It's improving!

One Fine Autumn

Summer past, the temperature began to drop. But Kyungsoo and Jongin's relationship didn't go by the weather. Once Jongin called Kyungsoo out to a park near their university. They spent time by the lakeside, talking about their families, dreams and studis...then the sky was turing dim. Kyungsoo was worried because he left his umbrella at home. Jongin had umbrella with him but Kyungsoo felt weird sharing an umbrella with Jongin. Yes, they were close, Kyungsoo had feelings towards Jongin, but...what Jongin thinks about him? Somemore, "I can't be a gay right?" sometimes Kyungsoo wonder when Jongin's shadow keep bothering him.

Unexpectly, the rain pours heavily, when Kyungsoo was still thinking. Jongin quickly opened his umbrella and pull Kyungsoo in his arms. Kyungsoo and Jongin, both were shocked. These were their thoughts:

Kyungsoo: "Is Jongin feeling the same....with me....?"

Jongin: "Omo I did it! One great step! I took one great step in front!"

Slowly, and unexpected, Jongin whispered to Kyungsoo, gently, "I love you, and I wish you know..."

It was an awkward silence between both of them. Kyungsoo was starled for the first 3 seconds. But Jongin felt like its 30 years.

Jongin was worrying much, then he felt a cold touch on his back, and heard Kyungsoo voice by his ears, "Yes I know it now. RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW, LET THE TREES BE OUR WITNESSES, I'M YOURS."

Jongin cried when he heard Kyungsoo confessed. He held Kyungsoo's hands and hugged his boyfriend tight.

-To be continued. this fanfic has 11 chapters :) -

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