The Appreciation of the Rescued

How Far Until Footprints Vanish - Undergoing Revision and Finalization

The Appreciation of the Rescued                


                It was a whole day before Chansung was strong enough to make his way downstairs on his own. Min-Jun staying the night with him definitely helped with regards to his mental state. He was a lot calmer and could focus better. 

                Waking early one morning he was desperate for water. No one else was awake and he’d been missing Wooyoung’s presence. He found the kitchen a mess with ingredients and things strewn out for the day. He didn’t realise how quickly he would miss the smell of fresh baked bread, or his perch in front of the oven. Shaking his head, he grabbed a glass of water and made his way back to his room. Once there, he settled back under the covers and his eyes burned with unshed tears. What was wrong with him?

                He succumbed to the darkness, but, for some reason it was short-lived. He didn’t know what was touching him, but it was annoying. Something was tugging at his hair and driving him absolutely crazy. The only person he let do that was...

                Eyes snapping open, sure enough, big, bright golden eyes were staring back at him, accompanied by those familiar pudgy cheeks. Little arms were around his neck, hands still in his hair. His eyes filled instantly with tears. He scooped up his little brother and hugged him a little too tightly.

                “Big brudder!” Kaiden whined and squirmed.

                Gasping he held him a little ways away and looked over him. “Little one, how..?”

                Kaiden immediately rested his hands against his cheeks and trailed his fingers over his face. “Big got hurt...” His voice was very soft and tears bubbled in his eyes. “Hurt...”

                Chansung hugged him close again and shut his eyes tight. “Big brother is okay...” He said softly and pressed his face against him, “because his little one is here,” he sobbed and rubbed his back.

                Kaiden’s little body changed and Chansung looked over his little leopard fondly. He fell asleep instantly in his arms. Running his hands back and forth over Kaiden's fur, Chansung felt like his heart was going to hammer out of his chest. If his youngest brother was here, did that mean his mother or father had come to Fortune? Kaiden wouldn’t travel without them.

                A soft purr filled his ears and he was overcome with so many emotions all over again. He even had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. Laying down once more, he continued to hold his little brother close. Just like with Min-Jun, Chansung was able to rest completely and fully without worry.


                Not only was Kaiden here, but so was Cho Hee. She was bouncing up and down, ears and tail completely out and brilliant silver eyes never strayed from him. She snuggled into him and hugged him tight.            

                “I wanna play with big brother first!”


                “Now, now, mama must speak with big brother first.”

                Chansung steeled back instantly. The scent of his mother filled the room and her silver eyes cut into him like a knife. Kaiden and Cho Hee went quiet and sat timidly on the bed.

                “Cho Hee, my darling kitten, please go find Mr. Kim and tell him I won't be staying for long.”

                Cho Hee picked up their youngest brother, “yes, mama.” She sent him a big grin before leaving.

                As soon as the door closed, Chansung tensed.

                Those eyes pinned him. Sure, he might have been terrified of Taecyeon and Min-Jun a little at first, but nothing compared to his mother. He was very much surprised that she would take the risk to come to Fortune and see him. He remained completely still as her eyes roamed over him, every so often her lip would curl into a snarl until she was looking directly into his eyes once more.

                “Since you were a little kit you’ve done this to me and your father.” She said and smoothed out her dress. “You probably didn’t think either of us would come to see you.”

                He shook his head briefly.

                Her scent flared and he fought all his instincts to sit at her feet. “You...” Her hands clenched tightly on her thighs. “Your siblings wanted to come, so badly. I had to fight with them and tell them why they all couldn’t come with me. Serenity and Snow were devastated. Ae Cha hasn’t eaten.” She never looked away from him. “Kaiden and Cho Hee refused to do anything if they couldn't come. You understand the risk I took-"

                “That’s why you shouldn’t have!”

                She stood immediately and came closer, hand tightly clasping his still healing shoulder, and he felt the dull pain of his still healing wound and muscles. “Don’t say such ridiculous things to your mother ever again, my son.” Chansung almost sighed in relief when she released his shoulder. He wanted to run away and find Min-Jun, even Taecyeon. “I know...we’ve often said how pointless this journey is...that it would hurt you. And here you are, hurt. I have never wanted to be right, and now look, here you are in pain. Why did you have to come to this place?”

                Chansung’s eyes widened and he froze as she came to hug him tightly.

                “Even though you got so hurt...I know you want to find answers. Not only that, I recognise how much you have helped your father over the years, but this time it was too much; please understand that I just can’t bear the thought that I almost lost you.” She brushed her hands through his hair and sat back. She rested her forehead against his, like they did when he was little after he’d done something foolish, and shut his eyes tight as she rested both of her hands on his shoulders. It had been so long since she willingly chose to comfort him. “Now, we can talk more later, but there is someone else who has been wanting to speak with you.”

               "Wait, I have a question for you." His heart was beginning to race.

               "What is it, Chansung?"

               "Why did you say I should give the researchers my notes? Why? After everything the Porta family has done to us, why?"

               Watching the complexity of emotions on his mother's face become quickly hidden behind a stoic mask, she sighed. "I just want you to come home. I'm getting desperate. With you being here too, I feel worried about your safety."

               "Here in Fortune, or here in Kim Min-Jun's house?"

               She shook her head. "In general, Chansung. As I always have been, why are you questioning me?"

               "Because they tried to kill us, and there's no way I would give into their demands."

               "It was on impulse. I really am terrified of just how much this journey of yours has led you to experience violence and pain. I don't want to see it anymore, Chansung. And to be here of all places, I want you to leave Fortune."

               "Why didn't you tell me I've been to Fortune before?"

               "I am not speaking about this right now. Your father and I have been worried sick about you, and he agrees with me that it is time to stop this nonsense. We are not losing you to this meaningless chase-"

               "Don't you dare." He rose up. "Don't you dare say that to me, after all this time, after everything I've been through. I need answers. I am going to find them." He promised and walked passed her.

                His mother was really here. She was here and he didn't know what damage she might have already done. They found Cho Hee and Kaiden helping Min-Jun bake, while Junho, who was setting the table, noticed him immediately.

                The pup tackled him and broke down. His mother walked around them calmly and began to get dressed to leave. 

                Junho held onto Chansung tightly with one arm, which he returned, while being mindful of his injury. The cast on the pup’s arm reminded him of what transpired and of his rage. 

                Running his hand through Junho’s hair, he smiled softly. “To be honest I thought you would be scared of me.” He admits.

                “Even if you are a black’re different.”

                “Oh! You two are so cuddly. It makes me very happy.” Min-Jun cooed as he rubbed Junho’s back.

                Within minutes, Chansung realised, Junho was completely asleep against his shoulder. He didn’t know how long he sat with Junho but he noticed Taecyeon speaking with his mother at the door. Her body language was rigid and her eyes steely. The conversation seemed to be civil, however, and he hoped it stayed that way. Chansung could only hope that she was helping Taecyeon with the situation they were in.

                Cho Hee bounded over to him and he hugged her tight.

                “Hey babe...” He says and kissed her cheek.

                Her arms tightened around his neck. “Don’t scare me again, brother...” She said softly.

                “Big brudder!” Kaiden began to sob.

                “Aiyah, again?” Min-Jun coos.

                Chansung watches Min-Jun scoop up his youngest brother and rub his back. His mother too is watching Min-Jun but her eyes, something in her eyes unsettled Chansung even further. She then turned this gaze upon him, and he felt his stomach churning uncomfortably. Min-Jun's scent was all over him. He was sure his questioning earlier didn't help matters either. This was not good. He then realised there was a presence that was missing.

                Wooyoung was no where to be seen.

                Min-Jun knelt down in front of them with a much calmer Kaiden. "He's...running away a little bit,” Min-Jun said quietly and Kaiden crawled up to him.

                Chansung glanced at his mother and then back to Min-Jun. He receives a nod and Chansung felt rage. His appetite diminished slightly, but he was relieved that Wooyoung wasn't here to witness or experience anything terrible that might transpire. Making to rise up Min-Jun pressed a hand on his shoulder.

                “No, Chansung, take it easy.” He soothes, quietly. “While he's also ridiculously stubborn with his feelings sometimes, just like you, it's more than that.” Min-Jun leans in closer, “we're all trying to be civil so please relax.” He smiled before heading back to bake.

                Watching as his mother came to stand before them, she retrieves Kaiden and blows on his cheeks making him laugh. "I'll see you tomorrow, my kitten." She says with such a fondness that hurt Chansung deep inside. She gives him a once over and then departs.

                Ignoring the feeling, Cho Hee helps him wake Junho and they make their way to the table. He ruffled Junho’s hair before taking a seat. Tired once again, he rests his head back and succumbs to his exhaustion. There really was no other warmth that compared to a canid. Looking down as his hand was tugged, Kaiden slowly climbed into his lap and sat himself down.

                “Owah!” He cooed and snuggled him close. “Big brother missed you so much!”

                Kaiden squirmed and his ears and tail popped out. “Big brudder!”

                This caused laughter, a laughter that released a lot of the tension in his body. Taecyeon joined them later.

                After managing to eat something, Chansung carried both Cho Hee and Kaiden up to the upstairs kitchen and living-room and plopped down onto the couch exhausted. Junho sat himself on the floor.

                “Junho, there's plenty of room on this couch and a chair.”

                “I'm okay...” The pup murmurs.

                Sighing deeply, he chuckled and reached down. “I think you just don’t want to admit you’re scared of me because you think you’ll hurt my feelings.”

                Cho Hee gives him a look but continues to cuddle into his side. Kaiden is happily snoozing in his arms.

                “ really scared me.” Junho turns slowly and huddled a little closer to him. “I’ve been thinking about what to say to you. How do I express my appreciation for what you, Min-Jun and the wolves did so selflessly for me and the other hybrids?” He said, eyes filled with tears. “I was the end, I thought I was going to lose everything. I have...nightmares.”

                Chansung rested Kaiden on a fleece blanket beside Cho Hee and sat down on the floor. He rubbed Junho’s back before hugging him close. “Min-Jun and Taecyeon would have found you.”

                Junho pressed his face into his neck, “I know they wouldn’t have found me as fast if it weren’t for you and the wolves. Who knows what would've happened - I don't even want to think about it.”

                Chansung shrugged, “so don't. It was just a coincidence, and a very, very fortunate one.” He pressed Junho back and looked over him. “You’re safe, Baron is off to sentencing, and hybrids can breathe a little easier.”

                “You’re horrible at letting people appreciate you. I think you’ve been travelling so much that you forget what it means to people when you help them or let you in.” Junho huffed and gave him a hard look. “You...act like what you did wasn’t even significant, like it was just some task-"


                 “You saved my life, Chansung.” Junho cried. “You protected me from that monster and ...and you made sure I was able to come home.” Junho collapsed against him once more. “Thank you...for being a part of our family, okay? Thank you for keeping us together...”

                Chansung stilled and stared ahead. Those words, he didn’t expect them from Junho. Smiling he hugged him close, thanking him softly for his sweet words. He really was being stupid.


                Wooyoung still had not returned to the house. He knew it probably wasn’t the best idea, but he couldn’t handle the distance between them at the moment – and the tension between Min-Jun and Taecyeon was still high – so, he decided venturing out for a walk was in order. His mother didn't visit the house often, but checked in on them every now and again. Cho Hee had been a big help around the house and in the bakery. He still felt weak. Teri was supposed to drop by with the lynx cubs to talk to him about the incident with the Catchers, but she was busy helping the rescued hybrids find their homes.

                The air in the house was beginning to feel stuffy with all of the tension and the various emotions everyone was feeling. He needed to go outside. He struggled a little putting on his clothes but he managed to get himself down the stairs without feeling winded. There he found Min-Jun staring out the window, watching as gentle snowflakes fell.

                “You okay?” He asked.

                Min-Jun turned to him and smiled. “Not my usual but I’ll make it.”

                Chansung sighed, “wanna come for a walk with me?”

                Min-Jun too exhaled noisily but nodded. “I could do with running away for a little bit, too.”

                “Big brudder, can I come?” Kaiden asked softly, peeking around the corner of the stairs.

                Min-Jun cooed softly behind him.

                “Of course, little one, of course.” He said and held out his hand.

                They got dressed in winter attire and strode out into the crisp air.

                Chansung inhaled deeply, letting the fresh winter air fill his lungs. It felt so unbelievably good to be outside. They continued through the woods and it was quiet between them for a long time. Kaiden never released his grip on his pant leg. Chansung was worried about Min-Jun. Not only because his mother was here, which was probably making him extremely uncomfortable, but also because of what they had been through trying to save Junho.

                 It was a silent agreement between them that what they had been through was their experience. Chansung didn’t know what it meant for Min-Jun, but Chansung saw something in the bear Elder that he didn’t anticipate: exhaustion, pure exhaustion. It wasn’t discomforting, it was sad. Usually your mate is able to cure those kinds of ailments, but something was happening to keep Min-Jun from doing that.

                They came to an open, running brook and Chansung took a few handfuls, and gave some to Kaiden. He had missed being able to do this. Kaiden beamed at him and rubbed his rosy cheeks.

                Min-Jun, however, seemed to be in a daze.

                “It’s a little late into the fall for you to be up and about, isn’t it?” He couldn’t help but ask.

                The bear instantly turned and looked at him. He made to say something but didn’t.

                “Okay, now you’re really worrying me.” He said as he picked up his youngest brother.

                “Hm, not good of me to be worrying you.” Min-Jun said softly and looked up into the sky. “ But you're worrying me too. Your mom...I can tell you're tense and unhappy about more than someone running off and hiding. But, you...I know you're downplaying what you did out there, but you scared me a little, too.”

                Chansung shuffled down into his scarf and avoided his gaze. “I’ve already gotten this lecture.”

                Min-Jun sighed and gripped his chin. “You offend me by thinking about it that way...”

                Chansung shrunk back.

                Kaiden rested his head on his shoulder, not feeling threatened in the least.

                “You...don’t like it when people care about you, do you? Don't let her set you back. Don't give her that power. She's already done enough, I'm not seeing it continue anymore.”

                Jerking back he managed to move away, and got to his feet. He didn't know entirely what Min-Jun was talking about but his eyes said enough. Kaiden was holding him tight and on alert this time.

                “Don’t run...”

                Freezing in place, he couldn’t believe that memory out of all the others had to surface. Wooyoung had been so playful that morning, and he recalled how exhausted he had been. With the dreams he was having, what people had confessed, and everything he had been experiencing while in Fortune, he needed to start asking questions. He needed answers, because he was sure now, more than ever before, he was in the company of those who could provide them.

                Before he could ask Min-Jun any questions, a welcome scent came to him.

                “Chansung! You’re up and about are you?!”

                Looking up, the three of them watched as Storm came forwards. Chansung felt relieved.

                “I’m feeling a lot better today, yes.” He answered and knelt before him. Kaiden buried his face into his neck. Chansung rubbed his back.

                Storm only glanced at Kaiden and snorted before giving him his attention once more. “You’ve lost too much weight though, and in such a short amount of time.” Storm grumbled as he circled around his legs. “I believe the cause is not solely due to poison, when we saw you before you looked unwell.”

                Jinwoon growled and pawed at his leg.

                “How do you fair, Min-Jun?” Storm asked as he sat beside him.

                “Feeling a little lost,” the bear admitted. “I’ve put off hibernating for a long time, so I was thinking this year may be a good time to get some rest.”

                Chansung snapped his head in his direction. This was an interesting turn of events.

                “It may be good for your health as well.” Storm added.

                The two older males wandered off, leaving Chansung and Kaiden with the younger wolves. He wished he could sleep for a while, too. It sounded very appealing but he knew he would get restless if he tried.

                Feeling a warm, wet tongue against his hand, he grabbed Jinwoon’s ears and ruffled Erin’s fur.

                “Hey!” They both growled playfully.

                “Who is the young one? He smells like you...and like kin.”

                Chansung eyed Jinwoon as he came forward and smelled Kaiden. His little brother’s ears popped out, surprising the wolf and causing Erin to laugh.

                “This is my little one.” Chansung said softly. “Kaiden, these are big brother’s friends, Jinwoon,” he indicated to him, “and Erin.”

                She his face and made him laugh.

                “Wolf friends?” Kaiden asked causing them to laugh.

                “Yes,” Erin cooed.

                Chansung chuckled and leaned back into her. Kaiden slowly reached out and touched her ear. It felt like the times he spent with them in Nocturna. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. “I really missed you guys.” He admitted softly.

                Erin whimpered and lapped at his face. “I’m concerned for you,” she whined and rested her head against his shoulder. “Your spirit is very sad.”

                Taking a deep breath, he leaned into her completely. “I’m just...suffering from my own inconsiderate understanding of people’s feelings, stuff.”

                “About the feelings...I’m assuming it’s about the curious one at the bakery shop.” Jinwoon grumbled as he lay down.

                “Curious one?”

                “The one with the curious scent but no scent.” Erin informed. “He was very distraught over you. He is also very kind, too. He made food for all the young and Elders while you were still in deep sleep. I quite like him. Him and River Kim visited Storm yesterday.”

                Chansung sighed deeply but couldn’t help smiling. He was glad that Wooyoung was spending more time with Taecyeon. He knew he would have to be patient with regards to whatever was happening between them, but he couldn’t handle waiting. He wanted to be near him, see his sly smile, and hear his intoxicating laughter.

                “Where will the pack go from here?” He asked, trying to push away his thoughts. Kaiden had wandered a little ways away and began to play with the snow.

                “Storm wants us to head south east. Our cousins are there and they have protection. The food is also bountiful there.” Jinwoon answered and nibbled at his fingers.

               Chansung returned to petting him and nodded, but kept close watch on his brother. He didn’t like that they were leaving, although he felt like a hypocrite for feeling that way. “Knowing you all would be safe would put me at ease.” He said softly. “Do you think you’ll ever return to Nocturna?”

                “Probably, it will most likely happen after the new laws are passed and are official.” Erin answered.

                “Snow!” Kaiden cheered and threw it into the air again and again.

                “Such a beautiful kitten,” Erin swooned.

                “Will you be having your own soon then?” Chansung teased.

                Erin snorted, “You know how likely that’s to happen with things as they are, Chansung.”

                “I guess,” he noticed Min-Jun and Storm slowly returning.

                “The bear is at a breaking point.” Jinwoon said. “He nearly lost a cub and truly has an intense fondness for you. No doubt the pains you suffered greatly affected him. He needs a healing sleep.

                “Today was the first time I really got to see just how exhausted he truly is,” Chansung admitted. He didn’t really want to share what he had seen while they were fighting Baron, or his growing feelings of familial attachment to the bear. Those feelings felt much deeper than they should for the short amount of time that they had spent together. It felt like they'd known one another for years. He frowned. He didn't like that the Elder was struggling.

                “You never do until things are painfully obvious.” Jinwoon huffed.

                “Enough, Jinwoon! Chansung has an awareness for many things. Your ego may be bruised but that is no excuse to be a bastard.” Erin reprimanded.

                “Shh, stop it.” He said and cupped her jaw. “I know I have many faults. I also know and recognise how selfish and inconsiderate I am.”

                Jinwoon whined and pressed his head into him, “I’m sorry – and we all know that isn’t true. You cannot call your journey selfish and inconsiderate.”

                “Jinwoon is right. You have a purpose and reason for traveling. It may bring sadness at times, but focus more on the joy it has brought you and those you have met. That is far, far more important.”

                Chansung finally broke a smile and hugged them both tight. “You guys are the best!” He laughed and grinned.

                Kaiden ran into him and threw his arms around his neck. “Big brudder, I’m cold!” He huffed.

                “Yes, I think it’s time we went back. We need to talk to mama about when you’re leaving.”

                Kaiden jerked back and sat down in front of him. His eyes bubbled with tears and he began to sob loudly.

                “Oi, oi, oi, what did you do Chansung?” Erin grumbled and nudged him.

                “I-I don’t wanna l-leave big brudder!” He cried and crawled onto him.

                “Uh oh, oh no, no.” Chansung said and hugged him close. “I’m sorry, Kai.” He said and rubbed at his cheeks and kissed them. “I wish I could keep you with me and that you could stay with me for a little bit. Wouldn't that be awesome?”

                Kaiden nodded furiously.

                “You have to ask Mr. Kim first, and remember that mama has the final say.”

                Kaiden immediately let him go and wobbled over to Min-Jun.

                “Oh my, what’s this?” The bear scooped him up. “Did big brother make you sad?”

                Kaiden shook his head.

                The trio laughed.

                “Okay now, shh,” Min-Jun wiped at his cheeks. “What’s wrong?”

                “M-Mr. Kim, I wanna stay w-with big brudder at your h-house.” He hiccupped.

                “Oh! Now I see. Well, if it’s okay with your mom I would be happy to have you.”

                Kaiden’s face instantly lit up and he hugged Min-Jun hard.

                “Chansung, we’ll be dropping by to visit before we leave.” Storm said.

                Chansung knelt down and rested their heads together. “Thank you...”

                “No, thank you. Rest well now, give your father...give your family my regards, and we’ll see you before we’re off for the south.”

                Chansung nodded and they watched them go. Kaiden held out his hands to him and Chansung took him. “You’re tired aren’t you?”

                Kaiden shook his head.

                Chansung sighed but smiled. Turning to Min-Jun, he noticed his expression a little less tense.

                “Ready for home?”

                Chansung nodded.


Next Chapter...Significants

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Story update - Mar 1 2024: revisions with major and minor updates have been made in chapters 18-34.


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 50: Please post the extra chapters and the conclusion...

I really love chansung but there are so many unfinished story of him...
oh my god i haven't visited aff for years! and to see that you really came back and finish your master piece, i'm giving you a standing ovation really HUGE THANK YOU for doing this even though you didn't owe us readers, but you still came back to us. i suddenly remembers aff and decides to check out and came back to you finishing the story 😭🤧 thank you so much. i wish you always have a good health and living a good life, bc you're an amazing person. THANK YOU ❤️
hwootestjang #3
Chapter 50: After so many years, you congratulate me for staying and waiting but you mesmerized me more. You kept your promise to return and rewrite the story. Making it better you said, it was soo good back then and this is even so much better. This story is packed with emotion. Truthfully, this is one of the best story I have ever laid upon. Youre such an amazing writer probably because youre such an amazing person. Stories like this should be published instead of some those in the market.

Thank you for writing this masterpiece. Sad that this is your last but what a grand retirement. I always wondered why I kept holding on this account. I guess this is it that Ive been waiting for. The end to such a beautiful story. Well another bonus you said. But yeah. I read because i love chanwoo but this story is so enticing and so so good. Im not good with words and I am jealous how good you are with it. You and your ways with words. Not sure if youll read this. Knowing you was one of the best Ive ever had. This site has given me so much that I couldnt fathom or know it over the years. You are one of it. I wish you happiness and everything you wanted. So long my penpal(?).

Thank you so much for this.
Linnyxx17 #4
Chapter 37: Aish! I'm late to reading both updates! But I was thrilled to have two chapters all to myself! Wonderful again simply wonderful, and Kaiden! his eyes!!!!!!! I knew it had to be her somehow! *standing ovation* I love it, I remember the date being planned in the original which sadly i never read because you are now writing this wonderful change, from here on out im on the edge of my seat with waiting for new things that are coming!!! <3333333333
Chapter 35: This update shook my heart up so much! So happy that Chansung and his family are on the path to healing though!!
Linnyxx17 #6
Chapter 35: Yes!!! finally some of the big reveals that I remember from the first draft of this! Gosh its still so wonderful and I'm still on the edge of my seat! I'm completely worried about Chung-Hee's health! Chan can't lose him! Aurora is gonna get what is coming to her I just know it! Hehe you have me shouting at my screen reading as if Chan and his dad can hear me XD

amazing update yet again!
Linnyxx17 #7
Chapter 34: This was such a wholesome chapter! and you are now just being cruel with the teasing of them being intimate!!! *dies* I seriously love this I can never get enough, I hope next chapter Chan and Woo get more closure and Chan can start moving more towards healing, though he is doing wonderful now on his journey, I need answers for him as well!

Thank you for another lovely update! <3333
Chapter 33: This is the most amazing chapter!! I’ve been on such an emotional roller coaster but loved every second of it! Thank you so very much for this beautiful update!! I hope you are safe, happy and healthy.
Linnyxx17 #9
Chapter 32: Ah! just keep pulling me closer and closer to the edge of curiosity! Such a wonderful update! <3333
I'm so excited to see your updates when I just got back to read stories!!!!!!