Kai : A Puppy Gift for You

Mircales in December
Looking at his curly brown fur and sparkly black eyes, Kai brought the little dog nearer to him, pecking his little nose. 
You look like my 'kids'... I hope she'll like him, as much as I do. Kai's thoughts shifted momentarily as the puppy whimpered a little, wanting to be put back down. 
"Alright, just wait a little while. Let's make you look pretty." He struggled to tie a pink ribbon around the fidgeting puppy's tummy. 
You look so cute! Kai's eye sparkled as he continued playing with the puppy. 
After a few moments, he lay down on the bed, sending a message to her. Turning around, he the puppy gently. She'll come, right?
A few hours of sleeping and Kai woke up to find no reply to his message, and it's almost time to meet. 'Please meet me in front of the train station at 6.' That's what the message he sent said. Please come, Kai prayed silently. 
"Come puppy, let's go!" Kai put on a red coat, and placed the puppy close to his heart. 
"That'll keep you warm." Kai grinned with a hint of sadness as he tickled the puppy which was snuggling in his warmth. 
"It's cold..." Kai shivered a little as he waited outside the train station. 
Sitting on a bench, he looked up to the sky, looking at the snowflakes as they floated downwards towards the ground. As he sat, Kai's thoughts turned to the past. 
I was, and still am, a fool for letting you go. A look of sadness and pain flashed across his face as he remembered the times spent with her, how she looked when she smiled, how her hands felt perfectly in place with his. 
The puppy let out a soft snore, once again breaking Kai's flow of thoughts. 
"Fell asleep, haven't you. Don't worry boy, she'll come soon." Speaking softly to the little creature, he tried to convice himself that she was coming. 
A few more hours ticked by, and she still hasn't showed up. Trying to beat the cold, Kai pushed his hands further down into his pocket. The puppy was sleeping soundly in the warmth of his coat. But the cold just seems to get worse, as his heart turned colder as well. 
I'll wait for you, so please, just come. Kai shut his eyes, hoping that when he opened them, she'll be standing in front of him. 
However, when he opened them, there was no one in front of him. Just snow, lots and lots of snow. There's too much snow, Kai frowned a little. 
Suddenly, he felt the sky become a little darker, and looking up, he saw an eclipse. Kai stared at the moon, entranced by the sight. 
If only you were here, I'll get to spend the moment with you.
I miss you. I love you.
I want to see you.
But, you won't come will you? 
Even with that thought in his mind, Kai continued to sit on the bench, waiting fruitlessly for the one he yearns to come, as the snow continued to fall relentlessly on him.
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Chapter 12: I loved Suho's. Even though it was sad, it was beautifully sad. XD Sehun's was confusing, but also sad :c If this had actually happened to them in the past (which I'm 99.99999999% it didn't), that would've . But we're here to comfort them, hehe ^^ Loved this fic~ Bravo -u-
Chapter 10: .... Kyungsoo, come to me. ;u;-- WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT...
Chapter 10: its hurt :'(
Chapter 9: Wow. Even after their agreement. .___________.
Chapter 8: i will accept his confession if i were the girl..
Chapter 8: WHALE I HATE HER, okea. 'Nuff said.
Chapter 7: Awww.. ;~~~; She better come. Like. Now.
Chapter 7: geez.. poor lay.. at least its not too sad
Chapter 6: Awwww... so sad. ;__; And it's fine~! At least it wasn't too sad, and he can always apologize to her and give the mug to her c: <33 But poor Baek!! AFTER ONE FIGHT SHE GOES FOR ANOTHER GUY. Humph. *shakes head* ;`;
Chapter 5: beakhyun~ :'(