Moving to Kirin Arts High School

Love you like a love song
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"~~~~~~~-ah!!!" you heard your parents call. You were on your laptop, surfing the web. You got up and yelled, "Coming!"

You sat up and walked to the living room where your parents where.

"Yes?" you asked as you sat down on the creamy white sofa.

"So, you've always wanted to stand on stage right?" your father asked you. You smiled and nodded.

"Well, we have good news!" your mother shouted joyfully.

"What is it?" you asked eagerly.

"Your transferring to Kirin Arts Highschool!" both parents announced. Your eyes grew large and your mouth hung open.

"CHINCHA?!!" you screamed. The happy couple nodded and gave you a huge smile.

"Umma! Appa!! KOMAWO!!! SARANGHAE!! SARANGHAEE!" you screamed and ran to your room. Kirin Arts School was a school where dreams come true. People reach out for their dreams. Many famous stars have graduated from Kirin Arts. It was always your dream to go to Kirin Arts so you were super happy about transferring. Your dream of being on stage was going to become a reality if you played your cards right. Kirin Arts would be the beginning of everything.

You did a happy dance around your room.

"Yes! Yes! YES!" you exclaimed just as your dad came into your room. He gave you a letter from Kirin Arts. Your eyes lighted up and you quickly opened the letter. Your dad left and you sat on your bed. You started to read the papers. You would start going to school next Monday. It

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Chapter 15: waaaaaa okokok i know i'm like 3 years late but wowowowowowowowowowowowowow i loved it also i love your username! ahhhhhhhh i feel so happy
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 15: Gah!!! I really like it!! no..i dont like it...I LOVE IT!!! Super Awesome!! ♥♥♥
@WookLover: Sorry, I'm not making a sequel, but thank you for reading!♥

@shiningstar: ehe, thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it~
youxme #4
WOW that story was soooooooooooooooo nice. xD I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! the ending was soo cute ^0^

"i dont sit next to ugly girls"

awww <333
Love the story <3 hope that there will be a sequel ^^
@xxSilverFox: asdlfsdfldkmcsd thank you so much!! <33 ^^ Thank you for reading!
i read this when i didn't have an aff account, and i just remembered to comment today. D:
well anyway, i loved this fic ^^ ahahah it was so cute<3
@nhichole18: Hahhaha thank you! Yeah, I wanted to incorporate that in somehow! <3 Maybe he'll say that on your wedding LOL.
nhichole18 #9
Yay! That was really cute! ^^
and i like how you used their "line" until the end. :)
Thank you for sharing this!
Hope you'll write more GD fics :)
@asianFrustration: Aw, don't worry, one day I'll write a fic based on him. x3 Thanks for reading tho!