(BaekHyun) Fifth Day of Christmas: Christmas Lights

Christmas Days


5th of December. 20 days to Christmas. 

Christmas Lights. 

"Just a little more to the left... " 

*Knock Knock* 

"Darling, it's already past midnight, please go to sleep early.. "
Your mother had her head peeked through the doors as she reminded you again. 

You gave her an annoyed look, " Mum.. I will.. Don't worry. Go to sleep please... " 
You stared back at your papers as you re-read the same line again. 
" Alrights,... Good Night Honey.. " 
" Good Night. " You replied without looking up. 

Honestly, it has been one tough week. 
Holidays was coming, but you're stuck with a whole week more of projects. 
Projects, Projects, Projects. 

You tossed your pen away with frustration. 
You re-read your presentation for the third time, doing minor edits here and there.. 

You heard a knock. 
It wasn't .. your door..
Your window?!

You cautiously tip-toed to your window. 
It was already past midnight, anything was flying through your mind. 
Yes, you hate horror shows. 
And..  your mind running wild at the possibilities. 

" BAEK HYUN?! " 

That little cute face was behind your window. 
He hurriedly brought a finger to his lips seeing your shocked and loud expression. 
He had probably heard you through the thick glass as well. 
You hunched your back and grimaced at your loud reaction. 
He gestured you to open the window. 

" Oppa.. what are you doing? " 
You peered out.. 
He was standing on a ladder that leads to your room's window. 
You were living in a two storey house. 

He grinned, ever so adorably. 
" I missed you, silly.. " 
You blushed. 
" But oppa.. don't you have schedules?? " 
You asked as you helped him into your room through the window. 
" I just finished, didn't you see? M!Count Down? " He asked, your mind was just registering that your boyfriend is here. 
Your insides were perhaps squealing at the sight of him. 

You grinned, " Of course.. " 

An idea popped in your head, " I was staring at D.O oppa.. Oh my.. his vocals.. " You feigned a fainting posture. 
He frowned, you continued cheekily, " And.. Chen, Chen oppa.. Ohmy.. How can he possibily hold such perfect high notes.. ?"
He folded his hands, " Me? " 
He was staring at you intently. 

Honestly, when he's mad, he's the cutest. 
And having such a long and ardous week, his aegyo was the best to cheer you up. 
Sure he'll be mad, but he's easy to make it up afterwards. Hehehes.. 

You started your acting, and gave him a side glance. 

" I.. guess you're.. okay.. " you waved your hands dismissively and walked to your table to pretend to continue working on your project. 
" OKAY?! Just OKAY?!!" he fumed, and you hurriedly shot him a glare with a finger on your lips. 
"OKAY!?!" he whispered harshly. 

You giggled, " I'm Joking Jakiya.. You're the best! " 
You put both thumbs up! 
He tried to suppress that smile that was growing, and the pride that was swelling with glee. 
You gave a chuckle. 
Baekhyun, is too adorable. 

" Jakiya.. " 
You hummed.. 

" Jaki? " 

" What? " you replied curtly. 

Your eyes glued to your computer screen and fingers furiously typing. 

He.. must have been bored, so he did the light dance. 
(Watch here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPAOkXb64sE )

You harshly scolded him, " OPPA! " 
He pouted.. " Can you finish it quicker?... I have something to show you.. "
" Just a minute, " Attention back to your computer screen. 

Your room was only filled with the clicking of your mouse and the furious typing of your keyboard. 

Finally you're done, you looked at him, and saw him dozing off on your bed. 
You giggled, he looks like an angel when he's asleep... 
You quietly walked over.. 

He stirred, " You're done? " 
He stood up,... How did he woke up... Oh well.. 

You smiled and nodded, " Yess... " 

He threw a punch in the air, " 아싸(ASSA= Yay) ! Let's go! " He grabbed your hand
" Go? Where? " you asked quizzically. 

You were dragged to your window as he conveniently grabbed the jacket by your bedside, and opened the window,
He turned around and winked at you, 
" Secret! " 

He helped you down the ladder from your window. 

"Jong In-ah... "  he called out
Uh? Kai Oppa is here? 
You saw him leaning his back against a tree.. looking bored. 

" 미안 (Sorry), " BaekHyun gave an apologetic look. 
That boy just stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked towards the both of you. 
" Seo Min, hold on to his hand, not too tight... you can hold my hand tighter.. " 
Kai Oppa rolled his eyes, and you just giggled. 

The minute you held Kai's hand, you were instantly teleported to a dark street. 

" OPPA? OPPA??! " 
" I'm here, stop screaming! " Kai snapped. 
" YAhh.. don't talk to my girlfriend like that! " BaekHyun snapped back at Kai. 
Kai just stuffed one hand into his pockets, and with a snap, he vanished into thin air. 

"Oppa... " you asked, frightened. 
Baekhyun held your hand tighter. 
" I'm here dear, don't worry. 
Just hold my hand and never let go. I have a surprise for you. " 

That was the last words before silence consumed the rest of the time. 

You only felt his hands on yours.. 
Your eyes were blinded by the dark. 
TIme was passing by so frighteningly slow.. 
You're really afraid he would let go without  telling you.. 

You were terribly afraid of the dark. 

It was quite some time, or maybe because every second was becoming painfully more significant since you can only rely on your sense of hearing and sense of touch. 

Baekhyun finally spoke. 

"Seo Min-ie, I'll let go of your hand now.. " 

" NONONOOOOO.. Don't.. " 

"Just a while.. " you could hear his voice hiding the painful emotions at your reactions. 

 Be mature, Lee Seo Min , you're already too old to be afraid of the dark. 

" Okay.. " you hesitantly replied. 

His hands left yours. 
Finger by Finger, until both of your hands has lost contact. 
The night suddenlly felt even colder. 
And... quieter. 
And.. scarier. 
Cricket sounds were ringing and.. 

fear was consuming you. 

Suddenly... you heard a snap of fingers

The place lights up. 

A light bulb light up, and as your eyes followed the light, the neighbouring light bulb lights up, and the other one, and the next.. 
It was those Christmas lights that hung around Christmas trees,.. 
It slowly lit up the trees by the side, both sides to be exact, and down the streets. 
The christmas lights stretches across the whole streets as your eyes take in how the dark streets was slowy lit.. 
One by one, each lightbulb by each lightbulb, how it actually forms a picture as it slowly out lines each tree and down the street. 

You placed your hands to cover your mouth. 
Did.. he prepare this? 
You know BaekHyun has the light power, he can easily light up the light bulbs..
But how he actually fixed the Christmas lights. 
Those can't be done with his power.. 
There are many christmas lights and the distance it stretches over... 
Your heart was deeply touched. 
BaekHyun is so sweet... 

Suddenly his hands covered your eyes, and your hands instinctively held his hand in shock. 
"Seo min-ah... " 
You gulped. 

" This is how I feel when you're not around me.. " 
You smiled, this silly boy. 

" And.. this, " his hands left your eyes. 
" is how I feel when you're around me.. " 
You giggled.. 

And you gave him a hug, " Thank you oppa.. "

Both of you held hands and walked down the streets, with you taking in the scene before you. 

"Oppa.. " 
He hummed. 

" Why.... did you do this? " 
You stared at him. 

The lights were not bright enough but it casted a pretty outline on his beautiful features. 

He thought for a while, " I... " he looks embarrassed suddenly. 
" overheard your conversation with MinHye and YooJin. " 
He looked down at his feet. 

It didn't ringed a bell in you.. 

He took your silence as a cue that you are prompting him to give you more clues.. 
" The one where you said,.. " 
He paused. 
" That you think I'm childish and not romantic enough. " 
He looked away. 

Both of your feets still walking in rhythm, in sync with each other. 
The streets was really long. 
He has indeed put in a lot of effort. 

A lot of effort to prove that he is not childish and is romantic. 
You giggled,  " So.. you did this? " 

He nodded,.. he loooks slightly embarrassed. 
You hummed.. " Mmmm... I see.. " 

He stared at you cautiously, " So.. do you sill think I am immature and not romantic enough?"  

You stopped walking. 
He stopped walking too. 
You turned around and stared at him, stared into his eyes. 

" Oppa.. " 

" When I say those words, they are just passing remarks.
I never wanted you to change anything for me.
I love you just the way you are. " Your eyes fixed on his firmly as you said these words.

"Honestly.. You are like these lights to me.. " You gulped down the lump growing in your throat. 

" Many times I asked myself what did I do to deserve dating an idol like you.. " your voice was changing. 
" You're the light.. my light. " You felt a teardrop slid down. 
You didn't want to cry.. but maybe too many emotions. 

You caught that pained expression he had, as his slender fingers wiped your tears away. 

He pulled you into a warm embrace. 
" Thank you Oppa... " you whispered as loudly as your croaking voice allows you to. 
" Thank you for loving me. " 

You felt him hugging you tighter. 
" Thank you too, for loving me. " his warm voice filled the sounds and space around you

After some time of silence and hugging, as he your hair. 
He led you to a big tree with soft moss around. 
He whipped out two piece of comfy blankets that he prepared and hid behind the tree.. 
You laid on his lap, as he your hair. 

Both of your eyes glued on each other. 
After a few moments of eye staring, he spoke up again. 

"Seo Min-ah, I can't promise you that being in a relationship with me is easy. " 
You smiled, he is not immature....  

" But, At your darkest days, I'll be your Christmas Lights. " 
And.. he is definitely romantic. 

You held his hand and kissed the back of his hand. 

" I love you, " you replied back lovingly. 


I had such sweet friends that threw me a surprise for my bday celebration though its more than three weeks back. 
Since, they have made my day.. I decided to make yours ;) 
it's like 1am now.. T.T
But.. I really hope it warms your heart :) 

Honestly I dont know much about Baekhyun's power. 

FOR non-exo fans. 
BaekHyun has the power of Light (Sun)
Kai has the power of Teleportation 

As shown in their MAMA song/promotions. 

And.. I know I am two days behind T. T

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Merry Christmas!! :)


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Chapter 20: you are amazingggggggggggggggggggg u know ...

aigoo aigoo why is he sooo sweet ??! why is he sooo lovely ??^^

omg this story is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo lovelyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ^o^

thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 ^v^
Chapter 9: I giggled xD why is yongguk so adorable kekekk
Chapter 1: /throws hugs and kisses/
belle-278 #4
Chapter 1: Awwww love it <33