Chapter 6

Behind The Cameras
< Mysterious girl appears at script rehearsal between B1A4's Sandeul and rookie actress Kang Sohee >
Despite how you had pressed your hands firmly against your ears, it didn't help much in blocking out Jieun's voice, as she read out the headlines of the latest gossip magazine.
Too embarrassed to face your best friend, you rolled over until you were laying flat on your stomach and buried your face into your pillow. The corner of the bed dipped under Jieun's weight as she sat down. "You know Sandeul told me all about it. From the possibility of you hearing his ' confession ' to you dashing out of the studio crying. Is there anything that you would like to tell me?"
"I'm so selfish, aren't i?" Tears threatened to spill and you buried your face deeper into the pillow to muffle your sniffles.
Glancing around to make sure that Sora had indeed switched off all the cameras in the room - a temporary decision made till she could come up with a way to salvage the situation, Jieun spoke again. "Sweetie, there are thousands of people out there more selfish than you. I should have known, being your best friend for years." Running her fingers through your hair soothingly, she untangled the knots of your messy bed hair.
"Although you change your bias all the time, you always seemed to look at him differently. And though you never mentioned it i know he's your bias. Having a crush on Sandeul isn't wrong, honey. Its just a little... " Jieun trailed off.
Hugging your blankets tightly around you, you sat up straight and faced her with puffy red eyes from the lack of sleep. "Unrealistic ? I know i just-" You stopped talking.
Seeing your eyes widening and your mouth slightly agape, Jieun turned to look at what had cut you off. "Jieun-ssi." Baro smiled. A smile that didn't quiet reach his eyes.
He seemed awfully calm for someone who had possibly overheard his ' girlfriend ' liking one of the other members, especially his best friend. "Sora noona wants you and Sandeul to meet us in the kitchen "
Tucking the magazine under her arm, Jieun nodded. Pausing by your bedroom door, she glanced back at you worriedly for a second before shutting the door. She knew fully well from your troubled look, that you had to settle your own problems with Baro.
Wordlessly, he handed you a cup of peppermint tea. Your favourite drink.
Guilt built up in your stomach at the thought of him being so nice to you when you truly didn't deserve it. Taking the cup of tea and placing it onto the night stand, you reached out to grab his sweater before he could walk away. "Baro-ssi i..." your voice came out in a whisper.
He spun around, his face emotionless and his icy cold gaze sent shivers down your spine. "There wasn't a need to lie at all. I'd rather you told me the truth." Pushing your hand off of his sweater, he left the room.
You followed him out of the bedroom and the two of you entered the kitchen, where Sandeul and Jieun were already seated with Sora and Sunmi. The rest of B1A4 and the other girls were gathered around in the hall. A random variety show was playing on the televison, but from the way they were all angling their ears towards the kitchen, none of them were laying attention to the television at all.
"You do know that you're in deep trouble, right?" Letting out a sigh, Sunmi tapped her pen against an enlarged photo of Sandeul holding your wrist in the gossip section of the daily newspaper. < B1A4's Sandeul is possibly dating? >
Seated beside Sunmi with her arms crossed over her chest, Sora shook her head disapprovingly at you.
Before you could apologise for your silly actions Sunmi raised up her hand, silencing you. "There really isn't much that we can do now. Jieun and Sandeul will continue filming as usual."
Clicking her tongue, she narrowed her eyes at you. "As for you... WM isn't very pleased. But lucky for you, you still get to stay on the show. On one condition." Digging into her tote bag, Sora produced a piece of contract.
Carefully reading the chunk of words your gasped in pure horror. " You've got to be kidding me."
It's Christmas Eve! How are all of my lovely subscribers? ^^ 
Sorry for not being able to update often ;;_;; 
Anyways, i hope you're enjoying the story up till now!
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Chapter 20: Wooow this is awesomeeee!! Just like all your other stories!! I wish I could write like you hehe
Ever considered a sequel for this? ;)
I love this!
Chapter 20: Daebaakkk!!!! Love ittttt!! So cuteeeeeeeee!! Thanks;u; made me feel special! Love the story it was great. I didnt found it unprofessional it was fine!
allivion #4
Chapter 20: Oh one question though, why is her/my son 5yrs old already? XD did we adopt?
allivion #5
Chapter 20: Waaahh your story kept me up all night!! Loved it to bits! Thank you for writing this! I had a lot if fun reading it <3
Luuvingmusic #6
Chapter 20: Awww thank you!! Your story was amazingly great! And I feel that your doing great with your writing! Trust me I would have never been here if I didn't like your writing girl! Keep up the good work and let me know when you write another story! :) ( ESPECIALLY IF ITS A BARO ONE HAHAHAHa!!!) thanks again and great job girl!
Chapter 20: yay happy ending!! >w<
gaudiel2928 #8
Chapter 15: oh my gosh awesome story:-)
Chapter 15: AWWW!
Luuvingmusic #10
Chapter 15: OMG OMG omg omg she finally realizes it.or i do hahaha