Chapter 7

Behind The Cameras
Seated behind you, Eunji's chin rested on your shoulder as she sighed enviously, her hot breath ticking your ear as she did so. "You are one lucky girl."
Beside her, Abby nodded in agreement even though her attention was fixed on something else.
Playing with your fingers, you sighed sadly. "I beg to differ."
Baro had not been on speaking terms with you ever since he had overheard your little heart to heart talk with Jieun. He never spoke more than the scripted responses that he was supposed to say to you on camera. With the cameras on a roll for 24 hours a day , all you ever saw and heard for an entire week , were his fake smiles and forced laughter.
On the other hand, it was obvious that Jieun had been avoiding any unnecessary skinship or small talk with Sandeul.
And apparently, you weren't the only one who had noticed the changes, seeing how Sandeul had been rather down from the lack of response that he got from his on screen girlfriend. With or without the cameras.
To sum things up, nothing had been the same behind the cameras after the scandal broke out.
Staring off into the distance blankly you jumped slightly when Jieun squeezed your hand gently. " Don't think too much about it " She comforted in a soft whisper.
"You know, we all have to go through this, it's just that you're having a harder time... I'm sorry..." Minah spoke.
Everyone seemed to jump at the sound of her voice. Minah hardly ever spoke when the other girls were around. The only person she ever spoke to was Gongchan.
"It's not your fault." You sighed again.
"Don't worry, we'll all be behind you." Minah gave her a comforting smile.
Everyone nodded and you gave them a small smile, "Thanks."
" Ouch. Hyung! " All 5 heads snapped up towards Gongchan who winced in pain as he pouted down at his sore foot.
Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, Sandeul quickly muttered his apologies.
Taking off his shoes, Gongchan plopped down onto the floor and massaged his foot.
"Sandeul." The leader's voice boomed through the dance studio just as CNU had switched off the music that was blasting out from the speakers. "How many times are you going to screw up the choreography? Are you feeling unwell?" Jinyoung asked, more worried than pissed.
The group of you were squeezed up at a corner of the dance studio, so as to not distract the boy. Baro turned to face you girls and narrowed his eyes. "Jieun-ssi do you mind?" 
"Me?" Confused, she blinked at the accusing finger that was pointing at her.
" Yes you. If you're to watch us practising then keep your eyes on us. So that he," Baro glared over at Sandeul, " Won't have to glance over at you every now and then just to get your attention and screw up the dance." He snapped.
The look of guilt on Sandeul's face was long gone, replaced by a look of fury. "Just because you've been having a bad mood for an entire week, for who knows why or what, it doesn't give you the right to vent your anger on anyone. Especially not her." He growled.
A staring competition broke out between the two and the camera crew exchanged looks, not knowing if they should stop the filming or stop the fight that was about to break out between the two.
"I'll be waiting in the van." Slinging her sling bag over her shoulder, Jieun strode out of the dance studio.
Jinyoung cleared his throat and stood in between Sandeul and Baro. "No amount of staring will get us anywhere. We've been practising for hours now, everyone's tired. Let's just take a 10 minutes break." He instructed.
You stood up ready to follow after her when Abby's hand shot up and grabbed you by the wrist. Pulling you back down beside her, she tilted her chin towards Sora who was watching your every move intently.
Sora had taken it upon herself to keep you close in sight - a precaution taken to keep you out of trouble. "I'll go and accompany Jieun." Abby patted your shoulder and left the room.
From another corner of the room, behind the cameras, Sora slid a bottle of water across the floor to Eunji who quickly got her message. Grabbing a nearby towel, Eunji pushed herself off the floor and headed towards a sweating CNU. Uncapping the bottle of water, she handed it to CNU who thankfully accepted it, before she started dabbing the sweat off his forehead. It gave the camera crew something to film.
The loud slamming of the door startled everyone and you turned to see Sandeul stomping out.
The Minah scrambled up on her feet and followed Eunji's lead. The two girls fanned the boys, wiped their sweat and gave them water to drink. Sunmi was busy talking with one B1A4's manager while Sora was monitoring the filming crew.
Taking the opportunity, you quietly sneaked out of the dance studio, ignoring the consequences that you would have to face once Sora realised that you were gone.
"Sandeul-ssi, are you okay?" Walking down a few flight of stairs, you met with Sandeul halfway down. His face was hidden behind two huge card boxes of what you presumed were fan gifts and letters. "Don't worry i'm fine. I just needed some fresh air. Baro's right anyway i- " Everything after that happened in slow motion in front of your eyes.
 Missing his step, Sandeul slipped. Another pair of hands stretched out both of you missing his arm by a mere inch. Sandeul fell backwards and sprained his ankle. The boxes fell with a loud thud by his side as he groaned in pain.
You took a step down, anxious to see if he was badly hurt when someone pulled you back. Shaking her head at you, Sora held your arm tightly. "Leave it to his manager and the crew. We need more footage of Sandeul and Jieun."
Clenching your teeth, you pulled your hand out of her grip and strode back to the dance studio, brushing past Baro as you walked off.
Merry Christmas everyone!! It's a lovely day, isn't it?
This is my Christmas present for you all!
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Chapter 20: Wooow this is awesomeeee!! Just like all your other stories!! I wish I could write like you hehe
Ever considered a sequel for this? ;)
I love this!
Chapter 20: Daebaakkk!!!! Love ittttt!! So cuteeeeeeeee!! Thanks;u; made me feel special! Love the story it was great. I didnt found it unprofessional it was fine!
allivion #4
Chapter 20: Oh one question though, why is her/my son 5yrs old already? XD did we adopt?
allivion #5
Chapter 20: Waaahh your story kept me up all night!! Loved it to bits! Thank you for writing this! I had a lot if fun reading it <3
Luuvingmusic #6
Chapter 20: Awww thank you!! Your story was amazingly great! And I feel that your doing great with your writing! Trust me I would have never been here if I didn't like your writing girl! Keep up the good work and let me know when you write another story! :) ( ESPECIALLY IF ITS A BARO ONE HAHAHAHa!!!) thanks again and great job girl!
Chapter 20: yay happy ending!! >w<
gaudiel2928 #8
Chapter 15: oh my gosh awesome story:-)
Chapter 15: AWWW!
Luuvingmusic #10
Chapter 15: OMG OMG omg omg she finally realizes it.or i do hahaha