Humouring Aurora

How Far Until Footprints Vanish - Undergoing Revision and Finalization

Humouring Aurora


Walking with Wooyoung to the door, he turned as gentle fingers locked with his own. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?” Wooyoung asked quietly.

“As much as I would love for you to stay with me, I don’t want to give her any chance to harm you again.” Chansung assured and he adjusted the collar of Wooyoung’s coat.

Wooyoung smiled, “you’re so sweet.”

Chansung couldn’t help but pout. “Think so?”

Wooyoung’s expression fell and he stepped forward. “You’re really making me want to stay.”

Grinning, he brushed their noses together. “You’re gonna get sick of me this winter, complaining about the cold and being all touchy-feely.”

Wooyoung kissed him softly. “Don’t change the subject…”

Chansung sighed and kept him close.

“Wooyoung, come on...” Cho Hee grumbled as she opened the door.

“Alright,” Wooyoung looked over him slowly and then nodded, “I’m coming.” He pulled Chansung down into one more kiss. "Teri, please look after him until we're all back."

"You don't even need to ask." She said and gripped both of their shoulders.

Chansung shooed him and watched them race over to the vehicle. Chansung waved them off and closed the door. He walked with Teri back to the living-room.

"Just so you know, Chung-Hee did ask me to record this conversation." Teri confessed.

"Okay." He sighed. "Will you be okay in the multi-purpose room?"

"Oh don't worry, it's close enough that if something does happen I'll be here in a jiffy, and far enough that if I do seethe with utmost rage I can do it without her knowing I'm here." She said and gave him a curt smile. "I worry for you."

"I appreciate it."

Teri gave him one last comforting shoulder squeeze and then made her way to the multi-purpose room. The house suddenly felt so still and empty. He paced back and forth before the door.

It wasn’t long until the bell rang. A tension built in his body and he opened the door. He almost gasped in shock. "Uncle...Myung-Soo? Why're you here?"

His uncle pushed his mother forward. "I'm just making sure that she actually comes." He said and then he got down on his hands and knees and bowed. "I'm sorry, Chansung. If my brother let's me, one day I will also say these words to him."

"Damn you, Myung-Soo. How dare you!"

As his uncle rose, a bitter smile and rage clouded his eyes, "really, Aurora? I'll be in my car. Don’t even think about trying to sneak away. This madness ends now." Myung-Soo said ominously.

Chansung watched his uncle leave and then faced her. His mother was trembling. She looked over him slowly and he moved aside to let her in. Following her after she entered, they walked into the living-room and sat at opposite ends of the couch.

“You seem to be doing very well, Chansung.” She said and smoothed out her coat, obviously trying to quell her nerves. “Despite everything.”

“Up and down...”

“Oh? What a pity.”

“I don’t need you being patronising, I need answers. Why are you rejecting me and my brothers and sisters?”

She seemed stunned by the question for only a second. “Well, as you know your father and I are separating-”

“Yeah, I know that, but that doesn’t mean you have to reject us…”

“Perhaps, but it is the decision I have made.”

“You and I have, that’s not true.” He said and leaned back. “Why are you doing this? How could you hurt your Significants?”

"I had a Significant." She hissed and looked away this time. “I don’t need to answer that question.”

“Then just let us go, cut our connection now, no more lingering, no false hopes. Snow, Seren and Cho Hee, Ae Cha and Kai, they’re innocent, they’re your children, and despite what you have done, we’re all staying together. So now tell me the truth, without your roundabout courtesies, you owe me that much.”

“Oh fine,” she said abruptly, “I’ll say what you want to hear. Yes, I am dissatisfied with this family - I was from the beginning. I never believed it, you see? I never believed it was possible to have two Significants and I still don’t.” She expressed with a scathing tone. “I’ve been living a lie, Chansung.” She paused here and seemed to be collecting herself. Then she was looking at him without hesitation. “I thought your father and I were meant to be together. He was my Significant. I thought it would all change when I had you. I dreamt it to be so perfect, but you attached to all of us. Even him. I just wanted something to make sense. I just wanted something that was mine.”

Chansung truly did try and understand. “It could have been different.”

“I was not the one your father truly wanted.”

“You were his Significant, as much as Yong-Sun. You did this all to yourself--you have to see that.”

She scoffed, “I guess you would understand him better than I would seeing as you are both alpha and omega. He doesn't have a second hybrid, it makes no sense that he has two statuses. Why doesn't anyone believe me?”

“Because you have literally physically and mentally harmed all of us. So what if he had two? It's not unheard of, and hybrids are more likely to have more than one partner anyway. You should have told him honestly in the beginning what you were feeling. I truly do not understand why you and dad never worked out and that you reject us as your children. All these years, everything I've learned about just how much damage has already been done, I don't understand why you've done this at all. Why...did you have to hurt me?” Chansung said desperately. "Why couldn't you have just loved me for who I was?"

His mother began to tremble and gripped her clothes tightly. “Chansung, after the incident, after everything that happened that day and everything after, I really and truly thought that things had been changed. It was supposed to change that day. I thought it proved to Chung-Hee that we were meant to be, just the two of us. We come from two very powerful lineages, and so you as our children inherited this identity. However…” She took a deep breath. “Even if I wanted to believe that things were okay, I know that they weren’t. It was a lie. All of it. There are things that I wanted for our family, how I wanted things to be, and it didn’t turn out how it was meant to.”

"Two? All our lineages are powerful and deserve acknowledgement." Chansung said and watched her carefully.

“No. I’m...selfish, Chansung. I desired nothing more than for our family to be normal. Considering it’s very foundations, and all that has happened, I cannot remain with any of you. It will always hang over me--why things turned out this way – and for nearly 30 years? Why did I do this to myself? Why did I do this to you all as my children?” There was a crack in whatever mask his mother was trying hard to maintain now.

“You know it’s because of stupid purebred politics and beliefs that this even happened, right?” He snapped. “You chose hurt over healing - you chose nonsense over acceptance. And - and you’re still hiding something from me - I can tell!”

“Please don’t make this harder for me, Chansung! Do you think I deserved to feel like some surrogate? Did I deserve to feel like an Abandoned?”

“No, and I don’t believe he ever treated you that way, Yong-Sun too. So answer me, you still carried all of us, does that mean we deserve to be punished?” Chansung was trying to understand where this was coming from, but there were pieces missing that he really needed to make sense of what his mother was saying.

“Yes, I guess you should know by now.”

“How could you?”

“I’m a pitiful, vengeful woman, Chansung. I’m not going to defend my actions, but I am owning up to each and every one of them.” She sighed, the mask she so carefully was crafting was back in place. “I deserved better. I acted in a petty manner, and that is that.”

“We all deserved better. I don’t agree with what either of you have done, but your reasons for what you’ve done - what you’re doing to us now, and then doing what you did with uncle, to grandmother, to me–”

“I was angry! I wanted to get back at your father. You can shame me all you like, but I want him to hurt as much as I have.”

“Are you even listening to yourself?” Chansung shot back. “What you have done to him, Yong-Sun, Cho Hee, our whole family, it's so painful to see it. I don’t remember a lot of things and you decided that I wouldn’t, but, I...I know I was always happy up until everything happened, from what I remember. There was so much love in our family...and now...this?”

She gripped her bag tightly. “Sometimes...sometimes love doesn’t always stay, Chansung.”

“No, not when you choose that it isn’t there, and as you say, especially when the basis for that love is lies-”

“And what about you and that Jang then? Is your love so pure? So governed by fate and purpose? Please, you have no room to lecture me.”

“Seriously? You don't have a right to talk about my relationship with Wooyoung. Just because you and dad didn’t work out that doesn’t mean you have to attack me.”

“I can’t stand it, any of it. You and Cho Hee, what good is it to love someone who you can’t live a normal life with?”

Chansung rubbed his temples. “Your ideas and thoughts around love are so...twisted. You really don’t get it, huh? The only person who made my life abnormal...was you. The same goes for my siblings.”

She was silent for a long time, speechless. “No – no I did not, I’m your mother!”

Chansung was beginning to feel frustrated. This was going around in circles. He had tried to make so many openings for her to reveal the truth, but he knew she was just going to keep it hidden. “You’re rejecting me! You yourself have chosen to relinquish that right! Not just me, you wouldn’t even say hello to Kaiden, your youngest - who still needs you. We all need you. It's because...we have red eyes and the other hybrid, isn't it?”

She fell quiet, her eyes widened, and her fingers tightened together.

“I’m your cub, aren’t I, Mom? So what if we have red eyes?”

"Don't you dare speak of it." She clenched her teeth together and glared at him. “I told you, I deserve better – I wanted what was rightfully mine. You don't know what led up to that day, what transpired, how scared I was for me - but more for you. It was supposed to be better, different."

"Why do you keep saying that?" He asked, a dreadful feeling rising in his chest, twisting his stomach in knots.

"It doesn't matter now." She dismissed. "I guess we both have the same opinion, we want to erase the connection we had. I know I wanted to erase mine from my grandfather. Then I would have been accepted, it would have worked out. I was successful with you.”

Winded, Chansung collapsed forward. He didn’t know what he should have expected, or why he had expectations at all. “What are you saying? You're the reason why...I lost a part of myself? Is that why you didn't want me to go back to Fortune?”

“Are you nearly done with your interrogation, Chansung?” She cut him off.

“It isn't because you detest me being in love with Wooyoung, is it? It's more than that." He slowly held up the jewel charm.

Her eyes locked on it and her pupils turned to slits and she hissed. "How did you find that?!"

"You were there that day, weren't you? Is that why you began to work with the fox researchers? Because they had some way they could take your red eyes? You better talk, because I know with this I can get my memories back-”

“That’s right!” She bellowed and rose to her feet. “You might as well know now. I kept you apart all these years. I couldn’t stand it, Chansung. It reminded me of him. It reminded me of how I almost lost you, but now I realise it doesn’t matter.”

Chansung sat back, horrified. "You...tried to kill dad and Yong-Sun, for what? Was that the bargain you made, their deaths for removing the other hybrid?"

“You’re right, I did everything in my power to make sure you wouldn’t remember. I humoured your fascination with foxes, but I realise now that was a mistake. You saved that damn fox. They had been chasing her for months, years I would say. They said that if I helped and got you and your father to Fortune, they knew a way to remove the red eyes. Only, Yong-Sun decided to go. Because of him nothing went according to plan. You brought that cursed fox to the realm pool and I had to do what was necessary to achieve what I wanted. And now, here we are. You still remember nothing, you are purely golden and silver eyed, only your leopard, but I am suffering. I gave you too much liberty. Now you’re...” Her gaze shifted to the window. “Attached to that...miscreant of a hybrid. You’ve sullied yourself, my son-”

“Shut up!” He bellowed, breathing raggedly. “You - do you realise what I’ve gone through because of you?!” He began to shake with rage. “All these years spent trying to figure out what had happened to me, and whatever these dreams - these fragments of memories were, to understand what had happened to me that day, and the pain of constantly wondering why I felt so empty –'re the cause of all of this!” He edged back and tried to calm himself. “All because of what? Being a red eye? The Hales didn't accept grandma Serenity, why would they have accepted you with...with everything you have done?”

“I don't need their pity or conditional acceptance! This was to spite them! They cast my grandmother out for eloping with a red-eyed mongrel! My grandmother suffered for years, in poor health, and even when she died they did nothing! We had nothing!” She bellowed. "Being a red eyes means you will be villainized. It means you will be automatically hated. It means pain!"

It was deathly silent between them now. Chansung took calming breaths so he wouldn't hyperventilate. The rawness of emotion his mother exploded with, the redness of her eyes, the pain he saw in them, he knew that this went deep. She wouldn’t say, and he didn't know if he could go on with this, he didn't know how he could handle it anymore. The hurt in his mother's eyes, the desperation, the turmoil, it was too much.

“This...” He started and took more deep breaths. “This is the only time I know I will be able to say this, so I will." He met her gaze again, which was now blazing red, and full of unchecked fury. "I'm sorry you felt so hurt and betrayed by everyone, by society even. I don't know what happened with great-grandma, I don't know what you and grammy experienced, no one does. Mama, I don’t know what you’ve been through but I’m sure it’s hurting you.” She immediately looked away and covered . “I'm sorry you felt you had to go to such lengths to heal, even if it was the wrong road." Chansung had to gather his wits to continue, he could feel himself beginning to shake. "Despite everything you did, I found him. I struggled, and I had to battle a lot of internal anger and sadness.” He thought of everything that they had given him in the short time he’d stayed with Min-Jun and Wooyoung. “And you know what else..?” He asked as he walked straight up to her. “He’s amazing for even wanting to be with me, after what you’ve done, after everything we’ve been through. You didn't win.”

“And what will you do when all of this...excitement wears off, hm?” His mother echoed, with a snort of disgust. “You romanticised him and your desire of foxes. This is nothing but a passing fancy that you’ll soon tire of.”

Chansung snorted. He had had enough. “You're hilarious, y'know? What you don't understand is that I love him. I love Wooyoung. He's my Significant. I look forward to sharing the rest of my life with him.” He said simply. “You think nothing of me because I am what you wanted to be, except I am not living how you wanted." He said as calmly as possible. "And, for someone who claims to have loved me, you sure don’t know much about me or love for that matter.”

She growled.

“I didn’t leave you, dad and my siblings to chase a ‘fancy’. I went to find answers because the people I expected to have my best interests at heart, to help me regardless of who I love, to be there for me, did not.” He stood back and swallowed hard. “I...wanted so desperately to find him, because...I just needed to know him. Do you understand that? I can’t help but think of what our lives would have been like if you’d just done things differently – and that tears me apart.” He said and finally faced her once more. “You’ve harmed me and my partner in ways I cannot forgive, Aurora. You have hurt my parents, Chung-Hee and Yong-Sun, my grandmother, my beautiful, wonderful siblings, all five of them, and so many people that I love. You cooperated with people who tried to kill us.” This time, more than the first time he’d said her name, hurt deeply. Her body language went tense and she began to shake her head. “I hope...when I have my own children, they never feel caged like I did. They’ll know that no matter what happens I love them, and I will never abandon them.”

“I did it to protect you, Chansung!” She cried desperately.

“Protect me from what?!” He snapped. "Yourself?!"

She didn’t answer and Chansung didn’t press.

“You always say it, over and over and over, you needed to protect me--but you have hurt me more than anyone possibly ever could. The only thing you have hurt people. Cho Hee was in so much pain because you told her she was wrong, that the way she thought, that the way she felt was all wrong!” He felt his strength leaving him. He couldn’t take this anymore. “Why...can’t you just love us for who we are?”

“You know why now, Chansung.” She said, cleaning her face. “I can’t hold your siblings with love because of my history with your father, because of what I have done, because of what I am." She smiled so sadly, Chansung felt a deep ache in his chest. "I wanted...I want a different life. I wanted to see my little kittens smiling, and to see grandchildren, and to see our lineage go on.”

“That could've happened...” He said tiredly. “You know it would've...”

“I just can’t, Chansung. I’ve already done what I’ve done.” She said with resignation and walked past him. “Where are my things?”

Catching her hand, she tried to snatch it back but he kept it tightly. “Please, please mom...”

She remained facing away.

“At least...tell me you were happy...I was born?”

She turned back and hugged him close. “Of course I was happy. I so loved you, my little Chansung. I loved all of you, even the red eyes. I’m sorry...” She broke away from him. She waited patiently but never met his eyes.

Before Chansung handed over the box, he sighed. "Just one last question."

She nodded.

"After I returned from rescuing the hybrids with Min-Jun, when you came to see me in Fortune. Did you see or talk to Baron then?"

She went so still. Slowly, she looked up. "Yes."

"Is he going to be a problem?"

She shook her head. "No. Nothing else will happen, Chansung. If there is one thing I can say I corrected, it is making it so he never tries to hurt you or anyone ever again - none of them will be able to." She looked honest and truthful, but Chansung didn't know if it was. "You may not trust me, but while I will never understand how you want to live your life, I recognise that there are things I had to do to rectify some of the things I did."

When she took the box of her last belongings, she paused. A complexity of emotions passed over her face. Chansung realised she was looking at the jewel charm that was still in his hand. It glimmered in the light of the porch. She ran her hand down his arm and clutched his hand hard for a few seconds.

"This is the only chance I have to say this, so I will say it now, and just once. I cannot...take back what I did. It's too late for me now. I'm sorry, my cub, my sweet Chansung. I'm sorry for everything."

Before he could ask anything, she smiled briefly, sadly, and then turned and walked out the door. Outside were sirens, and the police stood waiting for her. Myung-Soo was waiting at the sidewalk.

Gasping, he collapsed to his knees and hugged himself. A deep and terrible feeling pulsed in his chest. “Please...make it stop...”

Teri's arms were around him in seconds. "I've got you, Chansung. I'm so very sorry, kit. I'm so sorry."


Chansung sat quietly on his bed, drawings, journals and pictures surrounding him when Wooyoung returned. He thought he had quelled the ache, the upset, but as soon as he saw him, it was like the pain ruptured all over again. Wooyoung was beside him in seconds and holding him close.

“It much...” Chansung cried quietly.

“I knew I should’ve stayed-"

“No! I...she...”

“Shh, it’s alright, I’m here. Tell me what happened.”

Chansung began from the beginning with his uncle, and it took everything not to break down as he spoke about what he and Aurora discussed. With each passing second, Wooyoung grew more and more grim.

"I don't know who called the police, but I think it was Myung-Soo. Maybe he and my father had planned it all, I don't know."

"Oh, Chansung, I can't believe you went through all of that alone. I know Teri was here but..., I knew I should've ing stayed here. That's monstrous!"

Chansung turned towards him and cupped his face. “I’m so sorry I wasn’t there. I can’t help but think about it now.” He said as he looked over his face. “My mind keeps racing with all of these thoughts. We could have been silly kids together, you know?” He said, the ache in his chest coiling painfully. “I don’t know how I can fix it, Wooyoung.” He was beginning to panic. “I’m sorry-”

“No, don’t!” Wooyoung urged and rested his hands on his face. “We can’t fix the past, Chansung. We can’t change it. If we could, I would want to go back to that day, too, and I can’t do that.” He said and brushed his thumbs over his cheeks. “Believe me I’ve dreamt and wished of being able to go back. Especially after...being unable to see nothing in illusions of the future. So, yes, I can’t help but wonder too what would have happened differently. If you’re...if Aurora had done things differently. I could be bitter about things, and I was in the past. I was angry that you never came. I was angry that I never went to see you. I’m angry at myself for not having the courage to have not been afraid.” He smiled and pulled him closer. “Aren’t you here with me right now?”

Chansung nodded.

“And I’m with you...” He said and kissed him tenderly. “I don’t plan on ever letting you go again.”

He finally smiled and leaned against him even more. “Think my cheesiness is rubbing off on you...”

“Oh let it,” Wooyoung grumbled. “I don’t think I will ever forgive her - and not just for what she did to me, but for how she treated you.” He said as he nuzzled their noses. “I can’t imagine wanting answers and not being given them. I feel terrible for having hidden from you now.”

“We both know why you did it, Wooyoung.” He said and rested his head against his shoulder. “Ah, I want to leave. Everything is so wrong...” He closed his eyes tight. "None of this would've happened if I wasn’t born."

“Shh, don’t say that, never say that. No matter what has happened, things have come together this way. People make bad decisions, and they hurt.”

“Do they ever...”

“But that doesn’t mean we can’t overcome them.” Wooyoung said and hugged him close. “We would have been so funny together I bet.”

“I just - I never want you to believe that what I feel for you is because of some...some passing fancy or-”

Wooyoung kissed him hard, and he held him tightly, and he never let him get another word in. “We’ve got so much to learn about each other, Chansung. We have so much to talk about, to get out, to decide what will and won’t teach us lessons. We have so many new memories to make, and there’s just so much, so, so much I want to tell you. I’m so glad I’m here with you now, and I know I keep saying it like that, but I’ve experienced absence so much it makes you believe things about yourself that aren’t true.”

Chansung nodded.

“Even if your parents made some terrible decisions, what they have done doesn’t determine your worth or happiness, my lovely kit.”

Chansung sniffled and held him even tighter.

“Can I tell you something?”


“Despite everything, I know you’ll make it through this. I think you’ve known that something big was happening for a while. You told me before you were running away from your mother. It’s alright to feel what you’re feeling, asked me once if it hurt to be mad at Taecyeon.”

Chansung sat up and nodded.

“It did hurt, but I needed it to help me overcome what I had been feeling. I really resented him for a long time. I think...your father is finally coming to terms with what happened, and he does feel guilty, but I also pity your mom.” He said and brushed away his tears. “I believed once that all this trouble was happening to you because I was a fox and because we’re going against some supernatural fate or something - some bull like that…”

Chansung groaned.

“Shush, the truth has revealed how wrong that was now. There are so many things that have led our families, friends, and you and I down this path. It’s just...people’s decisions, their traumas, what people have chosen, because of what they believed.”

“’re right.”

“You don’t need to forgive your father or mother for anything. But, you’re allowed to love them if you want, or let them go.”

Sighing deeply, he took several breaths and closed his eyes. “You were right, I did need to talk to her. It hurt...but I needed to hear it from her, or I know I wouldn’t be able to move on.” He picked up the small box on the nightstand and held it between them.

"What happened when you showed her the charm..?"

Looking up, he noticed Wooyoung looking at him concerned.

"All hell broke loose. She was spinning me in circles so much, but she really came undone when I showed it to her." He opened the box and they looked upon the jeweled charm.

"I will say that I've never seen one like this before." Wooyoung sat closer to him. He then sighed deeply. "Did she say how she got it?"

Chansung shook his head, "I think the only way I'll truly know what happened that day is if I get my memories back, but even then there's no guarantee. I don't even know if it's possible to have three different eye colours. I'd feel like a mutant if I do have them."

They shared a small chuckle.

"I want to see if you do. You'd become even more legendary in my eyes." Wooyoung boasted.

Chansung blushed but became downcast. " desperately wanted to be accepted, that she wanted to destroy a part of herself. And, she took it from me. I feel like Frankenstein's monster." Chansung admitted quietly.

Wooyoung shut the box. "Well, we won't know until we return to Fortune. I'll be honest, the spirit hasn't stopped talking about this."

"What exactly are these?"

Wooyoung scratched his head and then looked pensive. "Fox spirits have totems which contain the essence of their spirit, and they can also create them for others. You have to give something in return, though. Taecyeon was also there but I’m not aware of him having a jewel charm or anything. He...he can't shift into his hybrid either. If the fox researchers were there they likely had foxes with them, and something must've happened to them. These spirits normally keep them on their person at all times, but this one must be your memories, and potentially more. It's a long shot but it's the only thing I can think of, especially if your mother had it. To make one, the Realm had to have been open. Considering what happened that day, and that you and Taecyeon were in the water, it's likely you were a part of something bad. I doubt Taecyeon will remember, but maybe the gem will remind him of something."

"This is all so...unreal. Like, I can't believe my mother was a part of this at all..."

Wooyoung looked troubled and then shook his head. "I find it difficult, too. I'm sure they saw her face that day, but they don't talk about it. I can only imagine what would have happened that day to make them feel such pain and anguish. She may have a really dangerous ability, she is very good at manipulation after all."

Shaking his head he smiled bitterly. "All I have for her is hatred right now, and I just have this really terrible feeling here," he pressed against the middle of his chest, "deep inside, it's gnawing at my insides."

"What about?

"If she really and truly hated my father so much, why..." Chansung swallowed hard, "Why have Kaiden and Ae Cha? Was it consensual? I know that...the triplets are..."

Wooyoung gripped his hands. "You don't need to voice it."

"She loved them so much. I just don't understand."

"Perhaps one day you'll be able to ask her."

Chansung shook his head. "I...I don't know. Every time I think about what she said, especially today, I don't know if I'd be able to face her again, Wooyoung. She toyed with everyone, it astounds me that this was all even possible. We were all manipulated. I know me and my siblings have been groomed by her since we were small. I guess that's why...why I was able to escape. I don't remember, and I was too old for her manipulation..." Chansung trailed off and looked deeply into Wooyoung's eyes.

"Dangerous ability..."

Chansung looked down at the jewel charm. "Even if she could manipulate anyone I doubt she's powerful enough to do it to a spirit, Wooyoung."

"A manipulator who can potentially alter memories?" Wooyoung said quietly. "It's a little similar to my distortion ability. Except mine only lasts for a few minutes."

"I don't think it's the ability to alter memories because she would have done something herself a long time ago. She would've never been caught. I don't know what it could have been, and I don't have the energy to try and piece it together." Chansung said, heart racing. "Everything back fired on her, and now we are all here, and this is in my hands," he said as he held up the box.

Wooyoung sighed deeply and looked over him. “Well, my brain hurts. I think you need some cuddles with your siblings and some good food, yes?”

Chansung was horribly hungry. “I want to cuddle with you and not think about anything. I'm exhausted...”

“Let me get some food, I know you haven't been eating again.” He murmured.


Wooyoung took the box from him and hid it out of sight before laying down. Chansung collapsed beside him. He closed his eyes and breathed in Wooyoung’s scent. And then, there was Kaiden’s and Cho Hee’s, and he felt their weight at his back, then Snow and Serenity, and lastly Ae Cha. Opening his eyes, Chansung couldn’t help but smile. Despite everything, it would all be okay, they could do this.


As Chansung opened his eyes, his mind and body went into a state of panic. He felt like he’d woken from a horrible and unrelenting nightmare. Rolling over and looking around his old room, he found Wooyoung and his siblings absent. Moving off of his bed, he walked over to the door and sniffed at the air. Following Wooyoung’s scent, he smelled the food being cooked and bee-lined for the kitchen.

Coming to the entrance, he peeked around. Seeing his father smile made him freeze. “I’m very proud of you and Chansung. Against all the odds, here you are, you’re amazing. You both have uncovered so many secrets, so much that has been causing pain.”

Wooyoung shrugged, “we have all had our part in figuring this out.”

Chansung edged back a little, but stayed near.

“That little kitten of mine,” Chansung closed his eyes tight and bowed his head, “fit into my hand when he was born. He struggled, and has struggled so many times, and now...he’s finally gotten what truly gives him happiness. He amazes me.”

Leaning against the wall, Chansung almost purred.

“He used to get bullied because he was so calm, he never let anyone bother him or deter him. He was stubborn then and he hasn’t changed. I can only hope that one day he finds it within himself to forgive me, for not being a better father, for not being more encouraging, or being there when he really needed me.” Chansung got up and walked into the doorway then. “I hope I can change it...” His father trailed off as he looked at him.

There were so many things his father had just said that he’d always wanted to hear. It roused emotions and feelings within him that he never thought he’d experience. Wooyoung turned to him as well.

While Chansung had desperately wanted to hear those things, the moment his father stood up and said “you’re awake” he began to panic. He froze in place and felt his breathing becoming heavy. “I’m son...”

Breathing heavier he began to shake, shifted into his leopard, and nearly bolted back down the hallway. His mother invaded his mind and everything she had done, everything she had said. He turned back as warm hands smoothed over his ears and rubbed them.

“Hey...” Wooyoung said quietly. “Why don’t you sit?”

Doing as his Significant wanted, Chansung sat instantly but did not look at him. He also couldn’t calm his breathing.

“Chansung...” Wooyoung murmured as he wrapped his arms around him and held him close, “let it out...”

And, he did. He growled low and cried and rubbed his face into Wooyoung’s shoulder, he did what he needed to, and he did not hold back for Wooyoung. It was years and years of holding in his fears, his worries, everything. He was so overwhelmed.

When he was finally calmer, and not trembling as much, Wooyoung squeezed him gently and said tenderly, “I’m here.”

When he felt the panic and anxiety finally leave him, only then did Wooyoung kneel back. He finally turned his attention to his father and then both he and Wooyoung were in his arms. He held them so tightly it pained. It conveyed his father's desperation.

“You two are so strong...” He said with emotion.

Chansung pressed into them more and inhaled his father’s scent deeply. It was just as calming as always. Feeling Wooyoung pulling away, his father cradled him even more and he couldn’t resist rubbing his nose and his head under his father’s chin. His purr rose in his chest and his father’s hands smoothed over his shoulders and neck.

“My rascal kitten,” He whispered as he rocked him back and forth. “I wish I could take all of your worries and your pains away...”

Chansung rose up and pawed at his shoulder. Feeling Wooyoung’s fingers squeeze his ear, he grunted.

“Go get dressed, kit. Be nice...”

Chansung hissed at him playfully but nudged his hand and ran back to his room. He cleaned up a bit and dressed himself. Then he felt nervous again. His eyes drifted to where Wooyoung had hidden the box. Whatever memories returned, if they did, when they were back in Fortune, Chansung had to admit he feared them. Making his way back to the kitchen, Chansung took a seat beside Wooyoung and rested his hands on the counter. As that lovely smile appeared on Wooyoung’s face, he kissed Chansung’s temple as he rose up to bring his now empty plate to the sink.

“Oh relax, Wooyoung. Have a seat.” His father encouraged as he began preparing more food.

Chansung watched him intently, wanting to fill the silence between them.

“I’m...going to go and freshen up.” Wooyoung said and trailed his fingers along Chansung's arm and shoulder.

Chansung rose too from his chair and wandered around the island counter to his father. Coming to stand beside him, Chansung gripped his arm and his father turned to him. “I...I missed you...” He murmured and walked into his arms. “I know I've been here for days already, that I've been really closed up. I just have to say it now, I've missed you so much. I’m sorry for everything-”

“Don’t you apologise. Don’t apologise for doing exactly what you needed to, or for anything.” His father said gently and held him close. “I am very happy though, that you are here. I’ve been looking forward to having you back with me for so long.” He whispered against his hair. “You’ve changed, become stronger and grown into yourself.” He said as he stepped back a little. "You showed me how much hurt and pain is here, how much...we need to leave this place."

Chansung smiled sadly.

“Yes, it's time for us to leave this place, move somewhere new.” He said and touched his face. “It feels like you’re finally letting me see you.”

Chansung’s tail waved back and forth.

“When...when Taecyeon told me you were severely injured...I...” His father pulled him forward. “Please don’t put me through that again.”

“Why didn’t you come?” Chansung asked weakly, basking in the feel of his father’s hands in his hair.

“There’s no excuse, nothing. The bills were in discussion that week and Taecyeon promised me that he would look after you. It was pure selfishness, and I don’t expect any forgiveness-”

“It wasn’t that.” Chansung said firmly. “It won’t hurt my feelings if you say it was her, dad.”

“I wouldn’t do that-”

“Even're protecting her. You should say it was her.” He leaned against him again. “If it weren’t for Min-Jun...I don’t think I would be here right now. Or...well...things would be much different.”

“Well, then I am even more thankful for him being in my life, even if he’s angry with me. I imagine it also has to do with Wooyoung-"

“Do you like him? I really...I...”

His father smiled. “Yes, I can tell that your feelings run deep.”

Blushing, Chansung suddenly felt very self-conscious. “I know I was really against mates and Significants before-”

“Oh yes, I remember your heated discussions with Fei about this and your rejection of it all. I remember your frustration. So...” His father set his food on his plate. “So, obviously Mr. Jang is very special.”

“He’s very important to me.” Chansung whispered and was hugged close again.

“As long as he makes my precious son happy, what more can I as a father ask for?”

Not being able to help grinning, Chansung took his plate happily and sat down. “I’m still...going to need time, so I hope you’ll be patient with me.”

“Oh, you know better than most I’m a very patient man.”

“I do, but there's the side of you that's just as fiery and assertive as auntie Mei.”

“She’s the one that unleashed all hell on me and...Aurora.” His father admitted. “All sorts of things came about then. She’s out doing some last minute shopping for tomorrow.”

Chansung tilted his head. “Is that where all my little ones are?”

“I love hearing you call them that. I really missed it." His father purred and took a seat in front of him. "Yes, they’re with her.”

“They really want to come and spend the summer with me.”

His father laughed, “yes, Cho Hee has been raving about it since she’s returned. Would really break their little hearts if I said no. Perhaps...they will also be excited about moving.”

Chansung felt a lightness come over him at those words. “What about Yong-Sun?”

His father shrugged, “I’m surprised he even came to the house, let alone that he's been speaking with me. If he lets me, I’d like to work things out, but that would take much time. Kittens love him though, so...we will see.”

Chansung looked over him for a long time. He saw the weariness, the hurt, he wore it all in the open now. “I have so much to tell you. About the wolves, foxes...even spirits, dad.” He said excitedly.

“Spirits eh? My goodness, you have been on an adventure.”

Chansung smiled and continued eating. “Maybe you should go on your own adventure?”

His father chuckled, “Perhaps.”

Chansung stuffed bacon into his mouth.

“Hm, I think I’ve got my appetite back.”

“Good. You should eat...” Chansung encouraged.

“Alright...” He said as he got back to cooking more.

Chansung looked back and noticed Wooyoung standing there. He waved him over and watched him take a seat.

“You have no idea what Min-Jun is making us do tomorrow.” Wooyoung warned. “We should have some us time tomorrow before it gets out of hand.”

Chansung couldn’t hold in his excitement for that. “I like the sounds of that.”

Wooyoung nudged him and pointed to his food.

“I must say, seeing you two together,” watching his father take a seat, he smiled brightly, “priceless.”


Next Chapter...After the Hurricane, Peace

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Story update - Mar 1 2024: revisions with major and minor updates have been made in chapters 18-34.


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brat2104 #1
Chapter 50: Please post the extra chapters and the conclusion...

I really love chansung but there are so many unfinished story of him...
oh my god i haven't visited aff for years! and to see that you really came back and finish your master piece, i'm giving you a standing ovation really HUGE THANK YOU for doing this even though you didn't owe us readers, but you still came back to us. i suddenly remembers aff and decides to check out and came back to you finishing the story 😭🤧 thank you so much. i wish you always have a good health and living a good life, bc you're an amazing person. THANK YOU ❤️
hwootestjang #3
Chapter 50: After so many years, you congratulate me for staying and waiting but you mesmerized me more. You kept your promise to return and rewrite the story. Making it better you said, it was soo good back then and this is even so much better. This story is packed with emotion. Truthfully, this is one of the best story I have ever laid upon. Youre such an amazing writer probably because youre such an amazing person. Stories like this should be published instead of some those in the market.

Thank you for writing this masterpiece. Sad that this is your last but what a grand retirement. I always wondered why I kept holding on this account. I guess this is it that Ive been waiting for. The end to such a beautiful story. Well another bonus you said. But yeah. I read because i love chanwoo but this story is so enticing and so so good. Im not good with words and I am jealous how good you are with it. You and your ways with words. Not sure if youll read this. Knowing you was one of the best Ive ever had. This site has given me so much that I couldnt fathom or know it over the years. You are one of it. I wish you happiness and everything you wanted. So long my penpal(?).

Thank you so much for this.
Linnyxx17 #4
Chapter 37: Aish! I'm late to reading both updates! But I was thrilled to have two chapters all to myself! Wonderful again simply wonderful, and Kaiden! his eyes!!!!!!! I knew it had to be her somehow! *standing ovation* I love it, I remember the date being planned in the original which sadly i never read because you are now writing this wonderful change, from here on out im on the edge of my seat with waiting for new things that are coming!!! <3333333333
Chapter 35: This update shook my heart up so much! So happy that Chansung and his family are on the path to healing though!!
Linnyxx17 #6
Chapter 35: Yes!!! finally some of the big reveals that I remember from the first draft of this! Gosh its still so wonderful and I'm still on the edge of my seat! I'm completely worried about Chung-Hee's health! Chan can't lose him! Aurora is gonna get what is coming to her I just know it! Hehe you have me shouting at my screen reading as if Chan and his dad can hear me XD

amazing update yet again!
Linnyxx17 #7
Chapter 34: This was such a wholesome chapter! and you are now just being cruel with the teasing of them being intimate!!! *dies* I seriously love this I can never get enough, I hope next chapter Chan and Woo get more closure and Chan can start moving more towards healing, though he is doing wonderful now on his journey, I need answers for him as well!

Thank you for another lovely update! <3333
Chapter 33: This is the most amazing chapter!! I’ve been on such an emotional roller coaster but loved every second of it! Thank you so very much for this beautiful update!! I hope you are safe, happy and healthy.
Linnyxx17 #9
Chapter 32: Ah! just keep pulling me closer and closer to the edge of curiosity! Such a wonderful update! <3333
I'm so excited to see your updates when I just got back to read stories!!!!!!