
Love you like a love song
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You stared at the mirror as the make up artist fixed your make up. You looked at the reflection of everyone running around, getting things done for the next show. It was almost your time to go up on stage. Jiyong and Sohee were just finishing up. You took a deep breath. Three more minutes.

"Hurry up!" Taeyang ordered the make up artist. She simply nodded and continued working at the same pace.

"You're so slow!" he complained as he grabbed the brush from her hand and finished your make up. You stood up and checked your dress. Taeyang gave you a thumbs up and pushed you towards the door to the stage. You were nervous. This was the first time being on stage with so many people. You would have small plays and stuff when you were younger, but there were a lot less people. You slipped through the door just as Sohee entered. She gave you a wink. You smiled, feeling a bit more courageous now. The stage was filled with smoke and the crowd was silent, waiting for some action. Your light footsteps made a "thump" sound every step you took towards Jiyong. He gave you a charming smile just as the smoke cleared up, revealing Jiyong facing you.

"So this is the real you.." he said softly as he your cheek.

"Yes... It's not what you expected was it?" you asked. You didn't have to think twice about your lines. You had it all memorized.

"It's even better," Jiyong smiled, "You're perfect."

He leaned in and his lips touched yours. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. The curtains fell as the audience clapped and cheered. A bunch of people came onto stage and cleaned up the surroundings, getting ready for the last show.

"Ok, enough swapping spit and get to the back already," Taeyang said as he picked up a few chairs. You pulled back and giggled.

"You were really good," Jiyong said as he walked to the back with you, holding your hand. You beamed as people showered you two with compliments.

"Thanks, but Sohee was better," you said modestly. Sohee smiled as other people talked to her.

"Good Job!" Jonghyun exclaimed. You smiled.

"Thanks," you said.

"Yeah.. Good job.." Key muttered.

"Good job on th

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Chapter 15: waaaaaa okokok i know i'm like 3 years late but wowowowowowowowowowowowowow i loved it also i love your username! ahhhhhhhh i feel so happy
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 15: Gah!!! I really like it!! no..i dont like it...I LOVE IT!!! Super Awesome!! ♥♥♥
@WookLover: Sorry, I'm not making a sequel, but thank you for reading!♥

@shiningstar: ehe, thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it~
youxme #4
WOW that story was soooooooooooooooo nice. xD I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! the ending was soo cute ^0^

"i dont sit next to ugly girls"

awww <333
Love the story <3 hope that there will be a sequel ^^
@xxSilverFox: asdlfsdfldkmcsd thank you so much!! <33 ^^ Thank you for reading!
i read this when i didn't have an aff account, and i just remembered to comment today. D:
well anyway, i loved this fic ^^ ahahah it was so cute<3
@nhichole18: Hahhaha thank you! Yeah, I wanted to incorporate that in somehow! <3 Maybe he'll say that on your wedding LOL.
nhichole18 #9
Yay! That was really cute! ^^
and i like how you used their "line" until the end. :)
Thank you for sharing this!
Hope you'll write more GD fics :)
@asianFrustration: Aw, don't worry, one day I'll write a fic based on him. x3 Thanks for reading tho!