Jumping the conclusion

One Fine Autumn

Kyungsoo was actually standing at a bakery shop opposite the coffee shop where Sehun and Jongin were. He saw Sehun hugged Jongin, like what he used to do. Without even asking Jongin, he jumed the conclusion.

"Jongin doesn't need me anymore. Why am I so stupid to keep thinking of him?" Kyungsoo secretly pour tears. He went back home, and pack his things, and prepare to move out of the house. Thinking it was too rude to leave without notes, he grab a pen and a piece of paper, and write:

"Bye Jongin. I think I should move on, since you already did. Thanks for loving me all these days and take care of me. You found your knight in shining armour, let me fing my peter pan. Let those memories be memories. Evan if you forget them, I will always keep them in my mind. These are the most precious things in my life."

Then Kyungsoo fold the paper into a heart shaped origami, and placed it on the kitchen table. He saw a picture of him in Jongin's arms, smiling broaly. Kyungsoo took that photo and put it in his ;uggage, then step out of the house. A taxi is waiting.

Anhour later, Jongin reached home. He realised something had changed. He shouted Kyungsoo's name like a psyco and check all the rooms in the house, hoping he can found him. But...

He's gone.

Then he saw the origami. Opening it, he then read Kyungsoo's final message to him.

"What knight in shinning armour?"

He dialled Kyungsoo's phone but it all went to voice mail. He was so frusrated and drove to Jong Ah's house which was located thousand miles away. On the way, a lorry crashed his car and the next thing Jongin knew, he saw a piece of black.

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