Hopes and reality

One Fine Autumn

"I insisted to MARRY KYUNGSOO no matter what, appa." Jongin was too angry so he raised his voice without he even realised.

Kyungsoo never seen Kyungsoo so angry before, he was scared. He whispered to Jongin, "honey, no matter what happened, he is still your father. Mind your manners."

"You can't marry Kyungsoo, Jongin. He is actually your brother," the fact which Jongin's mother just told, shocked both Kyungsoo and Jongin. "WHAT?!" Kyungsoo round eyes gone even round and bigger, staring at his mother for explaination.

But before Kyungsoo's mother opened , Kyungsoo fainted in Jongin's arms.


Kyungsoo was diagnosed only havong 30% of his eyesight power. That was the main reason why he always feel dizzy and doesn't sleep well. Jongin cried when he heard the doctor. He hardly believe the round-eyes doll he loves will turn blind one day. How can Kyungsoo chase his dream to become a pattiseur when he can't even see? Kyungsoo's body condition was too weak, so the doctor suggested him to stay in the hospital for few days.

Jongin stepped into Kyungsoo's ward. Kyungsoo's eyes were closed tightly, but Jongin can see he wasn't sleeping peacefully. He looks the same, yet different. Kyungsoo's face showed that he's worry.

"No matter what happened, I will still take care of you, as I promised. Promises are promises, I can't break them," Jongin kissed Kyungsoo gently and bid goodbye, to his love ones who was still lying on the bed.

"omma, tell me what happened? How can Kyungsoo be my brother?" Jongin can't help his curiousity. The moment he stepped in the banglo, he asked his mother about the truth.

"Son, it's a long story. Grab a chair. I will tell you everything..." 


19 years ago, in a village...

Kyungsoo's mother gave birth. It was a baby boy! Again. Kyungsoo's father already passed away few months before their second son was born. Kyungsoo's mother had no choice but to give up her second son. It was really hard, but her ecomony condition forced her to do so.

Three days after the baby was born, a rich family came to take the baby away. That's why years after that, Kyungsoo's mother being over protective over Kyungsoo.

She already lost her son once, she doesn't want the history to replay.

Jongin was the baby boy. Who was forced to separate from his mother since baby.


"So this is why you can't marry Kyungsoo.." Jongin's mother wiped her tears off. "Sorry for keeping the secret for such a long time, trust me. All this while, your father and I both feel huilty. But we really have no choice."


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