Tao : Coffee, Tea or Me

Mircales in December
Tao opened his closet. Rows and rows of coats. Which coat should I wear tonight? He picked one, and looked at himself in the mirror. Let's try this on.
He swung the coat over his shoulders, put it on and buttoned it. Not bad... But I should try others too.
With that, he took off the coat and searched through his closet again. 
Suddenly, he paused in his action. I miss hearing your opinions on what I should wear. 
His eyes lost its focus, before long the usual glint appeared again after a shake of his head.
Well this should do. Tao stared satisfied at his image. It was the first coat he chose, but now he turned up the collars, giving a different feel. 
He ed the coat and placed it on his bed. He walked towards a wrapped package lying on his desk, in it a personalised coffee mug.
Tao's mind wanders again. He remembers the first time they met, she was a regular custormer, and he was the waiter.
"Miss, would you like coffee, tea or maybe, me?" Tao had used a cheesy pick-up line, immediately becoming embarrassed as soon as the words left his lips.
She looked shocked, and Tao mumbled, "I'm sorry, may I take your order?" 
"You. But I would like a coffee too, is that possible?" A pause before the reply came, which left Tao speechless and surprised. She accepted me! It was all he could think of for the rest of the day.
And that was the day their relationship started.
Tao sent a message to her, asking her to meet him in front of a train station at 6, which is an hour from then. 
He took his coat off the bed, picked up the present and keys, and headed out.
Tao took the taxi, not wanting to be late for the meeting. "Two moons. Two moons." His phone vibrated, indicating a message. 'Alright.' Just a word.
As he sat in the taxi, he wondered, what had happened to their relationship. 
"Ahjusshi, why aren't we moving?" Tao asked suddenly when he felt no movement from the vehicle.
"Ahh, there's an accident up front because of the slippery roads. We have to wait till it clears up before we can move." The ahjusshi replied. 
I'm going to be late! He took out his phone to tell her about the accident but found it dead. "! What, it's 7 now?!" Tao became frantic.
"Ahjusshi! Let me off here!" 
It's too late. I'm too late. Will she still be waiting? Tao panted a little as he arrived at the train station they agreed to meet. 
The snow was falling heavily, coating the place in white. But there was no sign of her. 
It's 8 now.. When he asked to be dropped off, it was still quite a distance to the train station, and no matter how fast he ran, Tao still did not make it in time. 
Tao's expression grew pained. Why, why does this have to happen to me? 
He shut his eyes, shutting out everything around him, even the sight of the eclipse. And tears slowly flowing out.
I wish, I could rewind the time. 

I'm sorry if this is not up to the standard! ><


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Chapter 12: I loved Suho's. Even though it was sad, it was beautifully sad. XD Sehun's was confusing, but also sad :c If this had actually happened to them in the past (which I'm 99.99999999% it didn't), that would've . But we're here to comfort them, hehe ^^ Loved this fic~ Bravo -u-
Chapter 10: .... Kyungsoo, come to me. ;u;-- WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT...
Chapter 10: its hurt :'(
Chapter 9: Wow. Even after their agreement. .___________.
Chapter 8: i will accept his confession if i were the girl..
Chapter 8: WHALE I HATE HER, okea. 'Nuff said.
Chapter 7: Awww.. ;~~~; She better come. Like. Now.
Chapter 7: geez.. poor lay.. at least its not too sad
Chapter 6: Awwww... so sad. ;__; And it's fine~! At least it wasn't too sad, and he can always apologize to her and give the mug to her c: <33 But poor Baek!! AFTER ONE FIGHT SHE GOES FOR ANOTHER GUY. Humph. *shakes head* ;`;
Chapter 5: beakhyun~ :'(