Chapter 1

Healing His Smile


Luhan stretched his arms out as he walked into his small apartment from a long day of work. He was so sick and tired of the same boring routine. All he did was go to work and come home every single day of the week. 

He dropped his bag onto the floor not caring about it or where it ended up. He took off his suit, then began to his shirt. He grabbed a freshly clean towel, and a new pair of PJs, then walked to the bathroom to take a nice warm shower.
As he the water, he could hear his roommate Sehun getting back from his job. Luhan sighed then turned the shower nob to hot water. Just looking at the water getting warmer made Luhan feel inpatient. He took off the rest of his clothes then stepped into the nice warm water falling from the shower nozzle. He felt a sigh of relief leave his mouth as the warm water hit his cold dry skin. Luhan stood there letting the warm water hit his body for a while, when suddenly he realizes something. 

Luhan slams his fist into the shower wall, still letting the water fall onto him. 

"I can't live like this anymore," 

"I can't live a boring life like this, I need to make a change"


Luhan stepped out of the shower with the towel rapped around his waist. He walked up to the mirror and slowly swiped the fog on the mirror with his hand to reveal his blurred face. He sighed, he looked incredibly tired today. He looked pale and had dark circles under his eyes. He rarely got dark circles, only when he was over worked. Luhan turned back towards the shower and grabbed his PJs and put them on. He looked down and noticed he's never worn these PJs before, and didn't even remember how he had gotten them. He ignored it and went to the door. He placed his hand on the door nod and stopped. He looked up to the celling. "Please let there be food," he prayed, then opened the door.

He slowly walked out to the kitchen, and opened the fridge closing his eyes, but then stopped when he realized the nice smell of newly bought chicken legs. His eyes widened and he closed the fridge. He turned to the smell and there sitting on the counter was a big bucket full of chicken. He slowly walked towards the counter. He could care less what it was, as long as it was food. He gulped when he came closer. Luhan opened the lid and quickly grabbed five wings and placed them onto a plate. He smiled and walked over to the couch.
Luhan positioned himself onto the couch comfortably. He grabbed the remote and some cartoons. Then finally he grabbed one of the wings and shoved it into his mouth. Tasted like heaven. He was so hungry he almost ate the bones, but was careful enough not to. He hadn't eaten a good meal like this in days, finally he had felt some sort of happiness, but it only lasted a few minuets. He had finished the wings quickly, then went to finishing his favorite cartoon.

Suddenly sehun walked out too the living room and sat down next to Luhan. Luhan looked over surprised and scooted over a little in his seat.
"I see you liked the chicken wings," Sehun says lightly smiling. Luhan nods then goes back to focusing on his cartoons. "Those PJs," sehun says smiling, "Your actually wearing the PJs I got you for Christmas last year," Sehun says happily. 

Luhan looks down surprised, "Oh, yeah," he simply says.

 "How was work," Sehun asked. 

Luhan stopped focusing on his show and his eyes looked up, then back down. "Same," Luhan says with no emotion. 

"What wrong" sehun asks a little worried. 

Luhan takes a deep breath, thinking about what he's going to say. Suddenly Luhan stands up and faces Sehun. "I think I need a vacation," Luhan says. Sehun looks confused, 

"Vacation?! why" he says sadly. "I....I just need a break from all this...all this boring pain," Luhan says looking away. 

"Was....was it because of yesterday," Sehun says



Luhan had just gotten out of the shower, and was going to look for some food, but was stopped by someone. Luhan looks back and its Sehun. "You scared me!" Luhan says angrily. 

"Sorry, but we need to talk," Sehun says. 

Luhan sighs. "Fine" 

Sehun drags Luhan to a small bar close to their apartment. "Why did you have to bring me here. I'd rather be home sleeping," Luhan says. Sehun ignores what Luhan said and orders a few drinks. They both have a drink or two, but Sehun kept buying more drinks. 

Finally Luhan stops him. "Lets stop here for today," Luhan says taking the unfinished glass from Sehun's hand and putting it too the side. Sehun slobbishly nods his head. Luhan gets up first and helps Sehun up. 

They both walk home, Sehun hanging onto Luhan's shoulder. "Jeez, why did you drink so much if you wanted to tell me something," Luhan says. 

Suddenly Sehun stops walking, which makes Luhan stop also. "Thats right, I..was going to tell you something," Sehun says slurred. Luhan rubs his eyes, then suddenly gets pushed into the wall they were walking next to. Sehun only inches away from Luhan's face. 

"Luhan! I....think I....Love you!" Sehun says drunkenly and loudly. Luhan's eyes widen surprised. Then Sehun goes in and kisses Luhan on the lips. 

Luhan pushed Sehun away. "Aye! your drunk. If you new you did these things when you're drunk you would freak out! Now lets go home before you get anymore worse," Luhan says. 



Luhan's eyes widen. " remember?!

Sehun nods, "don't you remember I don't get drunk easily. It was all an act. I was just to scared to do it regularly." sehun says embarrassed.

 Luhan sighs. "Thats not the reason I want to go on a vacation, but you-" Luhan begins.

"Don't say anything! I mean-" sehun begins.

"I need some time to think," Luhan  says.
Sehun smiles, then gets up, "How long," 

"I don't know, a while, I guess," Luhan says.

Sehun's smile fades, then he leaves the room. 

Luhan sighs with relief, and falls onto the couch. "so....Sehun Likes me," Luhan says awkwardly. 


A few days had past and Luhan and Sehun didn't  really talk, and it became more awkward around the apartment. Luhan was just so relived he could leave this boring, confusing, awkward place for a while and have a nice break, to think and sort things out.

Luhan had chose a small town out in the country side to stay for a while. He rented a small single room house. He wanted to go out and adventure for a while without having to work twelve hours a day. He really needed this vacation. 

"I plan to come out as a better person" 

"One who doesn't have to worry about anything"

"One who can smile no matter what,"

"One who can be strong, and not weak" 

"One who can make others smile,"

"One who can save a life,"



A/N:  Here is the first chapter. Is it okay....Mehhhh. IDK I hope to get it really going soon. 

I hate that i want my chapters to be somewhat long and i try to put more effort into them, but they never turn out as long or as good as i thought they would be.....well lets just wait and see. 

PS: sorry for mistakes.

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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Nice story
bora_xiuhan #2
Chapter 18: Waiting authornim  (o^^)o
bora_xiuhan #3
Chapter 18: Fighting we are waiting
Chapter 18: kyaaa finally! I've been waiting for it
Chapter 18: yesss....thanks...Can't wait....
Chapter 18: Yay!!!! Can't wait :D thanks author-nim
bora_xiuhan #7
Chapter 17: Sequel and plzzzzzzzz make xiuhan end up 2gether :3
Chapter 17: wait I think you mean betrayed not portrayed right?

gosh sequel please