
One Fine Autumn

"Which one of you is his family member?" the doctor popped out a question. Jong Ah and Kyungsoo looked at each other, then Jong Ah said, "I am his sister." "Okay I need you to sign this paper. Patient needs an urgent operation, his lungs are at crictical state."

Kyungsoo cried badly, thinking it was all his fault. Jong Ah signed the paper and comforted Kyungsoo. Jong Ah's husband arrived, three of them were praying non-stop outside the operation room.

Moon hang up high in the sky, replacing the sun. Jongin was still struggling in the operation room, while Kyungsoo was tired, and lifelessly sitting outside the room.


Kyungsoo remembered he used to watch Pororo cartoon in Jongin's arms when they had freetime. Jongin would joked by relating pororo and Kyungsoo's round eyes. He would defend himself, saying that Jongin's skin was as dark as dark chocolate. Their fight were childish and Jongin will usually ended up laughing and declared Kyungsoo as the winner. Then Kyungsoo will cheer happily, and said "Yay, I win!" and Jongin will hug him tightly, saying that happens bacause he tolerated. Kyungsoo will then fight back, saying he deserves that win.

Those memories are preciousl Now he can just pray that Jongin recovers and they will spend more time together in future.

When he was still flashing back memories, a doctor came out and annpuced, 'JHongin is still alive but he's in coma state' Kyungsoo's heart immediately torn into pieces. Jong Ah cried badly in her husband's arms. Jongin was then transferred to the ICU ward. And Kyungsoo was the first one who visited him in the special ward.

Kyungsoo went in the ICU ward with broken heart. Jongin's eyes were close tightly. Bandage on his head and limbs made Kyungsoo's tears pour again. He whispered to Jongin," I think its all because of me. Wake up Jongin, I promise I won't treat you like that anymore. Forgive me Jongin...I miss you so much, please recover faster..." Kyungsoo hold Jongin's hand and look at his face, "I love you," Kyungsoo can't control himself, so he quickly step out the ward before he do something extra ordinary.

Life without Jongin was boring and plain. Kyungsoo stepped in the house he and Jongin used to live. Looking at old pictures and thinking about what they did hurts a lot. Kyungsoo totally transformed into another person after the incident. He became unhappy and anti-social. He worked as a pattiseur at a bakery near their house.

Leaves, trees, and scenery still looks the same as the first time he met Jongin, but things changed.

-To be continue, two more chapters left :) -


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