You and I

One Fine Autumn

The decision was made. The agreement letters were signed. Kyungsoo at the same time, also receive a good news. He found his eye donor. After undergoing operation, he can finally sees the beautiful world again.

Jongin donated his lungs, heart, kidney and eyes to five different recepients. He's gone forver, but never disappear from the memory of his loved ones.

Kyungsoo had a new life with his new eyes. He prayed that his eyes donor will be rested at heaven.


"Jongin ah, rest in peace..." Kyungsoo put a bouquet of roses and lavender at Jongin's grave. Jongin in the picture, smiling at his lovely boyfriend.

It was late autumn, like the first time they met five years ago. The weather was breezy, yet warm. Kyungsoo tells Jongin latest stories about himself. The temparature drops, Kyungsoo feels cold. Suddenly a jacket wrapping around his body, like what Jongin usally did to him by their favourite lakeside. He turns, and saw Chanyeol smiling at him.

"It's late, let's make a move now," Baekhyun was holding Chanyeol's hand and Chanyeol naturally wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's shoulder. "Okay, give me five minutes," Kyungsoo smiles and pack up his things. "Bye yeobo, will visit you again soon," Kyungsoo stared at Jongin in the picture, making a promise.


"This sudoku is so damn hard I can't solve it! Yeobo ah, you are such a genius." Jongin told Kyungsoo when he finally gave up on the sudoku he was trying to solve since an hour ago, which Kyungsoo already accomplished his mission ten minutes ago.

"Oh wae? Sudoku wasn't that hard if you know the technique..." Kyungsoo moved his body to be closer to Jongin, to take a look at the sudoku. "Grr, let's forget abput it and sleep!" Jongin pull Kyungsoo in his arms and pull the blanket. Kyungsoo slaped Jongin's arms and said, "you 're so impatient, that's why you can't solve it!" "Hahahaha I don't care. I know I always have a smart hyung to help me figure out," Jongin pinched Kyungsoo's nose and squeezed his hand. "Squishy hyung," Jongin kissed Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo woke up from his so-real dream. "It must be I'm thinking too much about Jongin.." A piece of blur. Kyungsoo walks to the kitchen and calm himself by drinking aglass of milk. He wipes his tears off and switches on the television.

Pororo cartoon is showing.

The cute penguin reminds him more about Jongin.

Turn off the tv and get back to bed. He hugs the teddy bear Jongin gave him as his Valentines' present and turn off the light, hoping for a quality sleep.

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