Chapter 3

Healing His Smile



Luhan woke up the usual time to go to Angel Cafe. He took a quick shower and then finished getting ready. He grabbed his camera and put it around his neck. He grabbed his wallet and his phone then walked out the door. He's never felt this happy for this long in years. Finally for once he can smile for more than a few seconds, or smile without faking it. 
As he was walking he would snap a few more pictures. By the end of the day he would probably have already took pictures of almost everything in this town. He spends most of his time exploring the town and taking pictures.
There was one thing Luhan had to do before going to the cafe. He had to buy a ticket to go to the small town event next week. He's heard some pretty cool things about the event. They have it every year in the mouth of January. He always wanted to go to something like this but was always busy and never had time to go. There was just one thing he was disappointed about, he's always wanted to go with someone special to him. But this was better than nothing. 
Luhan walked up to a small ticket booth in front of where everything was getting prepared for the event. Luhan smiled, "Seems fun," he says then walks closer to the ticket booth. oh, the guy seems nice, Luhan thinks to himself.
"Hello, you can buy one ticket for five dollars, or buy couple tickets for six dollars. Only a dollar more," The guy says smiling. "No, i'll take one," Luhan says taking out his wallet. "Awe, but  i'm sure you have a special someone. Go ahead and buy the couple tickets," the guy says trying to convince Luhan to buy the tickets. Luhan thinks for a minuet, But who could I give it to, he thinks tapping his lip with his finger. "Fine, give me the couple tickets, " Luhan says taking out six dollars. The guy smiles ad get the tickets and exchanges the tickets for the money Luhan gave him.
Luhan walks away looking at the two tickets in his hands and sighs. "Oh, well" he says under his breath. Luhan walked out a little from the ticket booth and then faced back towards it. He takes his camera with his hands and snaps a picture of the event before it was completed. 
On his way to the Cafe Luhan came across a small convenience store. He smiles then runs in. He looks around and finds what he wants and pays. Luhan walks out with a purple grape Popsicle in his mouth. He became really excited and began to run towards the Cafe. 
Soon enough Luhan found himself in the back of the cafe, where the back door was and a few trash cans were. He smiles then begins to walk to the front, but stops when he hears a loud 'Bang' and 'Thump' Luhan turns back to see a small man on the floor, getting yelled at. It looked as though one of the  employes was pushed out of the back door. Luhan takes a closer look, his eyes widen. "Xiumin," he whispered to himself. How could they do that to him! How could that person just push him out of the door like that, he could of gotten really hurt, Luhan thinks to himself. 
"How could you tell us that today! Your so worthless! I new you would do this to us one day!" the guy yelled. "You were one of our best and you come in here today and tell us your going to leave!" The guy kept yelling. 
Luhan sqinted his eyes. "How come it looks  like the guy is about to cry," Luhan whispers to himself.
"Your my best friend, do this!" the guy yells again.
"I...I can't help it. I'm fated to...leave this place," Xiumin says softly barely hearable for Luhan. Luhan tilts his head to the side confused, "what does he mean by that," he says. 
"Fated to leave! How can you say that!" the guy yells. 
Xiumin just looks down.
"Fine! Just leave! Don't come back, Never!" the guy says then slams the door shut leaving xiumin laying on the ground. Xiumn slammed his fist onto the ground then gets up. 
Luhan stares at Xiumin as he walks by. Xiumin's knuckles were bleeding. 
"Blood!" Luhan says without realizing it. Xiumin looks to Luhan surprised eyes widened, Then quickly walks away. 
Luhan secretly followed Xiumin. He wanted to know exactly what just  happened. He wanted to know exactly what Xiumin meant by leaving and why the guy was yelling at him. 
Xiumin slightly turns his head back getting a little bit more nervous knowing Luhan was still following him. Luhan picks up his camera placing it into his hands and faces it towards Xiumin. 'Click' he took a picture of Xiumin. Xiumin turned around surprised, then turns away and begins to start running.
"Wait!" Luhan says
Xiumin didn't stop. What the hell is he trying to do, Xiumin thought to himself trying to find someplace to hide. 
"Wait, I just want to talk!" Luhan yells after Xiumin.
"Talk!?" Xiumin says under his breath. Xiumin continued to look for somewhere to hide, when finally he came across an ally way. Xiumin quickly turned down the ally way, also turning down another small ally way a few feet in. He came out the other side Luhan nowhere to be seen. Xiumin sighed with relief. "I have no time for this kind of thing," Xiumin says then walks away. 
"Damn it! I lost him!" Luhan says scratching his head, looking down the ally way Xiumin had just went down. "why do I care anyways," Luhan says angrily, then walks away. 
Luhan had just realized he was lost. He didn't realize he had chased Xiumin so far out that he was in an area he had not known of. He took out his phone, but their was no phone service. "Taxi!" Luhan says smiling. But his smile fades when he realizes he didn't have enough money on him for a Taxi.  "Fine," Luhan begins taking deep breaths, "I'll retrace my steps," he says. 
Luhan walks back to the two way ally and starts from there. He walked about ten steps and stops. "Are you kidding!" Luhan says mentally slapping himself. "I can't even remember this! Ugh!" Luhan says angrily. "Fine! I'm just going to walk. I don't care where I go." Luhan says. As long as I get home before it gets dark. Luhan shivers, "I hate the dark," he says. 
Luhan continues to walk losing more and more hope that he would get home before dark. "I can do this....I can do this," Luhan continuously kept saying in his mind. 
Finally Luhan see's someone ahead of him. Luhan walks faster to catch up to the person to ask for directions, but suddenly slows down when he realizes that the figure seemed familiar. Xiumin? Luhan thinks to himself kinda hoping it was him. Luhan quickened his pace and once he was close enough grabbed the persons wrist. The person turns around surprised. Luhan's eyes widen with joy, "Xiumin!" he says. Xiumin wide eyed tries to pull away from Luhan. "Let go," Xiumin says. 
Luhan doesn't let go. Xiumin begins to hit Luhan on the shoulders. "What are you! Let me go! Why are you fol-" Xiumin begins getting cut off.
 "I need your help!" Luhan says.
Xiumins eyes widen again.
"Please! Help me!" Luhan says.


A/N: LOl Luhan seems a little stalkerish. 

Emergersh! Krismas is so close! I cant wait til Santao comes to my house.

(Okay I just had to >.<....Sorry)


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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Nice story
bora_xiuhan #2
Chapter 18: Waiting authornim  (o^^)o
bora_xiuhan #3
Chapter 18: Fighting we are waiting
Chapter 18: kyaaa finally! I've been waiting for it
Chapter 18: yesss....thanks...Can't wait....
Chapter 18: Yay!!!! Can't wait :D thanks author-nim
bora_xiuhan #7
Chapter 17: Sequel and plzzzzzzzz make xiuhan end up 2gether :3
Chapter 17: wait I think you mean betrayed not portrayed right?

gosh sequel please