First Day

Love you like a love song
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It was your first day at Kirin Arts today. You walked through the thin layer of snow into the building. You could see people looking at you and talking about you. You adjusted the beanie on your head before looking at the school map. You found your way to the office where you were greeted by a young looking man with glasses.

"O-Oh! You must be ~~~~~~ the new student right?" he asked. You smiled and nodded before bowing.

"I'm Teacher Kang. The principal is in that room." he said pointing to a door.

"Kamsamnida." you said and bowed. He gave you a warm smile before leaving the office. *He seems nice.* you thought as you knocked on the principal's door.

"Come in!" you heard a female voice say. You opened the door to see a young woman with short hair at a large desk. The room had awards and posters in it. You saw posters of famous stars you recognized. You saw singer K, Pil Suk, and others such as Hye Mi. The one that caught your interest was a poster with a group of 6 people labeled, 'Dream High.' The poster somehow had a special glow to it. Your attention went back to the principal.

"Annyeonghaseyo! I am Shim ~~~~~~~." you greeted her.

"Hello. I am Principal Shi." she smiled. You returned the smile.

"Here is your schedule." she said, handing you a paper. You took the paper and scanned through it.

Song Composing B6


Vocals C5


Piano C9




Dance D1


Acting A6



Principal Shi stood up.

"I'll give you a tour of the school." she smiled.

"Okay." you said as you followed her out the office. She showed you different classes and such. She showed you to the practice rooms, the cafeteria, the library and other things. Once the two of you reached an old dusty room that had an old battered sign that read College Preparatory , Principal Shi paused. She looked like she was thinking of the past.

"This room... It's a long story." she chuckled.

"Ok.." you muttered. You didn't quite understand what she meant, but you could tell it was something meaningful. The tour ended when the bell rang. Principal Shi walked you to your first class.

"Thank you for the tour." you said and bowed. She smiled and walked away. You entered the class.

"Oh! You must be ~~~~~~~~, right?" the teacher asked. You nodded. He signaled you to go to him. You walked over to him.

"I am Composer Zhou Yingxun." he smiled. You shook his hand. Once the rest of the students sat down, he said, "Introduce yourself."

You nodded and walked to the front of the class.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I am Shim ~~~~~~~." you introduced yourself and bowed. Some of the students were whispering about how pretty you were. You sat down at the only empty seat, next to a blonde boy who seemed quiet.

"I don't sit next to ugly girls." he sneered.

"Deal with it." you said plainly as you put your bag down. Some of the students snickered. The boy frowned. He didn't really think you were ugly. He just doesn't want to sit next to anybody. ... It's a loong story.


Once class ended, students crowded around you.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Want to be my friend?"

"You're so pretty!"

"That kid next to you, Jiyong is a jerk. Don't talk to him!"

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Chapter 15: waaaaaa okokok i know i'm like 3 years late but wowowowowowowowowowowowowow i loved it also i love your username! ahhhhhhhh i feel so happy
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 15: Gah!!! I really like it!! no..i dont like it...I LOVE IT!!! Super Awesome!! ♥♥♥
@WookLover: Sorry, I'm not making a sequel, but thank you for reading!♥

@shiningstar: ehe, thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it~
youxme #4
WOW that story was soooooooooooooooo nice. xD I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! the ending was soo cute ^0^

"i dont sit next to ugly girls"

awww <333
Love the story <3 hope that there will be a sequel ^^
@xxSilverFox: asdlfsdfldkmcsd thank you so much!! <33 ^^ Thank you for reading!
i read this when i didn't have an aff account, and i just remembered to comment today. D:
well anyway, i loved this fic ^^ ahahah it was so cute<3
@nhichole18: Hahhaha thank you! Yeah, I wanted to incorporate that in somehow! <3 Maybe he'll say that on your wedding LOL.
nhichole18 #9
Yay! That was really cute! ^^
and i like how you used their "line" until the end. :)
Thank you for sharing this!
Hope you'll write more GD fics :)
@asianFrustration: Aw, don't worry, one day I'll write a fic based on him. x3 Thanks for reading tho!