Chapter 7

Healing His Smile




~resumed after chapter 6~
Xiumin looked back at Luhan who just left from where he was sitting next to him on the rock. "Was I to harsh," Xiumin says to himself. Xiumin shook it off and turned back facing ahead, "it doesn't matter."  Xiumin leans his head onto his propped up arm. "He's going to regret every thing if he keeps seeing me," Xiumin says sighing. 
Xiumin looked to his watch, "well, its time for my check up," Xiumin says.  He stands up and begins to walk to his destination at the hospital dreading the time ahead. 
Finally after a long walk he finally gets to the hospital just on time. He walks into the front doors. Xiumin bows to the nurses and doctors as he walks by to get to his check up.
Xiumin walks up to a door, the usual door he would go into every time he had a check up. He slowly oppened the door, to see a smiling doctor sitting at his desk. "Come in Xiumin," the doctor says comforting. Xiumin quietly walks in bowing to the doctor. "Go ahead and sit down," the doctor says gesturing Xiumin to sit down. Xiumin walks over and sits down. 
"So, how have you've been feeling the past couple weeks," the doctor asks.
Xiumin swallows, "When am I going to die," he says strait up. 
"Xiumin, please answer the question first," the doctor says
"I've been fine, nothings changed since the last check up," Xiumin says.
The doctor nods, "mm, thats good. Have you've gotten any injuries lately,"
Xiumin nods 'no'. "So when, you told me last week that you would know" 
The doctor sighs and clears his throat. "There are cures, but our hospitals in Korea don't contain the cures so-" the doctor begins getting cut off. 
"I just want to know when i'm going to die!" Xiumin says getting teary eyed. "Last time I over herd your conversation with the other doctor, and I want to know When i'm going to die!" 
"You have....2 years, but thats only if you don't do anything about it. If you go to the-" the doctor begins getting cut off again.
"I don't care about better care! I'm not leaving this place for my sake! If i'm going to die, then I die," Xiumin says as tears fall from his cheeks. 
The doctor nods, "if you change your mind, then please tell me. For now i'll give you some more medication, and take it everyday," the doctor says. 
Xiumin walks out of the hospital keeping in his tears. He began to walk home. 
"My parents died here, my sibling died here.....i'm going to die here to," Xiumin says under his breath, as a tear falls. "I'm not risking anything," 
The hospital was far from his home and took a while to get home. It was getting really dark. Really dark. Xiumin wasn't afraid of the dark, but he was getting a bad feeling as if someone were following him. After about five more minutes of this uncomfortableness he knew someone was fallowing him. His eyes widened, "Luhan..." he whispered to himself. Xiumin nods 'no' The presence of this person was different. 
Suddenly Xiumin was grabbed by the shoulder and thrown to the ground. "Hah, its that wimpy kids brother," the guy says laughing. Xiumin's eyes widen, "what do you mean!" he yells. The guy smirks, "you know the wimpy kid who was bullied to death behind a school years back, your brother." 
Tears begin to fall from Xiumins eyes, "Don't talk about my brother!" 
The guy laughs, "Ah you deserve a beating to," the guy snorts. 
Xiumins eyes widen, then quickly pulls out his phone to call 119, but didn't have enough time to, so instead quickly pressed a random number. The guy kicks the phone away from Xiumin and begins to kick Xiumin. 
"Xiumin!" Luhan says smiling then quickly answers the phone.
"Hello!" Luhan says happily.
Luhan's smile fades when he realizes whats going on on the other line. Some guy was hurting Xiumin. Luhan quickly runs out of his small house still listening on the phone hoping he could figure out where they were. 
All Luhan could here was blurred words, but he did hear, "Street, My house, Close" yelled from Xiumin. 
Luhan could hear the guy on the other line laughing. Luhan shut his phone, and began to run towards where he thinks they were. 
Xiumin saw the light on his phone turn off, and he lost all hope. 
"I herd everything. Your going to die! Wouldn't it be better to just die now!" the guy snarled. 
Tears fled down Xiumin's cheeks, "Yes! Just kill me now! There's no point in living anymore," Xiumin says. The guy laughs, but suddenly was pushed to the ground. Xiumin looked over and there was Luhan kicking the guy in the face. "Leave Xiumin alone! You deserve to die more than anyone else! Die! Die!" Luhan says still kicking the guy in the face. The guy struggles under Luhan, but still gets away. The guy runs away crying. 
Luhan looked to Xiumin who was really hurt. Luhan bent down to Xiumin. "How could he," Luhan says putting his hand onto Xiumin's cheek where a scratch was bleeding out.
Tears begin to leave Xiumin's eyes more rapidly. Luhan's eyes widen, and he begins to get teary eyes himself. Luhan slowly and gently hugs Xiumin and pats his back. "Your going to be okay," Luhan says softly. 
Luhan stands up, while helping Xiumin up. Xiumin winces in pain. "Here lets get you home, we can go slowly and softly. Don't hurry, just take your time," Luhan says. 
Luhan carefully brings Xiumin into his room and lays Xiumin down. "I'll let you rest for a little. I'll be back when I bring some aid stuff," Luhan says, then leaves the room.
Luhan frowns, "Xiumin...." then walks over to find some rags and rinses water on them to clean Xiumin up a bit, and some bandages.
 He waited a few more minutes then walked back over to Xiumin's room, but stopped at the door when he herd something. Something sad. Xiumin was crying, he was sobbing. 
Luhan looked away from the door sadly. He wasn't crying over the wounds he received, but over something much more than that, Luhan could tell. 
Instead of staying out for a little more longer to wait for Xiumin to finish crying, Luhan walked right in. Xiumin looked up over to Luhan as his crying died down. "Don't mind me, Continue," Luhan says referring to Xiumin's crying. Xiumin looks to Luhan weirdly, still tears falling. "act as if I wasn't here. Let it all out," Luhan says taking one of the wet rags. Suddenly tears begin to fall from Xiumin's eyes more rapidly again. Luhan takes the rag and dabs it on Xiumins forehead. 
As time went by, the room became quiet. Xiumin stopped his tears, and Luhan sat at the edge of the bed silently. Even though Xiumin didn't need anymore help, Luhan just couldn't leave him. Luhan sat there just waiting for that voice to tell him to leave, but it never happened. 
Soon enough Luhan looked back, and there laid a sleeping Xiumin. Luhan was surprised, but relieved at the same time. "He should feel better in the morning," Luhan says silently, then gets up and leaves the room. 
Luhan walked out to the living room. He looked over to the couch then to the door. He began to walk for the door, but stopped. He couldn't leave Xiumin alone like this. 
Luhan found a small blanket and then walked to the couch. "I'll just sleep here for tonight. If I get scolded by Xiumin in the morning then i'll take it," Luhan say laying down onto the couch. Soon enough Luhan had fallen asleep. Luhan had a dream, it was....strange.
Luhan found himself wounded  on the ground. He was bleeding out from....Where? Luhan couldn't tell at first, all he knew was that was his chest was hurting in pain. It hurt so bad that he couldn't get up from his position. He put his hands to his chest trying to stop the pain, only to discover thats where he had been bleeding. Luhan looked down. My heart? Luhan thought to himself. But wouldn't I be dead if I was hurt on the heart, luhan thought confusing himself. Suddenly a silhouette appeared in front of Luhan. It slowly came closer, but Luhan still couldn't see his face.  Soon enough the silhouette was right in front of Luhan bending down reaching out a hand. "I told you, you'd regret everything," the silhouette said. Luhan's eyes widened, was it Xiumin? 
Suddenly the scene changed. It became bright and shiny. Luhan was standing on a beach. He looked around, it was quiet and no one around. Luhan looked back and Xiumin was standing in the distance. Xiumin looked over and began to walk over to Luhan. Luhan's eyes widened when he saw a smile come across Xiumin's face. 
Suddenly Luhan woke up from his dream. He sat up on the couch and looked around. It was light outside already. "That's it, i'm going to see that smile. I'm going to make that smile," Luhan says nodding to himself. Luhan looked back realizing Xiumin was in the shower. 
Luhan stood up and folds the blanket he had found last night and put it back where it was before. He smirked to himself, then decides to look around his house. He did notice the house was still clean, and he could of looked around his house at the time, but at that time he wasn't really interested. Now he really wanted to know about Xiumin. 
Looking around he did find a few interesting things like, he mainly only ate ramen, he really liked animals, and he didn't really watch TV.  "What does he do?" Luhan says to himself. Suddenly he came across a calendar. On the calendar it showed that he had a doctor checkup today, but something caught his eye. On the calendar it showed that Xiumin had a doctor checkup every week. 
Suddenly a door opened behind Luhan, and out came Xiumin from the shower. "what are you doing," Xiumin says drying his hair with the small towel around his neck. Luhan's eyes widen, "sorry, I'll leave right now!" he says surprised. "Thats not what i'm talking about, get away from there," Xiumin says waving over Luhan. "Ah, yeah" Luhan says walking over to Xiumin.  
"If you want, you can take a shower, theres an extra towel in there," Xiumin says. "Yeah, i'll take one," Luhan says softly. Xiumin nods, then walks to his room. Luhan walks over to the bathroom and walks in. He turns on the shower on warm. Then begins to undress. He took off his shirt first, then went to his pants, but suddenly the door flung open. Both Luhan and Xiumin who stood in the doorway holding some extra clothes wide eyed. Xiumin shook it off, then through the clothes at Luhan, then quickly shut the door. 
Luhan looked down to himself, then looked into the mirror and noticed his face was flushed. Luhan quickly turned away and continued to get into the shower. 
"Whats with that guy," Xiumin thought to himself leaving from the bathroom. He walked past a mirror on the wall, then suddenly looked back, when he notice his cheeks were slightly tinted the color pink. His eyes widened, "Whats with me!" Xiumin says surprised. 
Xiumin shook it off, then walked to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast. 
Finally Luhan had finished taking his shower and got dressed. He looked down to the clothes he was wearing and smiled to himself not even realizing it. 
Luhan walked out to the amazing smell of some breakfast. Xiumin had just finished making breakfast and was placing the plates of food onto the table. 
Xiumin looks up, "Oh, you finished," he says. Luhan nods his head, then walks over to the table and sits down.
"You haven't yelled at me yet to leave," Luhan says awkwardly. Xiumin's eyes widen, I have't huh, Xiumin thinks to himself. Xiumin clears his throat, "Anyways, thanks for...urm...saving me," Xiumin says. Luhan nods, "Are you....really okay," Luhan says. "Yeah, and I wasn't crying because-" Xiumin says getting cut off. "I know, and you don't have to tell me anything," Luhan says patting Xiumin's shoulder. 
After a little while longer, Luhan finished his food. "Thank you for the breakfast," he says getting up. Xiumin nods. 
"I guess i'll go," Luhan says walking to the door. Xiumin nods, then looks down. 
"Oh yeah, before I go. Here" Luhan says handing Xiumin a small pice of paper. "If you want to go with me, then lets meet at the park before....I mean only if you want to come," Luhan says then quickly leaves. 
Xiumin looks down to the paper in his hand. It was a ticket. A ticket for the city event that takes place in two days.


A/N:  just wanted tell you just in case its a bit confusing when i use one of those -------> ~
its basically either a break/ a switch in scene/ or switch of POV
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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Nice story
bora_xiuhan #2
Chapter 18: Waiting authornim  (o^^)o
bora_xiuhan #3
Chapter 18: Fighting we are waiting
Chapter 18: kyaaa finally! I've been waiting for it
Chapter 18: yesss....thanks...Can't wait....
Chapter 18: Yay!!!! Can't wait :D thanks author-nim
bora_xiuhan #7
Chapter 17: Sequel and plzzzzzzzz make xiuhan end up 2gether :3
Chapter 17: wait I think you mean betrayed not portrayed right?

gosh sequel please