 
Luhan sighed and slid himself down onto the floor. "I give up!" he says looking down. He sat there about ten minutes then finally stood up and faced the poured cupcake mix. The mix was all over the counter dripping from the side of the pan, barely enough actually went into the cupcake pan. "Ugrh, i'm such a failure," Luhan says picking upthe dripping pan and placing it into the oven. "Hopefully I can do this without burning the place down," Luhan says laughing. He put the timer at 40 minutes. "that should be it," Luhan says, then walks off into the living room. 
Luhan turns on the Tv and watches for a little while, but then picks up his phone. He goes to his pictures and smiles. earlier when Luhan was sitting with Xiumin, Luhan had secretly taken pictures of Xiumin while he wasn't paying attention. "I just wish he would smile," Luhan says. 
Soon enough the bell rang for the cupcakes to be done. Luhan walked over and pulled the cupcakes out and placed them onto the counter to let then cool off. suddenly his phone rang. Luhan walked over to the couch where he had left his phone. His eyes widened in surprise. The caller ID  'Xiuminnie' 


A/N: sooooo yeah^___^ I was stuck on this chapter, thats why it took me a little longer to update, but anyways here it is. 

PS: sorry for any mistakes 


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Nice story
bora_xiuhan #2
Chapter 18: Waiting authornim  (o^^)o
bora_xiuhan #3
Chapter 18: Fighting we are waiting
Chapter 18: kyaaa finally! I've been waiting for it
Chapter 18: yesss....thanks...Can't wait....
Chapter 18: Yay!!!! Can't wait :D thanks author-nim
bora_xiuhan #7
Chapter 17: Sequel and plzzzzzzzz make xiuhan end up 2gether :3
Chapter 17: wait I think you mean betrayed not portrayed right?

gosh sequel please