
Love you like a love song
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It's been a month since Jiyong left. You couldn't help but feel betrayed. He left without telling you. Now, all that was on your mind was Jiyong. Questions like, "Why did he leave?" and "Why didn't he tell me?" lingered in your mind. Your once colorful life had now become black and white, dull and colorless. A huge part of you was missing, and that was Jiyong. You played a sad melody on the grand piano, but all you could think of was Jiyong. You missed a note, ruining the song. You sighed and laid your head down on the keys, making a loud, blaring sound which echoed through the empty room. Someone entered the room but you didn't care.


You slowly turned to look, hoping it was Jiyong but it was only Seungri.

"Hey.." you said.

"Are you ok?" he asked. You said nothing.

"I know you're still sad about Jiyong, but he probably has a reason," Seungri tried, "There's a reason behind everything."

"He should've told me his reason then," you muttered bitterly.

"He loved you a lot you know," Seungri said, "Probably even more than Aecha..."

You stood up abruptly.

"It's not fair though! Once we were finally together, he just leaves like that! What kind of relationship is that?!"

You stomped away, on the brink of tears.

Seungri clenched his fists. *Jiyong. I gave you ~~~~~-ah and this is what you do?* Seungri thought while turning around to see you walk away. *I will find out why you left her.*


You stared at the couple ring on your finger that Jiyong gave you. You wanted to take it off, but your heart stopped you from doing so. You looked out the room in your window. An old couple walked by your house, causing your heart to ache. *I've always wanted to do that with you, oppa. Hold hands and take walks when we were old...* you thought as a lump had formed in your throat. You opened your notebook and ripped a page out. You wrote a letter and spilled all your emotions into it.

Dear Jiyong,

You're never going to get this letter but I hate you right now. You left me without telling. I'm disappointed. We couldn't celebrate our first month anniversary. Are you still wearing that couple ring? Tell me you didn't fall in love with another girl. Is that why you moved. I wasn't good enough? Why did you have to leave to America?! You didn't even give m

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Chapter 15: waaaaaa okokok i know i'm like 3 years late but wowowowowowowowowowowowowow i loved it also i love your username! ahhhhhhhh i feel so happy
wanniewagon #2
Chapter 15: Gah!!! I really like it!! no..i dont like it...I LOVE IT!!! Super Awesome!! ♥♥♥
@WookLover: Sorry, I'm not making a sequel, but thank you for reading!♥

@shiningstar: ehe, thanks so much! I'm glad you liked it~
youxme #4
WOW that story was soooooooooooooooo nice. xD I LOVED IT SO MUCH!! the ending was soo cute ^0^

"i dont sit next to ugly girls"

awww <333
Love the story <3 hope that there will be a sequel ^^
@xxSilverFox: asdlfsdfldkmcsd thank you so much!! <33 ^^ Thank you for reading!
i read this when i didn't have an aff account, and i just remembered to comment today. D:
well anyway, i loved this fic ^^ ahahah it was so cute<3
@nhichole18: Hahhaha thank you! Yeah, I wanted to incorporate that in somehow! <3 Maybe he'll say that on your wedding LOL.
nhichole18 #9
Yay! That was really cute! ^^
and i like how you used their "line" until the end. :)
Thank you for sharing this!
Hope you'll write more GD fics :)
@asianFrustration: Aw, don't worry, one day I'll write a fic based on him. x3 Thanks for reading tho!