
Love you like a love song
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One week later, you were finally released. The showcase was tomorrow and you wanted to perform in it real badly. You sighed because the doctor told you not to overwork yourself because your ankle just healed. You  took a bus to Kirin arts.


Once you got off the bus, a wave of happiness came over you. It was like the first time you came to the school. You felt like you haven't seen this school in years, even though it's only been a few weeks. You smiled as you entered the school proudly.


Everyone gasped when you walked in. They bombarded you with questions and gifts. You softly smiled. *I'm back where I belong...*



You watched Sohee and Jiyong practice hard for the showcase enviously. You wanted to be on that stage too. You came out of hiding and walked towards the stage. Jiyong stopped saying his lines when he saw you. Sohee saw you as well and stopped her lines.

"Why did you stop?" you asked. Jiyong jumped off the stage and approached you. You blushed madly and your heart felt like it would explode any moment now.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"O-Of course I am!" you smiled. *Crap. I'm stuttering so much!*

Jiyong smiled and said, "I'm glad."

You gazed into his warm eyes for a moment before he spoke up.

"So.. about my confession..."

You opened your mouth to reply, but you had no idea what to say. You wanted to say yes, but you didn't know how. You never knew this would be so hard to do.

"I..." you started saying.

"I... also like you.." you said very quietly. A huge smile formed on Jiyong's face. He's been waiting for this day for so long. He hugged you tightly and didn't let go. You hugged him back and enjoyed the moment.


In less than 24 hours, the whole school knew about your relationship with Jiyong. Seungri ignored everyone for the rest of the day and said nothing. Inside, he was wounded badly.

You looked at him walk away silently. You stood up suddenly and Jiyong asked, "Where are you going?"

"To take care of some business," you said and walked away. You just saw Se

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Chapter 15: waaaaaa okokok i know i'm like 3 years late but wowowowowowowowowowowowowow i loved it also i love your username! ahhhhhhhh i feel so happy
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 15: Gah!!! I really like it!! no..i dont like it...I LOVE IT!!! Super Awesome!! ♥♥♥
@WookLover: Sorry, I'm not making a sequel, but thank you for reading!♥

@shiningstar: ehe, thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it~
youxme #4
WOW that story was soooooooooooooooo nice. xD I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! the ending was soo cute ^0^

"i dont sit next to ugly girls"

awww <333
Love the story <3 hope that there will be a sequel ^^
@xxSilverFox: asdlfsdfldkmcsd thank you so much!! <33 ^^ Thank you for reading!
i read this when i didn't have an aff account, and i just remembered to comment today. D:
well anyway, i loved this fic ^^ ahahah it was so cute<3
@nhichole18: Hahhaha thank you! Yeah, I wanted to incorporate that in somehow! <3 Maybe he'll say that on your wedding LOL.
nhichole18 #9
Yay! That was really cute! ^^
and i like how you used their "line" until the end. :)
Thank you for sharing this!
Hope you'll write more GD fics :)
@asianFrustration: Aw, don't worry, one day I'll write a fic based on him. x3 Thanks for reading tho!