Tears Of Mind [SEMI-HIATUS]

Hearing the birds chirping, she opened her eyes slowly. She turned her head to the side, she sees Luhan sleeping on the couch inside his room. She look at the clock, it's 7.00 AM in the morning. It's still early to wake him up.

"He looks so tired", she said.

She takes the blanket and covers his body with it. She don't want to wake him up too early so she decides to wake him after she finish prepare the breakfast. She go to the kitchen and looks at the cupboard.

"There's... nothing? What do he eat everyday if there's nothing inside this cupboard?", she mumbled while scratching her head.

"Oh! Maybe there's something inside the refrigerator", she plucked her fingers and open the refrigerator. And there's nothing too.

"Hmm... It's all empty. How can I cook something for breakfast? There's no way that I will go to the market to buy something after what had happened to us", she said and starts to think.

How can she find something to eat without going outside and doesn't have to bother him sleeping. There's nothing that she can do. She goes inside his room and looks at him who is still sleeping soundly. She didn't dare to wake him up. She goes to the living room and sit at the couch. Trying to figure out something. Then, someone hug her from back.

"Kyaa!~", she shouted while pushing the hands that hug her.

"Aigoo ah!~ You scream like I'm a ghost....", he muttered while rubbing his back as he fall on the floor when she pushed him.

"Luhan ah~ I'm sorry... I thought that you were still sleeping", she said grinning, quickly pulling her boyfriend up to sit beside him.

"Well... My dream told me to wake up and look at you", he said, smiling sheepishly while scratching his neck.

"Yah!~ Stop being so cliché....", she rolled her eyes. 

"Whatever, Lee Ji Eun...", he sticks out his tongue to her. She just shooks her head to see his childish attitude.

"Anyway... Why did you wake up so early? I thought that you were tired", he asked.

"Well... I thought that you were more tired than me...", she said, grinning. He just pinched her soft cheeks.

"I thought of preparing some breakfast for you before waking you up, but... Your kitchen is empty", she said, looking at his face.

He just grinning and lowered his head. "Well... I always eat at the school or buy food at the mall. Sometimes I just eat ramen but since it's nothings left... Let's us just not eat anything today", he said chuckling.

"Yah!~ You are...", she said, glancing at him. 

"I'm what?", he asked playfully, try to do his cute face.

"...silly", she finished her sentence which makes him burst out into laughter. "What so funny?", she asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Alright... I'll find some food for you", he said and stands up from his seat but she pull his hand.

"Not for me, but for us", she said strictly.

"Alright my love. Wait for me, here. And remember. No matter what happen, never ever try to open the door unless it's me. Got it?", he warned her.

"But why?", she asked, tilting her head.

"Just listen to my words. Arasso?", he said. She just nodded her head.

"Wait for me", he said and kisses her right cheek then quickly going outside his house. He locked the door and even take the keys with him. He can't trust that she will listen to his warning.

A few seconds later, she touch her right cheek. She can feels that her face turns red.

"Aishhh!~ It just a kiss on my cheeks, not more than that", she said and shooks her head before thinking of something else.

"But... I wonder how it looks like if he gave a kiss on my lips...", she said, grinning and try to imagine it.

"Yah!~ Ji Eun! What are you trying to think! Stop thinking nonsense things!", she said while hitting her head many times.




She sit on the couch and wait for him to come home patiently. Then, she heard a knock on the door.

"Luhan? He's so fast...", she said giggling while stand up happily to open the door. 

But then her steps stopped when the knock on the door become the harsh one. It's weird, Luhan will not knocking the door like that. She step backwards and do like what he ask her. She keep silented and sit on the couch silently. After a few seconds, the knock on the door become stronger and it looks like that the door will opened by itself althought Luhan had locked it.

"What should I do...", she become terrified.

"Yah!~ Luhan! Come out! Don't be a coward, dude!", the person yelled. It seems like a guy. And he sounded like he's really angry.

She raise her legs on the couch and hug he knees. She even bited her nails because she feels very terrified. It somehow looks like her father who always do that to her. Knocking the door violently.

"Luhan will come home soon, so relax Ji Eun. Everything will be fine", she said to herself as she trying to coax herself.

"Luhan! Come out or I'll break this door!", he shouted.

She kept silented like before but her tears start to fall down on her cheeks. She doesn't know what she should do. If she wants to hide, there's no place that she can hide herself.

"One...", he start to count.






"Well... You had challenged me to do this", he said and....

The door is opened. Her eyes widen when she see there's a figure appeared at the door. And it's really a guy. He approached her and now... He's standing in front of her. She doesn't even dare to look at him so she just lowered her head. He's bending his body and cupped her face harshly. She's still not looking at him.

"Where's him?", he asked gently.

She just stay silent.

"Where's him", he raise a bit his voice, a bit harsh for her to hear it.

She kept silented.

"Where's him?!", he asked angrily, and even grip her face more stronger.

It's hurt. But nothing she can do. She's not strong but weak. She clenched her fist. She don't know what should she do now.

"I ask for the last time. WHERE'S HIM? LUHAN. THAT BASTARD!", he said, while cursing Luhan.

She began feel angry when heard he called Luhan 'bastard'. She push him which cause him to fall on the floor.

"He's not a bastard! Don't you dare to call him that!", she yelled at him but that's earn her a slap on her face.

Her cheeks turns red after being slapped by him. She become silent like before now. He pull her hair and cupped her face again, looking at her with his death glance.

"I just asked you a simple question, but you make it become a hard one. Girl. Always with their annoying attitude...", he said while rolling his eyes. Her eyes start to glaze.

"I ask for the last time. WHERE'S HIM?!", he raise his voice at her. It's clear enough, too clear for her to hear it.

Silence. That's all that he got from his question.

"I'm done with this", he said while pushed her until she hit the couch behind her. Her back feels very hurt.

"You", he said while walking towards her.

He even hold his belt and he smirked evily. Her lips start to tremble and her body is shaking too because of the fear. Her tears start to escape from her eyes. She bited her nails. She can't run away.

"Well... You know what.... You're... Beautiful...", he smirked while touch her face. She just closed her eyes as she feels very scared.




"I bet that she will like with what I brought for her", Luhan said grinning while walking home, he's already near with his house.

His smile disappear when he see that the gate opened. He quickly run to his house and see that the front door opened widely.

"Ji Eun!", he running inside his house.

His eyes widen when he see that his house turns messy. And it's clear enough to tell him that something bad happened when he was gone. He rushing inside his house and find her everywhere.

"Ji Eun! Ji Eun! Where are-", his words was cut off when he see a note on the table.

He take it immediately and read it.


Hello! Hello! Well... As you know... Your beloved girlfriend is gone when you're home. Because she's with me. Haha! Now I have your precious girlfriend and she's quite pretty too.... Well... You know what I mean, right? So... Come here quickly if you want she save... from me. Haha! And I think that I didn't have to write down my name because I'm sure that you know who am I, right? See you soon.... BROTHER. Haha!


He screwing up the note angrily. He knows who is it and there's only one person that would do that.

"Darn you, Sehun!", he shouted.



Hello! I'm back with another chapter! Sorry for the long wait. Kekekeke ~ XD Anyway, hope you'll like it :D And I added Sehun into this story, hope you didn't mind it >_< Sorry for the grammar/spelling error. Thanks for subscribe and upvote! ^^



Hi! I've corrected mistakes, but because I was maybe to hypnotized by the story itself, well... I maybe missed some of them^^

Bye lovely subbies <3

The co-author

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[Tears Of Mind] chapter 15 & 16 updated! ^^


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Chapter 17: does sehun returned to korea to find iu?
can't wait next chapter~ >‿<.
update soon and hwaiting author-min 9(>‿◕.)9
Chapter 17: actually i didnt ship nina and sehun here-_-
Chapter 17: why hate luhan? sehun
Chapter 17: yehet... HanU together again... ^ ^
familywinnerx #5
Chapter 14: It's have been a long time since you update and it's great to have you back .Great update and you should reveal why Sehun hate Luhan. Update and make a great chapter .
Chapter 14: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh~
finally they met but it so sad cause luhan can't see iu,
update soon author-min and i hope the ending iu and luhan cause they love each other <3
keep calm and hwaiting author-min 9(>‿◕.)9
*can't wait to read next update ♪♪♪~
Chapter 14: make sehun iuuuuuuuuuuuuuu]
ririyin #8
Chapter 14: Please make it sehun iu. .
alikaweiner #9
Chapter 13: Can't wait for next update :D
Chapter 13: o m g n o

thanks for updating! great update.