The creative doll I love

One Fine Autumn

"Happy birthday, Jongin.." Kyungsoo whispered to Jongin the moment Jongin stepped in their home sweet home. "Today is my birthday?" Jongin was wondering. "Nae, I guess you are too busy with studies, darling..." Kyungsoo kissed Jongin on his cheek. "I think so, thanks so much Soo, honey," Jongin wrapped his arms around Kyungsoo's waist and kissed him back on his lips. Kyungsoo then smiled and pull Jongin into their bedroom, "shower then we will have dinner!" Jongin smiled broadly, he knew Kyungsoo had prepared a special surprise for him.

"Ah, I am so lucky to have you, my creative door. How can I not love you, Soo?"

The dining table was set nicely with candles and flowers. Jongin was amazed qith Kyungsoo's creativity, again. Jongin was touched with those things Kyungsoo arranged, even when he suffered from migrain. Everytime Jongin called Kyungsoo to go for a medical checkup, Kyungsoo called him not to worry. Sometimes, Jongin will massage Kyungsoo, because he thinks Kyungsoo has too much pressure in studies.

"Kyungsoo, I love this.." Jongin slowly held Kyungsoo's hand and told him. "I'm glad you love it. I rush so much to prepare and the dinner is lack of something," Kyungsoo was relieved when he heard Jongin. Jongin's favourite salmon was sold out, he had no choice but to buy a different type of fish. "I don't care. Everything is perfect when it comes to you," Jongin held Kyungsoo's hand and lead him to the dining table.

The dinner was awesome. Both of them had a good time.After the dinner, then cleaning up the kitchen, they played classical saxophone music, and dance in the living room. As their eyes met, Jongin whispered, "you know what? I never know what will happen if I didn't met you.." Kyungsoo answered, "withou you, I am nothing too. Promise me, you will never leave me?" "Obviously I won't! You are everything that I own. How can I life without you?" Jongin kissed Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo: "Until death separate us.. promise?" "promise. You are mine, forever." Kyungsoo rested his head at Jongin's broad chest.

The next day they woke up, side by side in the bed. "I'm glad it's Saturday," Jongin smirked naughtyly, staring at Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo's eyes are still closed, still asleep. Jongin took the opportunity to take a closer look at him. Without he can control, he slants his lips gently on Kyungsoo's, and sweep Kyungsoo's fringe aside, before kissing him hard at the forehead.

Kyungsoo woke up that time. "Oh? So you are doing this when I'm still asleep! Such opportunist!" Kyungsoo pushed Jongin to the bed, and kiss him hard. "Oh hyung I just realised you are so cute! Since when? Last year? Yesterday? Last night?" Jongin knows Kyungsoo will stop when he said that. As he expected, Kyungsoo slaps his arms and get off the bed, to the bathroom. Jongin sat by the bed, and smile, thinking of Kyungsoo's cuteness and childishness.

"I just can't stop falling in love with you, Soo" Jongin turned and stared at their picture in the frame. Kyungsoo was smiling happily in his arms, at Jeju Island. That was thier first trip together.

-To be continue, 8 more chapters to go :) -

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