Lay : Dedicated to You

Mircales in December
Lay closed his eyes as he listened to the sounds drifting by his ear. It's good. He nodded slowly, in time with the music. 
The accompaniment is done. Now for the lyrics. He sat in front of his piano, a messy desk filled with manuscripts at his side. 
He wrote down a few lyrics which came to his head, and tried playing it with the piano.
A few edits here and there, and he's done. Some hours have past, and it's already the afternoon. 
He put down his pencil, satisfied with his own work. 
After sending a text to meet at 6 in front of their usual date location. 
Lay set an alarm for an hour later, stretched and went off for a good sleep. 
In his dreams, he heard the excited 'Yes!' when he asked her out for a date. He heard the soft reprimands when he forgets something important. And he heard the coldness when he fought with her the previous night. 
"I hate you!" Lay opened his eyes in shock, his mind blank, his heart thumping wildy, the alarm ringing loudly in the background.
So loud. Groaning, Lay turned in his bed to switch off the alarm. 
He continued laying on his bed, staring at the white ceiling, the words ringing in his head like the alarm. But I still love you.
Sighing miserably, he went to freshen up. Something had changed in their relationship and this song is his last attempt to win her back. 
He smiled as he looked at the title of his self-composed song, 'Dedicated to You', its soft accompaniment and sweet lyrics seems perfect for him to show that he still loves her. I hope.
"Ah ah ah~" Warming up his voice, Lay goes through the lyrics one more time, takes a deep breath and presses the 'record' button.
The soft sound of piano rises up, along with the sweet voice of Lay, singing.
He need not have worried about messing up the song, it fit him perfectly. 
The sight of him singing whole-heartedly was heart-warming, because it was dedicated to that special someone, to her. 
As the song ended and he pressed the 'stop' button. He made a wish. Please let it be enough for her to come back to me. 
He picked up the CD with the song burned in and slipped it into a pink envelope. 
Snow! Lay smiled happily as he reached the train station. His expression lifted like a kid who saw wonders. 
But he was so focused on producing the perfect song that he forgot about checking to see if she would come. 
And now with the added distraction of the snow, Lay just stood there, thinking that she will arrive.
I hope she comes soon, it's freezing! Lay blinked innocently as a snowflake landed on his nose. 
But no matter how long he waited, no matter how many times he rubbed his hands to keep them from freezing, she still did not turn up. 
Under the falling snow and freezing weather, Lay was like a clueless abandoned child, innocently and earnestly waiting for her, to show up and bring him warmth again. 
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Chapter 12: I loved Suho's. Even though it was sad, it was beautifully sad. XD Sehun's was confusing, but also sad :c If this had actually happened to them in the past (which I'm 99.99999999% it didn't), that would've . But we're here to comfort them, hehe ^^ Loved this fic~ Bravo -u-
Chapter 10: .... Kyungsoo, come to me. ;u;-- WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT...
Chapter 10: its hurt :'(
Chapter 9: Wow. Even after their agreement. .___________.
Chapter 8: i will accept his confession if i were the girl..
Chapter 8: WHALE I HATE HER, okea. 'Nuff said.
Chapter 7: Awww.. ;~~~; She better come. Like. Now.
Chapter 7: geez.. poor lay.. at least its not too sad
Chapter 6: Awwww... so sad. ;__; And it's fine~! At least it wasn't too sad, and he can always apologize to her and give the mug to her c: <33 But poor Baek!! AFTER ONE FIGHT SHE GOES FOR ANOTHER GUY. Humph. *shakes head* ;`;
Chapter 5: beakhyun~ :'(