A favour

Our previous lifetime


Tiffany has prepared the draft and ready to show it to Taeyeon, Yoong and Jessica before finalise.

Wow...... the storyline is attractive! said Yoong smiled widely.

Oh my god, this is excellent! said Jessica smiling. 

........................... Taeyoen couldn't say anything. He kept staring at the article.

Taeyeon ssi, i-is it ok with you? asked Tiffany worried as Taeyeon has no expression on his face.

........................... H-How do you write this, Tiffany ssi? asked Taeyeon looked at her passionately.

I....... I just get the right feeling to write this out? said Tiffany looked at his onxy eyes.

The two of them just locked their eyes at each other, like nobody business.......

Ehem! Are you both done with your passionate eyes? asked Yoong teased and Jessica is giggling behind them.

Both Taeyeon and Tiffany realised and looked away awkwardly.

All right, if Taeyeon agreed, we will take this article as final and proceed to publish. said Jessica and everyone nodded their head.

Taeyeon offered to buy them dinner for this help and they went to an american restaurant.

While they are having their dinner happily, Old Mr Hwang called Tiffany.


Hi Daddy! (Hello Uncle.... - greeted Jessica from behind) said Tiffany smiled.

Oh, you are with Sica? Are you girls shopping now? asked Old Mr Hwang like asking his two daughters.

We are having dinner with Yoong and a friend. said Tiffany smiling.

A friend, do i know him? asked Old Mr Hwang trying his luck.

Ermm..... no, you do not know him daddy. said Tiffany looked Taeyeon shyly.

I see...... can you pass the phone to Jessica? asked Old Mr Hwang.

Hello uncle, how are you? When are you coming to Seoul for holiday? asked Jessica like talking to her own father.

Hello Sica..... yes, i will be going to Seoul maybe 3 more days. said Old Mr Hwang informed.

Jeongmal? Does Tiff know when to pick you up? asked Jessica looking at Tiffany.

No, i haven't tell her. By the way, do you know a person by the name of Kim Taeyeon? asked Old Mr Hwang directly.

Kim Taeyeon? Yes..... he is a good friend of Yoong and we are having dinner now. said Jessica smiling.

(Yoong, Taeyeon and Tiffany turned their head to Jessica).

I see. How long does Tiff know him? How are they getting along? Do they intend to get marry? asked Old Mr Hwang.

WHAT? Uncle, what makes you think that? asked Jessica laughed.

Old Mr Hwang told Jessica what "he heard" that day when he called Tiffany.

Ermm, i'm not sure when are they getting marry but you can ask Tiff about that. said Jessica laughed and passed the phone back to Tiffany.

Daddy, what did you asked Sica? She keep laughing...... asked Tiffany curiously.

I just asked her about your relationship with Kim Taeyeon. said Old Mr Hwang.

WHAT? H-How do you come to know about him? asked Tiffany surprised.

I was about to introduce my friend's son that day when i called. But i heard you mentioned Kim Taeyeon and i thought he is your boyfriend, isn't he? asked Old Mr Hwang wanted to ensure.

Ermm...... Yes he is! So, pls don't try to match-make me with your friend's son, daddy. said Tiffany lied.

All right, if you said that. In that case, I want to meet Kim Taeyeon when i reached Seoul in 3 days. said Old Mr Hwang smiled.

Mwo? You are coming to Seoul? Jeongmal? asked Tiffany unbelieve her father is coming to Seoul just to meet Taeyeon.

Of course, jinjja...... i'm going to meet my future son in-law. (hahaha) Bye..... said Old Mr Hwang happily.

What's wrong? asked Yoong and Taeyeon looking at Tiffany.

My dad mistaken Taeyeon ssi is my b-boyfriend and he is coming to Seoul 3 days later..... it is my fault. said Tiffany sighed.

Tiffany told them what happen that day when her father called and lead him to mistaken about Taeyeon and her.

Taeyeon ah....... can you help Tiff by posing as her boyfriend? So that she can escape the match-making from her father? asked Jessica smiled.

Arrasso! Since she help me for this article..... i will help her too. said Taeyeon smiled.

Jinjja? You will help me...... asked Tiffany unbelieve.

Taeyeon nodded his head and ensure her.

Wow...... I can't miss this show then! (haha) said Yoong laughed and he being elbowed by Taeyeon.




Hihi....... you guys must waiting to see this "show" too......right? stay tune and comment then...... XD

From: Taenyyoz (cranky author)

Updated: 18.11.13

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Chapter 15: Love this
Chapter 15: Great story you wrote there. keep on writing taenyyoz. Taeny fighting!!
Chapter 15: Happy family at the end;)
gabiel #4
Chapter 15: wow this story was great ! ! !
i hope you have more story to make??
Chapter 15: the happily Kim Family! ^^
good story, author-ssi :D

and, they're really ert couple. lolol xD
taenykyu #6
Chapter 15: im very suprised yoona n soo had date but im corius too,are taeyeon n tiffany date too?i hope they date n find good guy to complete n happy for they life....sone 4ever.
Chapter 15: No matter what happen,i'll support my GG 4ever..they happy,i'm happy too..
But like u said author,enough wt yoona n sooyoung news..i cnt tke more news bout they dating some1..looLL
But dnt stop writing,continue author..
Chapter 15: yeah i agree with milkychowder, u still can continue the story for fanfics author sii :)

thanks for the happy ending :)
Chapter 15: i feel you author ssi. it's hurt for me too. i have a mental breakdown you know. but there's 3 sentences i use to get rid of this.

LET IT GO . . .

i keep telling myself if that make soshi happy then i'm happy too, even it's hurt me. :')
Chapter 15: Authorshi i feel so sad for sudden end of most of your story i really like all your story im taeny shipper also hope you could still continue to right pls....